Thursday, June 9, 2016


How can it be JUNE already???
July 4th is practically here. And then autumn and then Christmas!

I guess we're all just plugging along. We actually had a Spring this year, which was awesome. And summer won't arrive until this weekend, which is awesome! Not the heat part, but that it took so long to get here :-)

The diet has stalled. I haven't gained or lost a single pound in 3 weeks. Phooey. I'm sure it's all about falling off the wagon during vacation. I have no willpower. Which probably has something to do with not having a good filter either! Thank heavens my sense prevails, sometimes.

The kitchen re-model has progressed. At last, we made a final decisions about the floor plan, ordered cabinets and the counter top! Woohoo! And while we're waiting for the cabinets, my fella - who is strong and worthy and precise, has started laying the new hardwood floor. IT'S SO FABULOUS!!! I love it SO much! Yesterday he was mad though...he's no spring chicken. He said this is the first time he's really started to feel old. Because he's tired and sore and it's taking longer than he thought it would. I tried to make him feel better about it but I remembered an article I read a couple years ago, about aging. It said that the thing men fear/dislike most about getting older is their loss of strength and stamina. For women, it's a fear/dislike of being invisible. I wasn't sure I "got it". I do now. Not the women/invisible part though. But ever since I read that, I try to be more aware of little old ladies. Oh yeah, I was talking about the remodel!

Here's the new counter - solid surface material (Corian)

Here's part of the new floor - try to imagine it not dusty :-)

I'd show you the kitchen but it's just sorta pieced together right now. Not much to see.

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