Tuesday, August 30, 2011

That's a good lookin' cow...

Many, many, many years ago, when we left southern Cal, we moved to Salt Lake City.
Bill had a car and the son. I was in my car alone. My brother and his wife drove our U-Haul down. It was cheaper to do a round trip with the U-Haul, plus, we needed help.

We left at 3:00 in the morning and finally arrived in Salt Lake about 4:00 in the afternoon. We all unloaded the truck and then walked to the corner for dinner at a little local restaurant.

We were tired. Dog tired. Super duper tired. Slap happy tired!
Now, my brother says he's a California kind of guy...but he's not really. He wants to have his own garden, he LOVES to go camping and, at the time, was interested in raising his own cow...to slaughter. So while we all at dinner, talking about the drive up, someone commented on all the farm land we passed through. That's when my brother said, in all seriousness, "y'all have some good lookin' cows." Well, it was just about the funniest thing we had ever heard in our entire lives!! You know, cuz we were tired. Dog tired. Super duper tired. Slap happy tired! Yeah, you kind of had to be there but we laughed ourselves silly!

Anyway, for almost 2 decades now, I've sending my brother cow things. Cow greeting cards, cow Christmas ornaments, cow candy, cow clothes, etc. He keeps saying "we can move on now", but you know I can't do that :-)
This past Saturday, at the Hallmark store for the Jim Shore signing, I had to purchase something there for Mr. Shore to sign. Can you guess what I bought? Go ahead, try. Need a hint? Really? OK...mooooooo. Now do you know? Yep uh huh, I bought a cow!
I'm not giving it to my brother though. This will be a keeper for me. It's special because of the cow story :-)

Jim Shore was an extremely nice/kind gentleman. He told me the history of this cow, why he did it and what his inspiration was. If I was a complete fanatic for his art, I would have peed my pants that he took so much time to chat with me.

My Mom's friend went with us and he told her a delightful story...she commented on what a beautiful signature he has. He said that when he and his wife were very young and just struggling to make ends meet, they spent a weeks pay on a piece of art they really wanted. They had an opportunity to have it signed by the artist but the artist just scribbled his name and didn't say anything to his wife and him! Fast forward a couple decades and now people are spending their hard earned money on HIS artwork. He said he made a promise to himself when he "made it", that he would never treat his fans that way. I have to say, I was pretty impressed with the time he took with every single person who was there.

Friday, August 26, 2011

ta da!

Here is the completion of the latest quilling project...it's my niece's favorite word, in her favorite colors;
It's the very first quilled word I've done. Of course, I would do it differently now but I'm happy with it.

Busy weekend coming up for me/us.

Tomorrow, Mom is coming with me to the Jim Shore signing. It's going to be at a place called Cynthia's Hallmark :-) It also happens to be the largest Hallmark store in the NATION! 25,000 square feet! Yep, gonna be fun!

Sunday is the Moto GP race at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. It looks to be a beautiful day for racing.

And just a side thing...I was looking at the back of my head this morning, (I don't usually do that) and I was wondering, when did this happen to my hair??????

Seriously?! Look at alllllll that GRAY. Hmph

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Me? Observant?

Not really but I saw a lot interesting things this morning.

This morning I saw an elderly gentleman walking...backwards. From the front, he looked like he was just casually strolling along, hands clasped behind his back. But as I got closer I realized he was walking backwards. Hmmmmm.

Also this morning, I got an email from my Mom and she used OMG in it. That cracked me up! I love you Mom.

And when exactly did the sunrise start starting so much later? It's dark when I get up now! Phooey.

There was a Praying Mantis on the roof of my car this morning. It wasn't praying though. It looked more like it had it's dukes up...like this;

I should look around more!

Saturday, August 20, 2011


So I'm walking into the house the other day and right before I get to the porch, I look down and see this;

It wasn't really interested in moving until I got the broom out. But before that, I snapped some pretty good photos :-)
Truthfully though, it was only about a foot and a 1/2 long.

We have WAY too much nature around our city house!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Indiana State Fair

A couple of you have inquired about us and the State Fair tragedy...I don't like Sugarland that much, so we were at home ~ watching it play out.

Like any hometown tragedy, it was all consuming. Some reports came in that as many as a couple dozen people had been killed. Other reports claimed that Sugarland was on the stage when the rigging collapsed. You know how it goes...Thanks to this modern age of technology, pictures and videos were available within moments. I guess by now everyone has seen the most dramatic video; the stage, the wind blowing, the creepy dark skies beyond, the collapse. It been on the local channels a thousand times. I'm tired of seeing it, it's heartbreaking. And it's worse now, knowing that you're viewing an event at which people were killed. Ugh.

It was a fast moving storm for sure. At our home, the wind really kicked up and it seemed that within minutes the skies were dark as night, lots of lightning and the rain let loose. It rained buckets for about 10 minutes and then it started to die down. It seemed like pretty typical summer storm.

Then the news started coming in. Such a sad sad night. Yesterday and today, there is a lot of focus on the unsung heroes. All those amazing people who barley flinched before they turned around and started to help. The human spirit is truly inspiring at times. Even the Governor, during his press conference was choked up talking about the first responders, nurses, doctors, and mostly the regular folks at the concert who rushed in to help lift the collapsed rigging so rescuers could rush in.

I understand that there are still dozens of people in area hospitals today. Keep them and their families in your prayers.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round?

Why is it that our children can’t read a Bible in school, but they can in prison?

Could someone ever get addicted to counseling? If so, how could you treat them?

If a turtle doesn’t have a shell, is he homeless or naked?

Why is the alphabet in that order?

Why isn’t phonetic spelled the way it sounds?

When do you use a solar flashlight?

If you dug a hole through the center of the earth and jumped in, would you stay at the center because of gravity?

How far east can you go before you're heading west?

When does it stop being partly cloudy and start being partly sunny?

If you had a three story house and were in the second floor, isn't it possible that you can be upstairs and downstairs at the same time?

Do butterflies remember life as a caterpillar?

Why do we say we're head over heels when we're happy? Isn't that the way we normally are?

Why is it that humans can move their eyes in opposite directions toward the nose, but not away from the nose?

What is a "free" gift? Aren't all gifts free?

Is there another word for synonym?

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?

If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

Can blind people see their dreams? Do they dream?

These next ones are just for you Mom!

Why are hemorrhoids called "hemorrhoids" instead of "asteroids"?

If you throw a cat out a car window does it become kitty litter?

If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?

If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages?

If a kid refuses to sleep during nap time, are they guilty of resisting a rest?

Are part-time band leaders semi-conductors?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

SO cuuute!

We have a brand new (2 weeks old) baby elephant at the zoo. She made her first public appearance today. Who knew a baby elephant could be so stinkin' cute!!!

this one cracked me up!

Monday, August 1, 2011


MTV turns 30.
Let me say it again for you old folks...
MTV is 30 years old.
I didn't grow up with MTV, (which makes me one of the old folks.)
My kids grew up with MTV though. I bet yours did too.
They know all about The Real World, Spring Break and TRL. MTV is just another cable channel now. Their programming is geared toward the under 25 (maybe 30) crowd. And they still do some music videos. Not much though. I mean, if you're like me, when you started watching MTV it was ALL music videos, ALL the time. And not everybody got to watch MTV...you had to have cable TV to get MTV and 30 years ago you didn't have to pay to watch TV. I know, can you believe it! Anyway, it was a big deal when a new video premiered. It was an extra big deal when "Thriller" premiered! Yep, I was glued to my TV when it did. Sometimes I'm just flabbergasted at how quickly things change.