Monday, February 5, 2018

Binge watching

Do you binge watch shows on Netflix/Hulu/Amazon?? 

Wiki says;

Binge-watching, also called binge-viewing or marathon-viewing, is the practice of watching television for a long time span, usually a single television show. In a survey conducted by Netflix in February 2014, 73% of people define binge-watching as "watching 6 episodes or more of the same TV show in one sitting."

I've never done that. I can't commit to TV for that long. I have trouble committing to a 2 hour show!! For me, binge watching would be 2 episodes tops. Or one episode everyday. I liked a TV show called Haven. But I didn't start watching it until it had been on for a couple seasons. So, I started watching it from season 1, episode 1, on Netflix when I was walking on the treadmill in the evening. I considered that binging. I never watched Frasier when it was on TV, but I've watched them all on Netflix. Anyway...there's a drawback in watching a TV series like that, back to back episodes or every night. When you see too much of a character, you don't like them as much. For instance, after a couple months of Frasier, I really didn't like him. He was such an ass!! But I probably wouldn't have felt that way if I had only watched 1 episode a week, for 1 season a year. This Is Us is wildly popular right now. I just started watching it on Hulu. I watch an episode every night. It's pretty good for a family drama. But one of the characters is such a shithead! I'm pretty sure I wouldn't feel that way about him if I only watched it wkly.
My fella has been watching Grand Tour on Amazon, while he's on the treadmill. He likes it. Well, he likes the show and I think he likes binging!  :-)  I think he'll find other shows to binge watch now. There's a lot of them out there for sure.

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