Friday, May 14, 2010


Do you ever wonder why we eat some of the things we do?

Haven't you ever wondered who the first person was that thought of eating an artichoke? And how did they decide when the right time to pick it was ? If you wait too long, it looks like this;

So you have to pick it before it flowers. And even at that, it's got little prickly things on the end.
Who was the first brave person to eat an avocado?

Some things just don't look that edible. Clams or oysters come to mind. AND they smell. Who was the first person that thought to pry this open,

and that it looked good enough to eat?

Brussel sprouts, which look like this;

are definitely not something you think you would want to try.

And who went to all the trouble to eat peas?! Why not eat them like you do green beans?

You know the first person who ate an egg, ate it raw. Yuck.

But then some other smarty pants decided to cook it and presto!

And know they ate the whole thing, shell and all, in the beginning.

And whoever thought THIS looked good....

God bless them!!!!!! Where would we be without salt!

Oh, and SUGAR!

They should be sainted for sure!
Sort of makes you appreciate your dinner a lot more doesn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what about figs and kiwis? I wouldn't want to be the first one to eat something fuzzy.