Monday, May 14, 2012

Mom's and stuff

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and if you're a Mom, I hope you felt loved in every way that mattered!

Friday night, we took Mom to an Indians game. Bill always says that baseball is as boring as watching paint dry but he says he had a nice time. It was a perfect night out. Not too hot, not humid, no clouds in the sky. And Victory Stadium is pretty nostalgic. They did an excellent job on it. Plus, there were fireworks after the game - which we won by the way!

Saturday, I didn't wake up until a little after NOON. And then it was only because Bill came in to make sure I was ok. I popped right up after I looked at the clock! It's been yeeeeeeears since I slept that late! That was weird. Anyway, the rest of the day was filled with regular house things and a trip to Hobby Lobby to get a mat for my last quilled artwork. I'm SO happy with it;

Sometimes when I look at it, I can't believe *I* made that!

Sunday, Mom came over to our house. We took a little trip to Ace Hardware, where they were having 20% of perennials. She bought some more flowers - she's gone hog wild this year! Oh, and I bought some too. Don't laugh. I might actually be able to keep them all alive this year. Mom says I only have to water them :-) I tried to pick things that said hardy. It appears that I've made a total commitment now! This is what I ended up with;

If it seems like I'm failing, I'll send out an SOS to da mama.

Next was dinner at Cynthia's Cantina, where chicken enchiladas were the house special. Yum-O! I make pretty yummy enchiladas if I do say so. And something low fat and healthy for dessert...homemade strawberry smoothies.

Love you Mom, you're the BEST!

It was a downright wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

Chuck's Daughter said...

You're so cute and so is da mama!