Tuesday, February 13, 2018


I am an American. In general, I feel a sense of pride when I say that. It irritates me that so many Americans don't. It irritates me that so many people who live in America, think it sucks. I'd like to say to them, then leave. Leave, because you're part of the problem. OR, do something about it if you think it sucks. But if all you're going to do is bitch about it or take advantage of Americans generosity, piss off. That's the rant in my head.

Realistically though, America really isn't that great. We could do better. We should do better. We need to do better.

The U.S. ranks 17th in education
The U.S. ranks 27th in infant mortality
The U.S. ranks 26th in life expectancy
The U.S. ranks 37th in Health Care Systems
The U.S. is also the 37th healthiest country in the world
The U.S. ranks 34th in childhood poverty
The U.S. ranks 2nd in CO2 emissions
The U.S. ranks 5th in the amount of garbage produced
The U.S. ranks 17th in quality of life
The U.S. is the #1 world economic leader. We also have the highest debt of any country in the world.

Seems to me that we have a whole lot more to worry about than our political affiliations or religious beliefs or what gender someone is.

1 comment:

garyives106@gmail said...

Yeah, but USA ranks NUMBER ONE in: Garage Door Openers