Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Don't you get tired of all the extra fees tacked onto things!?

I hate it when you buy tickets to a show or concert and they SAY tickets start at $40. But when you buy that ticket, it ends up being $58! So now, that $80/$90 I budgeted for, turned into $120!  I wish they would just add the fee into the price of the ticket and be done with it. Because honestly, it really pisses me off when I see the breakdown and how much the fees are.

A couple weeks ago I ordered some paper strips online, for quilling. Actually, I ordered a lot of paper. (It was on saleJ) Anyway, it came to something like $30. But when I got to the checkout page, the total was almost $45 dollars! Shipping was $11. What?! People must not pay attention to those things when they purchase things online. Otherwise, company’s wouldn’t think they could get away with that, right? I wasn’t about to pay that for shipping…so I just went somewhere else, where I ordered MORE paper strips for the same amount and only paid $3.60 for shipping. Yes, I should have shopped around first, but that’s not the point!

Then there’s that annoying “hospitality” fee. The definition of hospitality is;
1. the friendly reception and treatment of guests or strangers.
2. the quality or disposition of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a warm, friendly, generous way.
Is there anything friendly or warm about treating guests to an extra fee or tax? I ask you! They should have called it a bendover fee.

Oh, and luggage fees? Seriously? Just raise the price of the ticket dag-nabit! Geez. It’s so, in your face, to say they’re going to charge you to bring your clothes with you. It’s stupid.

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