Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Smart phone updates and pictures

 Do you ever read what the updates are for, for the apps on your phone?

Most of them just say something like; -Bug fixes and performance improvements, or We are constantly updating our app for better reliability and performance.

I don't read them every time but occasionally. Sometime Etsy's is cute. But Good Rx has them all beat. They are hilarious! The last update said:

Oh, do I have a big one for you this time around. OMG. So excited it's hard to focus. Huge.

No no - we didn't fix any bugs (sheesh, SO presumptuous). Did we improve performance? Well, I nailed my Lord Of The Dance juggling routine at the company picnic - does that count? Instead, we updated our logo. Now, instead of a black "Rx" on a yellow background, it's a yellow cross on a white background with a - wait for ? - sorta hidden heart jumping out of it. Because we have heart. And we're in healthcare. I know, very abstract. Son many levels....

There are a couple more paragraphs but you get the idea. 

Next, a couple weeks ago on Instagram my niece asked the question, how many pictures do you have on your phone? A couple days later, she had stats! The average answer was 10k. Yes, ten thousand! She thought she was a hoarder because she has 7k. She told me, "one woman said 43k, and she doesn't even have kids!" Me? Right now I have 1,274. I don't have dogs or kids. I bet 1/3 of them are screen shots. I've been asking people at work and the answers are all over the place. So far, on guy said 16k +. That's the most. I can't even imagine!! I'm going to start taking more pictures.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Pandemic life 2021

Here we go again...another variant on the horizon. There is always going to be one. Like any flu. Maybe they need a better plan? Eventually, will they just come out and say, everyone is going to get covid at some time in their life. Get a shot and lessen your chances of getting sick or dying. Like a flue shot. 

I'd like people to get vaccinated but honestly, I could care less if they are or not. I'm vaccinated.  The unvaccinated are a risk to the unvaccinated. Hopefully I won't get covid but the possibility is there. I also get a flu shot every year. Lots of people don't. Hopefully I won't get the flu but the possibility is there. Do you believe that the world will ever achieve heard immunity? I don't. 

What if you've already had covid? Should you still get a shot? What if you're trying to get pregnant? Should you still get a shot? What if you are a healthy younger person and you would just rather get covid and have those natural immunities? What if you actually already have a natural immunity? What if...

Should it be a law? Or should it be a choice? Should your boss just decide that if you don't get vaccinated, you'll lose your job. Knowing that there are always going to be mutations/variants.

Here's why I'm whining about this today; I've been watching General Hospital for 40+ years. Almost every day. Their parent company, ABC, issued a vaccine mandate. A couple of the actors on GH chose not to get vaccinated. One of them is a health nut and 1 of them has already had covid. They were fired. I was broken hearted. I love both their characters. But, those actors made a choice. I quit watching GH though. Not because they were fired but because their coworkers have been so ugly about it on social media. It's kind of like politics. If you don't like someone's opinion, try and change their mind. You don't have to hate them because they have different ideas. I guess I'm just SO sick of that mentality. 

My mom wasn't really surprised at me, that I quit watching. I thought I would really miss it, that routine. But I don't. She reminded me that I'm like that. When I'm done, I'm done. When I was BIG basketball fan and they went on strike, I quit watching. I thought, I'm struggling to pay the bills and you're on strike because you only make 18 million a year? Screw you. Apparently I don't like greedy people or mean people. I'm ok with that!