Thursday, August 10, 2017

the times they are a changin'

According to a new study, young, single adults are going out on 30% fewer dates than 10 years ago because of smartphones.

The study found that a lot of young adults are happy to stay home and connect with each other over social media and their smartphone rather than go out on dates on the weekends. The same study found a decline in teens getting their drivers licenses for the same reason, no need to drive to your friends' houses when you can just connect online.

Really? Where's the physical contact in that? That's not bonding. Is it? 

I don't think not having a license is weird though. I didn't get mine until I was 22. One, because I didn't have a car to drive and two, all my friends had cars so I never had to drive anywhere. When I got older, I lived in bike friendly town with an awesome transit system; so I rode my bike everywhere or took the bus. I suspect that younger people are more sensitive to the environment these days too, so they're more apt to take public transit...or live downtown so they don't really need to drive anywhere.

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