Thursday, September 29, 2016


Google just recently celebrated it's 18th birthday. I love Google. You can find anything, easily, on Google. I think Google and Amazon will rule the world someday. You watch. I can remember the first time someone, an IT guy, told me to use Google instead of...hmmm...what was I using? Lycos? Or Yahoo and Ask Jeeves. Google was better than all of them right off the bat! I never went back. Yep. I love Google. I love Google images. And I love Amazon - the largest selection on the planet.

Anyway...there is one thing Google does that bugs me. Today for instance,  this is their homepage;
But it always bugs me that it'll say, it's so and so's birthday. I want them to say, it's the 117th anniversary of Ladislao Jose Biro's birthday. It's not really his birthday. He's dead. 

I know it's dumb, but it still annoys me.

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