Thursday, February 12, 2015

Life changing...

My husband reached his full retirement age last summer. 
I told him he couldn't retire yet. For a couple reasons. One because we can't afford it yet and two because I don't want him sitting around waiting for me to retire for the next ten years. So I told him he had to work for a few more years. He was OK with that - whew!

With that in mind, his employer gave him a job with a lighter workload after they talked about what he wanted to do now that he could retire. That was nice of them. Plus, it freed up his spot so they could promote a younger, career minded chap. Also, a nice thing.

I say this frequently, things change all the time. And as if I needed proof, I got an interesting call from my fella today.

His bosses brought him into their office today and told him that they need to reduce the workforce and would like to offer him a "package" if he'll retire next month. It sounds great doesn't it? But they won't be able to tell him until next week what exactly the package is. Which is fine. He doesn't have to give them an answer yet. 

So, the next few years just got a lot more interesting. At first, he was kind of tickled with the idea of not working. His job is pretty physical (20+ thousand steps a day!). A couple hours later and it feels a lot different to him. Now he's saying, I don't like the idea of retiring and being old. Shit. 
Now he's had a few more hours for it to sink in and he's got A WHOLE LOT on his mind;
he'll be the chief cook and bottle washer
he'll walk the dogs every day
he'll have to start working out
we could get another dog
he can repaint the garage doors, etc, etc, etc.
he'll still get up every day with me in the morning

Oh, this is going to be SO weird!!! 
Today our lives are lot more interesting than they were yesterday!

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