Thursday, March 8, 2018

a pets life

Do you have pets? Dogs or cats? Both? One or more? I have 2 dogs right now. I use to have cats. I still like cats but I prefer dogs. What's not to love about a dog? Dogs should live longer. Greta will be 14 next week. The average life span of a miniature Schnauzer is 15 years. She could live to be 20 though! Sweet, sweet Greta. Pepper will be 10 in the summer. She's our little joyful scamp. Sometimes I look at Greta and can't believe 14 years has gone by. I love a good butt wiggle and happy howl. And even though Greta is deaf, I can still see that look in her eyes, like she know exactly what I'm saying. She's slowed down a lot though. She sleeps more I think. My mom's dog, Bud, is having some physical problems right now. He's 13. His back legs aren't really working very well. The Vet said she can have an mri done - for around $1500. Would you do that? If your dog is part of the family, wouldn't you do that for a human family member? If it turns out to a tumor or cancer, she would probably have him put to sleep. Isn't it funny how it's ok to make that decision for your a pet, but not a person? I was thinking about all that because we have a chap at work with brain cancer. He's been given 6 months to live. His doctors told him that if he did chemo, he could live another 14 to 16 months...which means he's still going to die. He's opted for chemo. Honestly, anything could happen, right. I suspect his wife made that decision for him. What if it really was her decision though! What if she could decide whether or not to let him suffer and die on his own, or have him put to sleep? Does that sound awful? How come it doesn't sound awful if you're talking about your pet? Weird, huh?

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