Monday, February 15, 2021

Books to movies

 Have you ever seen a movie adapted from a book you loved, that you liked?

I thought Gone With the Wind was pretty good, even though they left a lot out. And To Kill a Mockingbird was excellent. Harry Potter, Great Expectations, Shawshank Redemption, The Exorcist, Silence of the Lambs, In Cold Blood, all them were pretty good movies compared to their written form. I'm sure there are more. I've heard that The Color Purple was adapted to film very well. And Little Women. I've seen both those but never read the books.

I've yet to see a movie about Frankenstein that made me feel about the monster, the way I did in the book. Not too many Stephen King books have been good movies. I mean, look at The Shinning! That sucked. I loved The Time Traveler's Wife and I liked the movie but they were kind of separate for me. Also, I loved The Giver but the movie was just so much fluff compared to the anguish in the book! And one of Dean Koontz's best stories, Watchers, has had several film adaptions. They're so awful I've never watched one all the way through. This should be a no brainer...who doesn't love a great dog movie?!?! Why can't they get it right?

I bring this up because I just finished watching Stephen King's, The Stand. His best work. EPIC. The original mini series in 1994 wasn't bad, except for the actors. Only a couple of them were any good. I was really looking forward to the remake. It needed an update for sure. With the exception of Whoopie Goldburg (who was wrong for that part), I actually liked the other actors. I liked that 'new vegas' was SOOOOO bad. It needed to be. But all in all, I thought the remake was pretty disappointing. On many levels. 

Thank heavens the story I love is still alive and well in the pages of the book

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