Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cancer Sucks!

But life is good :-)

Remember last week when I said I had no clue how a man would handle knowing he had cancer?
I have a clue now. Of course my man is a fatalist, so you know where this is going...he was sure that his bone scan and CT scan would show that his whole body was affected. I was pretty sure it wouldn't ~ but I have faith and a more positive attitude. So for the last couple weeks, after hearing the words, "you have cancer" he's been telling me and showing me how to do things. Like how to reset the garbage disposal and how to cook Thanksgiving dinner. He's also been finishing up some things around the house and giving me extra long hugs. He's also been A LOT more appreciative of life in general.

OK, I admit, I was a little scared. But I was scared for him. I wasn't worried about what would happen to me or what I was going to do. I was scared about how he was going to handle things and how awful it would be for him, etc. He on the other hand, was scared for the exact same reasons...regarding ME! Ahhh love.

Oh yeah, so anyway, he's having surgery next week to remove the big ugly word and that's that.
His vision of life and the world around him has changed dramatically. It's nice and I hope this new found gratitude sticks with him. Faith, prayer, a positive attitude, love, all of it can move mountains. Of course I can't pretend to know how it feels to have the big ugly word inside you, but I can imagine. Thankfully, I haven't had to imagine anything worse. whew!

I believe it's true that the biggest and most important prayer you can say is...

1 comment:

Chuck's Daughter said...

Sounds like you should celebrate with a BIG donut. :)