Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Auras and dreams

Nope, not the kind Psychics see. The kind you get if you are a migraine sufferer ~ which apparently I am. I thought for the last couple years that I was having terrible sinus headaches. When they started to make me physically ill, I figured it was something more. I'm pretty smart eh?! Along with some of my migraines, I also have olfactory auras. Your brain can really come up with some strange stuff can't it!? I learned that yesterday when I was diagnosed with migraines instead of a brain tumor ~ which is what I told my doctor I had. Because really, if your head hurts like you're going to die, it must be a brain tumor! Anyway, last weeks migraine was accompanied by the smell of Pierre Cardin men's cologne. It's a nice smell though and it sure made me smile. An old flame of mine used to wear that, 30 years ago. Damn, when did I get that old? I got some sample "miracle" drugs for the next migraine. I hope it works.

All of that brain tumor talk made me have the weirdest dreams last night. Uh huh, about having a brain tumor. Oh, and the old flame who used to wear Pierre Cardin men's cologne. And marrying my husband and having a baby. I'm sure my brain threw that last one in to compensate for dreaming about an old lover. hahahahahaha. I like my brain :-)


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