Thursday, March 16, 2017


what motivates you? 

At work, are you motivated by a paycheck? Or are you actually motivated by doing a good job for your employer? I personally, am motivated by a paycheck. I want to do the best job I can, for the sake of my own self esteem and pride, but I would feel that way about any job. So, I guess any job that paid well, would be sufficient.

What motivates you as a parent? Providing for your kids / because you don't want to be alone / or really making them feel loved and raising them to be good humans, etc. Because there are moms, and then there are moms moms! You know what I mean. Some women have kids and take care of them but they aren't a priority. Other women put their kids first in everything they do.

What motivates you as a pet owner? For instance, I wanted to have a really good dog. So I worked with Greta every single day when she was a puppy, for a year. She's the best dog ever now! We don't just feed and water our dogs. We play when they want to, we worry about their happiness and comfort. I guess you could say we're motivated by love.

What motivates you, in life? Outside of work or parenting. Like, what motivates you to have a clean house, or a perfect yard or garden. Joy? Passion? Necessity? Social norms?

What motivates you to be a good person? Experience? Religion? Your inherent sense of right and wrong? Rules?

  1. 1.
    a reason for doing something, especially one that is hidden or not obvious.

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