Thursday, November 20, 2014


Last night, a group of us women folk, (8 of us) went to see Menopause the Musical. We were wildly diverse in ages too! I've never done anything with a large group of women like that before. It was a lot of fun :-)  I have to admit though, I got pretty chocked up at the end when one of the performers invited all the breast cancer survivors (of which she was one) up on stage. It was a sweet gesture but I was really taken aback by how many woman walked up there! Too many. But I was also happy that there were so many survivors.
I know you men get on our last nerve sometimes but dang, us women can be pretty hard to take when we're going through "the change". But remember, it's hard on us too butt-head. 

Did you see the article about the new 'normal barbie'? I guess it's a nice idea but seriously, what little girl who plays with Barbie's notices that she's got big boobs and an unrealistically small waist and permanently pointed feet?? None, that's how many. If I were a Mom these days with little girls, it would just piss me off that the media is trying to make me feel bad about the fantasy dolls my child is playing with. Barbie's are for little kids not insecure adults. Stop it!

OMG! How stupid was this;

This hilarious sign showed up in a department store window...
Dear Santa, This year, I would like a big fat bank account and a slim body. Please, don't get them mixed-up like you did last year.
OK, I bought napkins last year with the same little saying on them and everyone thought they were so funny! Come on, it IS funny! Well apparently, the sign was in a store window with women's clothing and somebody (you know it was the media) got their collective panties in a bunch about the wrong message it was know, that women want to be skinny and rich. For heaven's sake people. Stop it! Oy.

And last, and this doesn't have anything to do with women, try this experiment;

What does this sign say?

Here's the experiment,  - if you ask someone over 30, I bet they would say;
Family kidnaped by ninjas. Need four dollar karate lessons.

If you ask someone under 30, I bet they would say;

family kidnapped by ninjas. Need money for karate lessons.

Isn't that interesting?

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