Tuesday, January 17, 2017

I've got a secret!

Was that a television show? I've got a secret? 
Well, that's not what I'm talking about...I actually DO have a secret. Top secret! Sworn to secrecy!! Noooooooo! I hate having a secret! Who am I going to tell?? I didn't mean that to be funny, I'm serious! Who can I tell?? I have to tell somebody! Whew. Thank heavens...I told my fella :-) I felt better immediately. 

Are you like that? Or can you honestly keep a secret all to yourself? I'm only a good secret keeper if I can tell someone. So I choose someone who doesn't really care about my secret. Someone with no interest in the people affected by the secret. Like, once I knew that a whole department was going to lose their jobs and I couldn't tell anyone. THAT sucked! I told my fella though. That it made it easier for me. Usually, it's my husband. Sometimes, it's Chuck's daughter - she's a good secret keeper because she's an HR professional. Her whole job is about secrets! I would suck at HR! Besides the fact that I don't like people, I couldn't keep all those secrets. My poor fella. He'd probably make me get a shrink!

1 comment:

chuck's daughter said...

When can it not be a secret anymore????