Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Everyone who knows me knows that I’m not the most observant person in the world. Except about my environment. I notice things about my surroundings all the time. But people are mostly a blur. Occasionally though, someone stands out. Usually it’s for a really apparent reason, like purple hair, super tall, really tiny, beautiful smile, brightly colored cast. Things like that.

But yesterday, while I was walking at lunch, I saw the most beautiful couple. They were sitting on a bench, alongside the canal, talking.
They looked like they were in their mid forties. He was much taller than her. They both had business attire on. They were sitting in the middle of the bench, legs crossed, relaxed and very comfortable, facing each other. He had his arm around her shoulders. The beautiful thing about them was, they were in love. Everything about them screamed, “I love you!” I found myself slowing down as I walked passed them. I felt like I was watching something so incredibly intimate. Just the smile and the look on her face said that he was everything to her.

I’m guessing that they were still new to one another. Regardless, it was something so special to them. It made me wonder when the last time I felt like that was.

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