Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Social media

Were you affected by the Instagram/Facebook outage yesterday? Did you survive?!

Do you follow a lot of people/businesses on either of those? I don't have that many FB friends so it didn't really bother me too much. I sure didn't miss all the ads though! I did, however, miss my stuff on Instagram. Again, I don't have hardly any friends on Instagram but I follow a lot of quilling people, good news pages, animal/dogs pages, crafty stuff.  

Honestly, I had no idea it was so stressful to SO MANY people!! Wow. I mean, I know there are a lot of people that base their whole day on what's on social media, but really??? Holy smokes!

There should be more outages :-) Even if they're planned. You know, like when the kids were little, we had "no TV" nights. I loved those. Everyone always found other things to do. Imagine that. No, really, imagine. hahahaha

I see so much good in the internet. I also see much I don't want to see. How do you create a balance?  

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