Tuesday, October 31, 2017

buh bye

I saw a list yesterday, you know I love lists, of things in the office that have gone the way of the dinosaur. I took exception to about half of them though, so I won't give you the whole list. Here are some of them though;

the typewriter - we keep a few of them in the store room though
the Rolodex!
carbon paper
airmail envelopes
the office "bar" - such a shame. 
secretary pools - you know, like in Working Girl?
rotary phones
the dictaphone
pantyhose - thank heavens!
office parties held at the office - when there were still office bars!
ashtrays!!! - I wonder if you can even find those in antique stores?
palm pilots
chalkboards - because now they're whiteboards
mimeograph machine - I don't even know what that is

Some of the items on the list that I took exception to are;
flash drives - everybody has one. I don't where this list maker works but they should get out more
cubicles - same as above
sticky notes - same as above
desks with chairs - there's an agenda hidden in this one. sitting is the new smoking so nobody should have a chair. Everyone should have standing desks. Uh huh.
drip coffee machines - come on now. most people aren't going to spend $110+ on a work coffeemaker.

I didn't see the Franklin Planner on the list though. That was huge, back in the day. Anyway, it had some fun things on the list. 

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