Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Don't you hate it when you wake up in a bad mood ~ for no reason? Actually, I have about 100 reasons but none of them stand out as that ONE reason. I'm sure I'll get over it but still, it's a crappy way to start the day.

Apparently our little winter warm up was just enough to soften up the ground...that STUPID FRICKIN mole is back! There are ridges ALL OVER our front yard. It really puts a damper on wanting to look forward to Spring and gardening. Seriously, how do we get rid of it? Grrrrrrr. I don't even feel bad about wanting it to die. Moles aren't even cute. Oh sure I know...all God's creatures...but come on! Enough already. Hmmm...I think that little rant made me feel better. I might have to come back and rant some more today!

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