Thursday, February 16, 2012

Menopause, migraines and me.

For the last year I’ve been trying to figure out what, if any, are my migraine triggers.
At first I thought it was alcohol. But I hardly drink so I ruled that out.
Then I thought it was stress. But I’m not really stressed (consciously) so I ruled that out as well. All that leaves for me is menopause. But I’ve been post menopausal for about 3 years.
I think I finally figured it out this week. I had 3 of them last week. I was also VERY weepy last week. Geez, everything made me cry. It was awful! Oh, and it wasn’t all sad stuff. I got weepy over happy things! Ick. Kind of like PMS, only not. So when I finally figured out I was weepy because of my whacked out hormones, I realized that that could be my migraine trigger. Not that it matters in the least ~ it’s not like I can do anything about it. Grrrr 

It’s better knowing though. Like, what causes my allergies? Dust? Pollen? Kissing? Dogs? Toothpaste? What!? Mold, that’s what. Again, not something I can fix but it’s good to know that it’s not the dogs or toothpaste…or kissing J

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