Friday, August 7, 2015

...a week later

Well, I'm almost to the end of my first week of a self imposed media ban. You know what? I really haven't missed it at all. In the mornings, instead of the news, we listen to music. It's a MUCH nicer way to start the day. Anyway, I don't feel lost or like I don't know what's going on in the world - I don't care :-)  The few shows I've wanted to watch on TV, I've recorded, so when I'm ready I can watch them commercial free. I really thought I would miss it more. Turns out, I'm perfectly happy without the news, commercials, ads, the radio and most TV shows. The only thing I have watched this week that went against my ban, is the presidential candidate debates last night. I just knew it would be entertaining and I couldn't stay away! But when Bill has wanted to watch something, I just go to my craft room. I like it in there. He's been pretty supportive though. I noticed that he has a lot recorded on the DVR though. I guess he's watching those shows during the day when I'm not there. I think I'll keep going, with the ban. I'll just keep reading and crafting instead! 

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