Sunday, July 17, 2011

stuff in my phone...

I snap a lot of pictures with my phone...
There's a canal downtown that's really a nice walk. It goes for miles. Angela and I have walked about 3 miles at lunch. But usually it's the shorter version. This is the canal during St. Patty's day when they dye it green;
This is on the shorter version of the canal walk;

One day I happen to notice something kind of odd. In several places along the canal, I saw these;

They're just pieces of wood with hooks on one end, attached to hooks that have been drilled into the side of the canal. Every day I wondered what they were for. For almost a week it puzzled me. Then I realized...they're there for the ducklings that swim in the canal. They're too small to hop out of the canal so they put these ramps in. I thought that was cool.

This is our street, last winter during the big snow;

And this is a REALLY big stuffed bear!

And here's one of the girls being cute;
They LOVE the big stuffed toys. I think it helps make them feel like BIG dogs :-)

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