Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fox pee

Well, we got our fox pee last week. I carefully sprinkled it around the woodchucks hole and a little beyond, just to be safe. So far...NO woodchuck!! Woohoo. Although, after talking with a varmit terminator, I learned that their territory covers a lot of ground and they cycle through it. So it might spend a few days at our burrow and then move on to the neighboring burrow etc. Then it will start over. So it could be coincidental that it's not around right now. OR it could be that we didn't really need to buy any fox pee because we have a real live one! I saw it this morning. It didn't seemed to be bothered by my presence and was pretty casual. But I'm happy to think that perhaps, the real red fox has accommodated us by eating the pesky woodchuck!

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