Friday, January 21, 2011

Health Care Reform

Yes, we need it. Do we need the reform plan that's in place right now? No.
If you've never suffered from a serious injury, medical procedure or sickness, you would be shocked at the cost of health care. A broken ankle will cost you about $35K ~ and that's with insurance. Triple that if you don't have health insurance. Of course, if you didn't have health insurance, you would probably file bankruptcy because you could never pay off a bill like that.
I remember thinking when they wheeled me into surgery for my ankle, "I don't really give a shit that there's nice art on the walls in the hallway, but I'm sure I'll be paying for it!" (Yes, I understand about R&D) I also wonder, why does the medical profession/industry charge $1000 for something if the negotiated rate with the insurance company is only $180.00? That's just stupid.
I brought all this up because we've pretty much gotten all the bills for the removal of the big ugly word. The grand total was $66,292.56. The negotiated rate paid by insurance was $38,107.57.
The craziest charge was $11,00.00 for the biopsy!! Insurance paid $1186. So why do they even bother to say they charge $11,000 if they really only want $1186.?

Don't take that the wrong way...I'm sooooooo grateful, every single day. But holy bananas!

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