Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Rodents and other small mammals *REVISED 3/27

We don't live in the country. We don't live in an urban area either. I guess that makes us suburban?

Anyway, there is a lot of wildlife around us. Most of it is totally ok with me. Well, I don't appreciate the racoons eating all the bird food and/or pooping on the roof of the house, but other than that, I don't mind too much. 

Last Fall though, some small critter has taken up the interior of our living room wall, as its home. It drives my fella crazy! He can hear it, scurrying around in there. It's become our mission to seek out and destroy the culprit! Mwahahahahaha

First, we plugged up all the obvious holes we could find outside.

Then we set out mouse traps. After a week, we didn't catch a single thing.

Then we drilled small holes in the wall and squirted cayenne pepper in the walls. That worked for a second.

Then we started looking for poison. You would be so surprised to find that that's not a very likable way to get rid of an animal. So we opted for the humane way - trap it in a cage and release it back into the wild, far away from US.

Monday night he put the cage up in the attic. Tuesday morning he found a mouse in there! 

(3/22) Tuesday night he put it back in the attic. Wednesday morning, another mouse. 

*(3/23) Wednesday night he put it back in the attic. Thursday morning he found a mouse in it! 

*(3/24) Thursday night he put it back in the attic. Friday morning he found a mouse in it!

*(3/25) Friday night, back in the attic. Saturday morning he found a ground squirrel in it.

*(3/26) Saturday night he put in back in the attic. Sunday morning her found a mouse in it.

Honestly, I thought that it was probably going to be a chipmunk up there. Nope. I bet there are A LOT of mice up there! Shoot. I hope we can catch them all. I'm super happy though that they haven't found a way into the house. If that happens, trust me, death is imminent!

*I'm pretty sure the ground squirrel was the culprit in the wall. That sucker was PISSED off in that cage! Since we're still catching mice, I guess this qualifies for an infestation. Ewwww. The little squirrel kind of boogered up the cage though so we're switching over to a bucket trap. the bucket trap is a lid that fits on any 5 gallon bucket. I has a swinging flap on the top so when a critter steps on it, it flips 'em down into the bucket. Pretty cool. I'm so NOT happy about this mouse thing. Grrrr.

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