Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Pandem......blah blah blah

Last Saturday we went shopping, in real stores! It was fun :-) It's nice that businesses are opening up. 
Also, it seemed like about 1/2 of the people I saw were wearing masks and the other 1/2 weren't. And the ages were all different, of mask wearers. It was nice to get out and do normal things though.

I was thinking on my drive in this morning, about everyone's mental health. Admittedly, I don't read or watch a lot of news. I see the headlines. That give me the gist of things. Even at that, I was feeling a little depressed last week. It was more of a general sadness kind of feeling. Almost like, loss. Is that weird? I felt it a little more strongly this morning. As more and more people head back to work and more and more businesses open up, I see more and more headlines that say things like, "Things will never be the same again" and "Things you will never see again." Things like, X store is going out of business. X store will not reopen. X performer has canceled their 2020 tour. It's almost June. The year is almost 1/2 over. Over before it really started. Yep, I feel a sense of loss. AND, I still feel all the time like I'm under reacting and over reacting at the same time! 

I don't feel like the numbers add up. I mean, when the media says there is an increase in the number of COVID19 cases - they forget to say, but we're testing 10 times the number of people, so duh. When they talk about it in my home state they say, there were 300 new cases confirmed yesterday, making the percentage of people testing positive at 14%. Isn't that a better marker? Some states report COVID19 deaths differently than other states. Like, in Colorado, you can have COVID19 and die of something different so they don't count that as a COVID19 related death. But in other states, you could die of a heart attack but be positive for COVID19 and they count that as COVID19 death. Does that account for the decrease in stroke and heart attack deaths so far this year? 

The CDC says that during the 2009 flu pandemic, (H1N1) an estimated 12,469 people died in the US. The Hong Kong flu of 1968 killed about 100,000 in the US and 1 million globally. The Asian flu of 1957 killed 116,000 in th US and 1.1 million globally. Those were all "new" flus and pandemics. The whole world didn't just stop because of those. And all of those numbers are estimated by the CDC.

What the hell are you supposed to believe?

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