Friday, June 29, 2012

Happy Friday!

Man it's hot. How hot? I'm glad you's so hot I saw two trees fighting over a dog. Thank you, thank you very much. hahahahahahahaha

When I got in my car to go home yesterday, my temperature thingy said it was 108 out! This whole next week is going to be in the upper 90's. Yuck. I'm SO GLAD Mom got a new AC a couple months ago. It's too hot to sit around being hot.

I'm not watering the lawn, that's kind of a lost cause right now. But I'm still watering my tomato plant and all my new flowers. So far, they're all still alive! I feel very accomplished :-)

I don't think anybody has anything to do this weekend but stay indoors. It's a good plan. I expect to be quilling and reading this weekend. My favorite things.

this is from a Q&A on the penalty if you don't buy health insurance;
Can I be exempt from the tax? Yes. The economic hardship exemption is available to avoid the tax penalty. You're eligible if:

◦You have a religious objection
◦You are not lawfully present in the United States
◦You are in prison
◦The cheapest health care plan available on your state's insurance exchange would cost more than 8% of your annual income
◦You are a member of an Indian tribe
◦You experience only short gaps in coverage
◦You have suffered a hardship with respect to the capability to obtain coverage

Ummm, a religious objection? Ohhhhhh, I can't wait to see how that's interpreted!

Thursday, June 28, 2012


That last post was my 666th post....I couldn't leave it there so now you get this totally worthless post! Sorry :-)


Did you know that you can get a passport card? It's not good for international travel but you can get back in with a passport card, from Mexico, the Bahamas and Canada. I didn't know that. That's GREAT!

Bill and Mom and I are going to Niagara Falls. Mom says she's always wanted to see Niagara Falls. Me too! Bill doesn't care but he likes being around us so he's coming too. I decided that when we come back, we should go the northern route, through Canada. That's why I know about the passport 'card'.

Now all I have to do is find my birth certificate...I put it away, some place safe, so I could find it when I needed it...

it's probably with my missing social security card.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I love some of the catalogs I get in the mail. Especially the ones with 'stuff' in them. You know, gadgets of all kinds, silly gifts, etc. I want to buy it ALL!!! Like infomercials on TV. I want ALL that stuff! Right now I'm really having to hold myself back from purchasing that expandable hose! Oh man, I really need it! LOL
That's the coolest thing ever! If they could get the ShamWow dude to sell them, they would make a billion dollars!

Last night, I saw these in a catalog - pot holders;

get it? POT holder?! hahahahahahaha. I think I might know a pot head who would appreciate the humor in this.

Friday, June 22, 2012

sum sum summer time!

Happy summer everybody! Here in Indiana, it doesn't get dark until about 10pm. Why? Because we're in the eastern time zone. Why? I wish I knew. It must be really tough if you have kids and want to send them to bed at 8i:00 or 9:00 and it's still light out. I went to bed about a quarter till 10 last night and it was a little weird that it there was still light in the sky.

Tomorrow is the big 1/2 Price Books annual clearance sale!! I'm soooo excited!

Sunday is the Steel Ponies exhibit at the Eiteljorg Museum. That part is for Bill. They are also having the big Indian Market. That part is for me :-) The Eiteljorg is a museum of American Indian and Western art. Steel ponies are motorcycles, case you didn't know.

Last night, my man asked me when we're getting a buddy for Pepper?! Poor Pepper. She just wants to be a dog and play. Greta just wants to be a baby and cuddle. Perhaps this weekend I'll look into it. Dogs rule you know.

July 4th is right around the corner. Hooray! Fireworks!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

my faorite color

My favorite color is lime green. It's been lime green for a long long time. My 2nd favorite color is purple. My favorite combo of colors is lime green, bright pink and orange.
I love that lime green is so trendy right now. It's everywhere! And I'm making hay while the sun shines baby!

Except for this;
But if we needed a vacuum....

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012


Oh, I didn't actually mean nature's food - honey. But since I just said that ~ Saturday morning Mom and I went to the local farmer's market. It's not gigantic but I suspect it will get bigger as more things become "in season" Anyway, they also had some local food vendors and one of them was Hunter Honey. They have a honey farm here in the state. I bought some clover honey and some watermelon blossom honey. Mmmmm yummy!

Now back to the honey I meant...MY honey, that charming man I'm married to. I would like to dedicate this next picture to him;

I love you honey.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Happy Friday!

Except for you retired people - I know you don't care about the whole TGIF thing.

I'm happy it's Friday. It's kind of been a rough week.

Bill is feeling his age this week and he's not happy about trickles down you know.

Things at work were just yucky this week. Everybody was so whiny. One of the top dogs sent out an email to everyone telling them to dress and act like adults, do some work and put your cell phone away. It was high time but it made for a lot of cranky faces.

And for some inexplicable reason, I'm having the worst time sleeping this week! It's not staying asleep - it's falling asleep. I go to bed at 10:00, sleepy, and all of sudden I'm wide awake! Last night, I stopped checking the time at 12:40AM. Go figure.

This morning I saw a little thing on the news about the price of ground beef...$5.99 a pound!!!! Are you kidding? Geesh. We don't buy ground beef very often but still. And did you see the picture of the "military drone" in DC?
Nah, doesn't look like a UFO to me either. Whatever! That's totally a UFO! It's a conspiracy you know. They want you to feel stupid for thinking it's a UFO so you won't know it really IS a UFO!

And on Yahoo's home page, they had a link to some really great pictures...but this one was coooool!
Look at it for a minute and try and figure out what it is...

Let me help you out a little

Do you see it now?

OK, here's the description;
This is a shot of a drop of heavy cream colliding with another drop of heavy cream & blue food coloring that is sitting on a piece of black glass. The image was rotated 90 degrees clockwise because it looks like a blue butterfly in that orientation. Capture speed was approximately 1/11,000th of a second.
(Photo Courtesy James Kramer/National Geographic Your Shot)

There were more but all the other ones I liked were cute animal pictures  :-)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

in the news...

Oh the things you can read about in the news!

First up;
All about our vanishing freedoms.

Next, okay, I admit I read this one because the title of the article was Cop dies during 3-way sex; widow wins $3M lawsuit. Really now, how could I resist??

And last but certainly not least, a story about love gone wrong - 115 years later;

The last one is my favorite  :-)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Ah love, ain't it grand?

23 years ago today we were starting a 7 day cruise for our honeymoon. Bound for Mexico - Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan and Cabo San Lucas. Yesterday, long ago, we said WE DO!

Yesterday, in real time, we had a super nice dinner out at a fancy food joint and went to the movies. Dinner was out of this world yummy! We don't do that very often so it was an extra special treat.

Then we went to go see Men In Black 3, 3D. The movie was fun and there was such a sweet character in it...but I was completely unimpressed with the 3D aspect of the movie. Truthfully, I was expecting it to be a lot better.

It was a great night out though and it felt special. 23 years in the blink of an eye. Where does the time go?

Friday, June 8, 2012

June is...

...a busy month.
First, there was the step-daughters birthday.
Next, an artsy craftsy street fair tomorrow with da mama.
Sunday is our 23rd wedding anniversary. 23 years. Wow.
Then there's Father's day. But he's not my Dad, so I can skip that one.
Next up, da mama's birthday!
And there's the 1/2 Price Bookstore annual clearance sale at the State Fair. MORE books and movies in my future :-)
And the first day of summer is right around the corner. It's already summer as far as I'm concerned though ~ the fireflies are out and that makes it official for me.

And look what I found on 1 Sale a Day;
The answer to your question is a resounding YES! hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

speaking of my brother...

When he was barely not a minor anymore, 1982, he and his buddies went to the very first US Festival ( ). While he was there, he meandered into a tent where a science fiction author was speaking. He hung around because he knew I liked sci-fi. When the author was finished speaking, my brother went up and got his autograph for me. I don't know how he managed to hold on to it through the rest of the festival, but he did. He was very pleased with himself when he gave it to me and he had every right to be. It was so thoughtful of him and I was SO excited to get it too! Oh, the author? Ray Bradbury. Ray Bradbury died today, he was 91. That's a good life. I love his stories and have several of his books in my 'library'.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Your best days

What were your best days?
Excluding life events like births, weddings, graduations, etc.
Just regular old days that were really excellent.
I have a bunch, but today I'm thinking about this one;

That's my brother. I'm thinkin' this was about 10 years ago? This picture was taken at the pier in San Clemente beach, California. The background wasn't planned, we just asked some dude to take our picture and this is what came out. We had spent the whole day together - just my brother and me. That's only happened a few times in our lives and we had a blast. We talked non-stop the entire day. About growing up, being kids, having kids, not having kids,  marriage, love, friends, food, geography, the world...We made lots of stops, shopping, eating, drinking (well, me. He was my designated driver) This was our last stop before we went to have a pizza dinner with non-related family at a place called Gondola's, in LaMirada. It was just a perfect day! I love my brother.

(and here's my other favorite picture of him)
Isn't he the cutest!?