Thursday, April 9, 2015

crap in the news....

...there's been A LOT of crap in the news lately! Geesh! I can't always tell you why a story catches my eye though. Of course you'll know exactly why some of them do...

Like this awesome story about dogs and cats;

And this one was fun in a quirky sort of way;

Then there was this crazy story about Penn, from Penn and Teller. He lost 105 pounds in THREE MONTHS!!???

This one goes in the "bizarre" category for sure;

And of course there's all the news about that STOOPID cop who killed the guy as he was running away. But the headline that really made me go, "huh," was this one;

It said something about shooting sparks protests. I didn't read them all but my thought was, protests? What the hell are they protesting. The guy was charged w/murder, fired and thrown in jail. I don't get it. Oh I'm sure there's more to it than that, but the verbiage was bad.

And last, but not least, this story about becoming younger!

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