Wednesday, July 8, 2015

REALLY random...

In a front yard tree of our neighbor, a pair of red tail hawks made their nest and had babies. It's been really cool to see them all the time. Here's the mama;

One of the babies is just hanging around. I guess that's normal? But we hear it screeching, frequently! And we see it all the time. This morning, as a matter of fact, it was chillin' on top of our bird feeder! It's pretty neat.

See this guy? It's Vince Gill :-) We saw him a couple months ago. He did a fantastic show. He's an excellent story teller and we really enjoyed the show!

This is still my new favorite sign;

And the next time someone tells you there's no "i" in team, show them this...

I should really have this AWESOME door knocker;
I almost bought it...but $100 is a lot for whimsical! I'm still thinking about it though. Does that mean it's going to haunt me? and I should buy it? I don't know.

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