Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Smart phone updates and pictures

 Do you ever read what the updates are for, for the apps on your phone?

Most of them just say something like; -Bug fixes and performance improvements, or We are constantly updating our app for better reliability and performance.

I don't read them every time but occasionally. Sometime Etsy's is cute. But Good Rx has them all beat. They are hilarious! The last update said:

Oh, do I have a big one for you this time around. OMG. So excited it's hard to focus. Huge.

No no - we didn't fix any bugs (sheesh, SO presumptuous). Did we improve performance? Well, I nailed my Lord Of The Dance juggling routine at the company picnic - does that count? Instead, we updated our logo. Now, instead of a black "Rx" on a yellow background, it's a yellow cross on a white background with a - wait for ? - sorta hidden heart jumping out of it. Because we have heart. And we're in healthcare. I know, very abstract. Son many levels....

There are a couple more paragraphs but you get the idea. 

Next, a couple weeks ago on Instagram my niece asked the question, how many pictures do you have on your phone? A couple days later, she had stats! The average answer was 10k. Yes, ten thousand! She thought she was a hoarder because she has 7k. She told me, "one woman said 43k, and she doesn't even have kids!" Me? Right now I have 1,274. I don't have dogs or kids. I bet 1/3 of them are screen shots. I've been asking people at work and the answers are all over the place. So far, on guy said 16k +. That's the most. I can't even imagine!! I'm going to start taking more pictures.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Pandemic life 2021

Here we go again...another variant on the horizon. There is always going to be one. Like any flu. Maybe they need a better plan? Eventually, will they just come out and say, everyone is going to get covid at some time in their life. Get a shot and lessen your chances of getting sick or dying. Like a flue shot. 

I'd like people to get vaccinated but honestly, I could care less if they are or not. I'm vaccinated.  The unvaccinated are a risk to the unvaccinated. Hopefully I won't get covid but the possibility is there. I also get a flu shot every year. Lots of people don't. Hopefully I won't get the flu but the possibility is there. Do you believe that the world will ever achieve heard immunity? I don't. 

What if you've already had covid? Should you still get a shot? What if you're trying to get pregnant? Should you still get a shot? What if you are a healthy younger person and you would just rather get covid and have those natural immunities? What if you actually already have a natural immunity? What if...

Should it be a law? Or should it be a choice? Should your boss just decide that if you don't get vaccinated, you'll lose your job. Knowing that there are always going to be mutations/variants.

Here's why I'm whining about this today; I've been watching General Hospital for 40+ years. Almost every day. Their parent company, ABC, issued a vaccine mandate. A couple of the actors on GH chose not to get vaccinated. One of them is a health nut and 1 of them has already had covid. They were fired. I was broken hearted. I love both their characters. But, those actors made a choice. I quit watching GH though. Not because they were fired but because their coworkers have been so ugly about it on social media. It's kind of like politics. If you don't like someone's opinion, try and change their mind. You don't have to hate them because they have different ideas. I guess I'm just SO sick of that mentality. 

My mom wasn't really surprised at me, that I quit watching. I thought I would really miss it, that routine. But I don't. She reminded me that I'm like that. When I'm done, I'm done. When I was BIG basketball fan and they went on strike, I quit watching. I thought, I'm struggling to pay the bills and you're on strike because you only make 18 million a year? Screw you. Apparently I don't like greedy people or mean people. I'm ok with that!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!!


I hope this year’s annual Thanksgiving email finds you all healthy and happy. It’s been quite a year hasn’t it. Filled with so many ups and downs, forward steps and backward tumbles. Good news and bad news. So many challenges had to be faced this year. Childcare, e learning, traffic, teleworking, good wi-fi, finding what you want at the store! The “new normal” is difficult for so many of us. Was it hard for you this year, to find joy? Well, hopefully this year’s email will help you remember…it really is the little things sometimes. It’s the little things that make you smile and laugh. A nice compliment. A good joke at the right time. It’s the little things that make you feel good, like your favorite comfort food or comfy shoes. All those small things that gradually add up to create your day, week, month, a lifetime. Don’t forget to be thankful for those things. Especially during these trying times.

I’m thankful for:

* Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, Discovery+ - anything I can stream without commercials or news commentary!
* Cheese
* Funny animal videos - I dare you not to laugh at fainting goats or cats and cucumbers!
* Roasted brussel sprouts! – who knew??
* SiriusXM – Christmas music now playing!
* People who laugh easily.
* The Farmer’s Market at work
* Hyacinths, sunny days, sparkling snow and especially Autumn
* Cheese
* Quilling – hobbies are a great source of joy
* Rummy bears 😊 – gummy bears soaked in rum. Ya ya!
* Handel’s ice cream
* Sparkles
* Vacations – home and away; long and short
* Hobby Lobby – for so many reasons!
* A heated garage!
* Cheese – did I say that already?
* Marvel superheroes – the world needs more good guys, you know, like Thor!
* Good stories and their story tellers
* Crockpots
* Ice on demand

I am profoundly thankful for another cancer free year for my mom and husband. Every day, I'm thankful for my job, friends, more than I need, dependable transportation, a home, good health and my family. Wacky, challenging and difficult at times, but all mine. I'm super thankful that my sister-in-law has been there to look after my brother. She's remarkable!
I'm grateful for everyone that came out to support me at my very first arts and crafts show! 
Every single day I'm thankful for my husband of 32 years. His funny side and patience really keep me going sometimes. He's my huckleberry and he always has my back. 
I've felt loved my whole life. I'm pretty lucky.

Life is good.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!

Monday, November 22, 2021


Soooooo, you know I love quilling. I wish I knew why. Maybe it's just because I can create something pretty in just a couple weeks. Also, the colors are endless. Oh! and the possibilities are endless. I mean, I think you could quill just about anything! And there are so many different techniques. Also, very unique.

That's the first thing. Next, I've been kind of artsy crafty my whole life. So the other thing I've always wanted to try, is to sell the things I make. Wouldn't that be cool?! To think, a stranger would want to spend their money on something I created!?!?!?! That's so crazy to me! I think I've mentioned this before, but when I walk around art fairs, I can honestly appreciate the time and skill someone puts into their art or craft but you really have to be different and stand out for me to stop and actually look at you stuff. Could I be that different?

Since I've been quilling, I've never seen anyone at one of those art fairs that does it too. I'm not sure why either. Anyway, a few years ago I attended a local arts and craft fair and actually saw someone who did quilling. She did some jewelry and decorated some boxes. They were cute but....it really inspired me. I thought, I could do this. And my stuff is WAY better! I talked myself into it. It's small, about 2,500 people attend this fair. And the booth space was super cheap. Only $70. Some art fairs are $200+!  

Also, this was a juried art fair - which means you have to submit samples of your work and be selected by a jury to participate. So I entered and was accepted! Holy smokes! So, for TWO years, I built up an inventory. It sounds like a long time but I do have a fulltime job after all. The last few months I've really put a lot of pressure on myself. I've been scared, petrified, excited, nervous, worried, nauseous, felt like crying, not sleeping. It's been awful! Mostly it was just the thought of having to talk to people. Strangers. Ewww. And what if I didn't sell anything??? What if I did??? OMG!

Well, last Saturday was the day. My sweet, wonderful husband was such a huge help. Besides just being supportive and encouraging, he really helped me. He made all my picture stands. He helped me pack everything up, ran errands with me, the list is endless. Love you honey!!

So there I was, in my little, gigantic 10x10 space. And guess what? It was a huge success!! I did it! I put myself out there. Out there to be looked at and judged!! Ugh! People, strangers, loved my work!!! It was only open for about 20 minutes before I made my very first sale. Then, I was busy all morning!! I was stunned. I wanted to cry again because I just couldn't believe it! SO FREAKING AWESOME!!!

Whew. I didn't realize though, how tense I had been all day until after dinner. Then I started to feel like I'd been hit by a truck! Geesh. It really wore me out. I feel like it's going to take me a few days to recover from all that peopley crap. But I did it! Hooray!!! Fairly certain I won't do it again but man!!!!! I did it!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2021

The United Stats of America

Did you see that series? It was a 2012 limited TV series. Really, really fun. It was 6 episodes of the best statistical information. Narrated by the Sklar brothers. Very entertaining. 

We watched a couple episodes last night, for the 2nd time. I love the 2nd one, Moving On. All about where people live and the influence of 7 inventions that moved people out.

For instance, did you know that 99% of Americans live on only 8% of the land?! No wonder cities seem so crowded! 83% of Americans live in urban areas. 

But what influenced how and where we moved?

* The first invention that moved people from the east coast, west, was the railroad. 
* The next invention that influenced where we lived, steel. The steel frame of a building. What used to take up 16 city blocks could be crammed into 1 building. In Chicago, 13,000 people live in every square mile! Whoa.
* Which led directly to number 3 - the elevator. Now buildings could be even taller.
* Number 4 is the automobile - which moved us out to the suburbs! 
* Number 5 is the highway! A direct route to wherever the city was.
* Number 6 is air conditioning! Now we could move farther south and into places like Arizona, where 168 days a year are over 90 degrees! 
* The last invention that influenced where we lived? The airplane.

See? Wasn't that fun!?

Friday, November 5, 2021


Some people call collecting things, hoarding. Like me...I "collect" Christmas stuff!! LOL My fella would probably say, that's hoarding. :-) 

That's not really what I mean though. I mean having a collection of like things. I used to have a pretty extensive collection of Beanie Babies. Now, I have a small collection of Funko Pop. Does that really make me a collector though? I mean, I'm not on the prowl for them or anything. Some people have a really HUGE collection of movies or music. Oh! Bee happy things!! I totally collect those 😃💗 

I read a fun article this morning about how "collecting" became even more popular during the pandemic. That makes sense. 

Psychiatrist Shirley Mueller recently told Smithsonian Magazine, during times like this pandemic, “Collecting provides solace and structure, and ways that we can still be productive doing something we can enjoy.”

So what are the hottest collectibles? According to this national online survey at LifeStorage.com, the top 10 list is:

1. Antique furniture
2. Vinyl records
3. Comic books
4. Coins and currency
5. Classic cars
6. Trading cards
7. Dolls and toys
8. Stamps
9. Wine
10. Fine art and jewelry 

I would question that...classic cars? Really? More popular that trading cards? Because I'm pretty sure that more people can afford trading cards than classic cars. Still, collecting things is a fun hobby.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

tell me again, what time is it??

 Here we go again...getting ready to change our clocks, for FOUR months. Ugh.

You know I hate that. Did you know, that your State can opt out of Daylight Savings Time and just stay on standard time? But it takes a literal act of Congress to stay on Daylight Savings Time. I don't understand. Please, somebody, explain that to me. What difference does it make?? IT'S STILL THE SAME AMOUNT OF DAYLIGHT!!!! OMG! I don't think DST is that big of deal. Honestly, I would rather be on standard time. I bet most parents feel like that too. It's hard to get your kids to go to bed during the summer when the clock says it's bedtime but the sunshine says otherwise. And I would rather have that sunshine on the clock, during the winter when the weather is so gloomy anyway. Either way though, just pick a time!!! Good grief! 

It's really ridiculous in Indiana. We should be on Central time but lawmakers chose Eastern time so we would be the same as NY. whatever. BUT, not all of Indiana is on Eastern time! The northwest corner is on Central time, to be like Chicago. And the southwest corner is on Central time, to be like Louisville. For the rest of us, it's like living in Alaska during the summer! 

Stop it already!!! (I'll be back in 4 months to complain about it again!)

Monday, November 1, 2021

Timelines vs the U.S.

The first year of the Jewish calendar is 3761, BC. The year of creation, according to the bible.
5,781 years ago. Five THOUSAND. Yep.

The first day of the Maya Calendar was August 11, 3114....BC. That's 5,134 years ago. 

Moses gave the Ten Commandments to the Jewish people in 1240 BC. 
That's 3,260 years ago.

The Roman calendar started in 753, BC.
2,773 years ago.

Siddhartha Gautama, founder of Buddhism, was born in 563, BC.
2,583 years ago.

Alexander the Great conquers an empire that stretches from Greece 
to western India in 334, BC
2,354 years ago.

Construction of the Great Wall of China, began in 221, BC
2,241 years ago. Construction continued for over 2,000 years.

Jesus of Nazareth was baptized by John in 27, AD.
1,194 years ago

The Colosseum, built by the Emperor Vespasian, opened to the public in 80, AD.
1,941 years ago.

Year one in the Muslim calendar is 622, AD.
1,399 years ago.

Marco Polo begins his journey to China in 1271, AD
750 years ago.

Sir Francis Drake circumnavigates the world in 1577 (to 1580) AD.
444 years ago.

The first permanent English colony in America was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607.
414 years ago.

The Seven Year War, from which Great Britain emerged as the world's dominant power, 
ended in 1763.
258 years ago.

The Revolutionary War ended in 1781.
240 years ago.

The Continental Congress ratifies the declaration by the United States of its independence from Great Britain, in 1776.
245 years ago.

Construction of the U.S. Capitol began in September of 1793.
228 years ago.

Napoleon invades Egypt in 1798.
223 years ago.

Delaware became the 1st State in 1787.
234 years ago.

The Louisiana Purchase was made in 1803.
218 years ago.

Hawaii became the 50th state in 1959.
62 years ago.

The city of Damascus, Syria, is believed to be as old as 10,000 BC. 
St. Augustine, Florida is the oldest city in the US. Founded in 1565.

I posted this because I was thinking the other day about how young our Nation is. 
I thought about it because I was listening to some commentary on the radio about how hard it is to find things to buy that are "made in America." It's been difficult for a long time. Then I thought about everything Americans contributed to the WORLD. What we invented, what we industrialized, what we built. It's really amazing. Now, we let everyone else do it for us. Is that ok? Other countries have always relied on imports to have what they want. If the US is going to do that then we better be good at something else. We're so arrogant as a country. And bossy. And self serving. I mean, who do we think we are anyway?!?! Babies. Oh, I like to believe that we are still caring and generous and good, at heart. But holy cow are we  dysfunctional!!! It's easier to see now, why there is such a lack of good old American pride. I don't think we know what we're supposed to be proud of. 

Here are the top 10 countries in the world;

#10 - Netherlands
#9 - Sweden
#8 - United Kingdom
#7 - New Zealand
#6 - United States
#5 - Australia
#4 - Switzerland
#3 - Germany
#2 - Japan
#1 - Canada

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

The Midwest

Honestly, I think the Midwest gets a bad rap. Just because we we aren't all caught up in the newest trends and believe we could find a better use for 1200 dollars than a new Coach handbag, doesn't mean we're dumb, deplorable, a hick/redneck, backwards, etc. But apparently it does mean that we love ranch dressing! Isn't that funny? I don't know, I like ranch dressing but whoa! I had no idea some people, and a lot of them, love it so much!! If you are one of those people, I bet this is a pretty good recipe!


....and speaking of ranch dressing...


Also, this was a fun list about Midwestern things;


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Pandemic life...lingering

This is a good article about the 40 hr/5 day a week work week. How it started, where it's going.


I'm not that person anymore, who works 40 hrs and comes home and does a second shift, but I can sure appreciate what that means and can remember how hard that was. I can certainly remember when just one extra day off during the week, to myself, was a godsend.  And practically yesterday, I was teleworking 2 days a week and it was awesome! In SO many ways. Less commuter stress; less commuter time - an hour and a half to two hours a day; less gas in the car - = more $$ for me and cleaner air for the world!; more sleep; less $$ on lunches, shoes, clothing; better working conditions - temperature control, clean bathroom, no idle chatter from people I don't care about; AND more time with the love of my life. I mean, even though we didn't interact so much while I was busy, I was there when he wanted to ask me something or just talk to me for a minute. There's a lot to be said for teleworking and/or a shorter workweek. The pandemic brought that to light.

Along those lines, here's another good article about workers not putting up with crappy jobs anymore!


Also brought about by the pandemic. Interesting to think that we're being forced into less consumerism - by worker shortages and inflation. Will that last? Will it ever be the same as it was in 2019? Or will we adjust to the "new normal?"

And this is a great article about the labor shortage;


4.3 million people quit their jobs las August. There were a myriad of reasons. In general, people should be talking about this and how it's going to affect all of us. I'm hopeful.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

...speaking of Facebook

 Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm not a newsy. But I see the headlines. I hear the news bites on the radio. Sometimes in the morning, I listen to talk radio - briefly. So I think I have the basics about the FB "whistle blower."

I agree that FB, or social media in general, is harmful to kids and a lot of adults. But most of that conversation is something different than what the whistle blower is talking about. She says, FB is dangerous....duh. She says that the FB mentality is all about the bottom line....duh, aren't all big businesses like that? Liquor is bad for minors but there are still ads on TV that would make a young person believe that in  order to be cool, you have to drink Bud Light, (or whatever). There are things I like about social media. There are things I don't. But I do believe that they should be held accountable in some way. FB is too big to be reigned in now. People can complain that ads are targeting young people. But how can FB possibly know if a 10 year didn't lie about their age? Please. I lied about my birthday. Be realistic. FB will say though, parents should pay more attention to what their kids are doing online. That's true. But even the best parents don't know everything their kids are doing online. And if you give a 10 year old a smart phone without parental controls, well....I guess everyone should be accountable?

I understand that some small changes could make a big difference though. But it would affect their revenue and bottom line. Mark Zuckerberg is the 5th richest person in the world. At the detriment of society, does he need to be? I don't believe in all censorship though. And social media is part of the global culture now. 

I guess we'll figure it out.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Social media

Were you affected by the Instagram/Facebook outage yesterday? Did you survive?!

Do you follow a lot of people/businesses on either of those? I don't have that many FB friends so it didn't really bother me too much. I sure didn't miss all the ads though! I did, however, miss my stuff on Instagram. Again, I don't have hardly any friends on Instagram but I follow a lot of quilling people, good news pages, animal/dogs pages, crafty stuff.  

Honestly, I had no idea it was so stressful to SO MANY people!! Wow. I mean, I know there are a lot of people that base their whole day on what's on social media, but really??? Holy smokes!

There should be more outages :-) Even if they're planned. You know, like when the kids were little, we had "no TV" nights. I loved those. Everyone always found other things to do. Imagine that. No, really, imagine. hahahaha

I see so much good in the internet. I also see much I don't want to see. How do you create a balance?  

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Random things

Poof! Just like that it's dark when I leave for work. Rats! 

October is Friday. It's ridiculous that time is going by so fast. 

There are only 13 more Fridays until Christmas! 

It's almost flu season! LOL.

Scientist must go crazy for stories like this.

Do you love it that Dog the Bounty Hunter is on the Petito case, looking for Laundrie?! I've never watched his show but it seems like everyone in the world knows who he is. Besides being an attention whore, they say he's pretty good at what he does. Go get 'em tiger.

Oh, and how about this great story about Shaq!
He's so awesome. And I'm not even a basketball fan! Have you ever seen Running Wild with Bear Grylls? It's kind of fun. He takes a celebrity on a 2 day wilderness journey. Shaq was on once and Bear asked him what else he would like to do. Shaq said he'd like to be a cop. He thinks he could bridge the gap between cops and civilians. He said, "Because I know how to go upstairs and have a conversation. And I know how to go downstairs and have a conversation." 
I LOVED that.

Our neighbor across the street likes to decorate for Halloween. And I mean decorate!! 
I'm not exaggerating either. She literally has thousands of dollars invested in her decorations. Last weekend, she started putting them up. This year, I already see some new things. It's so fun. This is a picture from last year after she gathered everything up to start putting it all away. It's like a family photo!! The 2nd photo is the start of this year...

It's good to have passion :-)

Aaaaand, AI is coming people. Check out "Astro" on Amazon. Holy Jetsons!!

The median home price in the U.S. is $363,300.00.
The average home price in Hawaii is $992k! In San Diego California it's $858,000.00! NYC is $745k, Miami is $515k, Charleston, SC is $422k. In Chicago it's $316k,  Omaha is $230k, Cedar Rapids, Iowa is $168k, Las Vegas is $365k, Tulsa, OK is $157k, Cincinnati is $$166k. So there is a premium to live someplace with decent weather year round. I like having seasons. Also, I like affordable living. It's a win/win for me!

Saturday, September 11, 2021


On the 10th anniversary of 9/11, I remember thinking, this is our generation's December 7th. I can read everything about December 7th, 1941, but I will never truly understand how that felt. I can read interviews with survivors and people who were there, but I will never really know what it was like for them. People will ask for many years to come, where were you on that Tuesday morning? What were you doing? Just like they still ask, what were you doing when you heard Kennedy had been shot. 

So, what were you doing, 20 years ago today? I was getting ready for work and I came downstairs and somebody had left the tv on. There was breaking news about an airplane that had hit the north tower of the World Trade Center. I was just getting ready to walk out the door, but I stopped. It was so weird. What? An airplane? Wow! How awful! Those poor people, omg. As they were talking about it, another plane came into view and flew right into the 2nd tower. Oh Shit. Now it's something completely different and everyone knew it. In that second, everyone knew that this was intentional. How can that be??? What??? Terrorist attacks in the US??  Two decades is a long time in the world of technology and media. Still, millions of people witnessed the second plane crashing into the south tower, live. It was a defining moment as people around the world experienced the events as they unfolded.  I still had to go to work though, I was late. I only worked a few minutes away from home. When I got there I immediately pulled up the news on my computer. It was hard to get into any website because everyone was trying to do the same thing and the internet was still pretty new for the general population. By then, Flight 77 had crashed into the Pentagon. There was complete chaos everywhere. The newscasters didn't even know what to say so they were saying anything. Flights were being grounded, ordered to land and not taking off at all. Schools were sending students home. We had a television in the breakroom at work and there were a couple dozen people in there, watching. I remember hearing everyone in the breakroom yell out when the first tower collapsed and run out to tell everyone in the building. I cried. I was just extraordinarily sad. I guess it was probably a little out of fear too. Fear of the unknown. What could happen. But mostly it was sadness. My heart was breaking for all those people left behind. Minutes later, another plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Flight 93.

Information, misinformation, opinions, facts flooded the airwaves...for days...weeks. You couldn't turn it off. It felt disrespectful to not watch. I remember after about a week, one night my stepdaughter came into our bedroom after dinner and I had the TV on, the news of course, and she said, can we just watch a movie? For just a moment, I was so angry at her! I paused. Then I realized, she's 17. There's still life out there. And I said, yes, we can watch a movie. You pick it. She chose The Sound of Music. It was perfect. After that, I tried not to have the news on all the time. The evening news was enough.

On September 20th, President George W Bush addressed the nation in what was truly the perfect speech for a country yearning for comfort. Honestly, it didn't even matter what party you were, you loved this speech;


We adjusted. We made compromises. We connected with other people. We grieved. We moved on.

We've never been the same though.  


Thursday, September 9, 2021

What should we talk about?

 Hmmm...let's see...religion? Nah, that's not safe. Ummm...politics? Oh hell no! How about the weather? Oh, I guess that would have to include climate change...no thank you. TV?  It would be a short conversation, there's nothing good on. Movies? Music? I don't know, is there anything new?  COVID? Vaccinations? Masks? Science? History? Ugh. What about cooking?? Oh! I like to cook on the weekends when I can take my time. I wish I was braver with spices and herbs though. Also, I wish I could bake. I see all these fantastic desserts and bread recipes. I'm just not a very good measurer. I made rummy bears the other day! You know, gummy bears soaked in rum! Hahahahahahaha. That was fun :-) Let's see what else...pets?! I almost need a pet. I'm closer. Oh! speaking of pets...this was so funny I almost peed my pants...a very cheerful, nice woman at work stopped by my desk to say hi. Our boss walked by and said, "Hey Elaine, tell Cynthia your good news!" Elaine said, "OH! I got a dog!!!!....and I got engaged! His name is Cooper....the dog's!" She said it all with such enthusiasm too. The dog is new. I guess she's had the boyfriend for awhile. So funny.

I'll try to think of something and come back in a couple days.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Things of no consequence :-)

for more lighthearted news....

If you're a movie fan, lots of sequels headed your way!

* Top Gun: Maverick  - sequel
* The Matrix 4
* Mission Impossible 7
* Indiana Jones 5 - oh come on! He's almost 80 years old! Just stop it.
* Lethal Weapon 5 - I'm conflicted about these OLD guy movies
* Fantastic Beasts 3 
* Minions: Rise of the Guru
* Hunger Games - the prequel
* Jurassic World, Dominion - the 3rd. I totally buy into these movies
* Legally Blonde 3
* Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 - fun for the soundtracks alone! Oh, and of course, groot.
* National Treasure 3 - finally!
* Star Trek 4 - I love the new cast of this franchise. They're so perfect!
* Sing 2 - The world needs more animated singing animals for sure!!
* Knives Out - 2 and  3. I love a good mystery. The 1st one was fun but I hope the next 2 are 
* a yet to be titled Star Wars movie!
* The Lion King 2 - I LOVE the live action Disney movies
* Aladdin 2 - see above
* Avatar 2 - plus 2 more after that! I hope they aren't all 3 hours long though.
* The Meg 2 - I look forward to the summer shark movies.
* Hocus Pocus 2! - yay!!
* The Tomorrow War 2 - This is an Amazon movie. We really enjoyed it. 
   (fast forward through the battles though, they're too long)
* John Wick 4 - I think my fella will like this.
* Thor: Love and Thunder - well of course it's already my next favorite movie :-) Right after...
* Aquaman 2 - !!!! <3 <3 <3
* Doctor Strange 2
* Captain Marvel 2 - I'm a super heroes fan so all of these make me happy.
* Mad Max 5 
* Predator 5 - I didn't even know there was more than 1!!
* Texas Chainsaw Massacre - number 9 wow!
* Halloween Kills - I don't even know! The 80th one?!
   and countless other horror/slasher sequels!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Great Places?

 Did you see this list last month, from Time Magazine?

It's called, The World's Greatest Places in 2021.

Indianapolis made the list? I'm pretty sure I could've come up with a better list;


There are some cool places on the list though!

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Pandemic Life 2021

Yep. Still here. Still dealing with the pandemic. Still wearing masks. Still. I never in a million years would've guessed that we would still be dealing with this, 18 months later! WTF! I mean, is it just because people didn't get vaccinated?? Would it be any better if there wasn't the Delta variant? What about the next variant that comes along, because there will be one. I think at this point, all of the new cases are the Delta variant and they are mostly young people. Well, young people (teens through 30 something) are lazy about things like that. Plus, we've been told a 1000 times at least; For most people, the coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more sever illness like pneumonia, or death.
I still see that exact text at the bottom of articles, even today. What's serious about that? if you're not old? They want people to take this seriously and get vaccinated but the warning really isn't that serious, unless you're older.
The Delta variant is different though. It's affecting children. But younger than 12 can't get a vaccine. Sooooo....what do you do about that? What did you do about chicken pox or measles or mumps??? Should they require that teachers get vaccinated?

At work, you're not allowed to ask people if they've been vaccinated? That's so dumb. Are we so divided as a country?? I saw over the weekend that a radio host in Nashville died of COVID. But the headlines all made a point of saying "radio host who was a vaccine skeptic, dies of COVID," like he deserved it. I don't know who he is but it made me sick to think that we are so divided that people would think that! Holy wow!

Just when it seemed like things could get back to normal, boom. Uh huh. Lots of concerts have been canceled again. Travel is being restricted again. In some countries, they're on their 4th and 5th lockdowns. Which clearly aren't working. I mean, after the first couple lockdowns that didn't make a difference, why keep doing it??? 

Some companies now are requiring their employees to be vaccinated. Is that wrong? Should they be able to force you to get a vaccine? I hear some people say, 'are you now or have you ever been, a communist?' Is that how they feel, really?

Now, some businesses are going to require that you show proof of vaccination if you want to do something. Like Ticketmaster/Live Nation. Starting October 6th, if you want to attend a concert, you have to show proof of being vaccinated or a negative test within 72 hours. Is that wrong? Isn't that a form of discrimination? 

It seems like such a slippery slope.

So many restrictions. So many questions. Still unanswered questions. So much uncertainty, still. So much mistrust.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021


It's been a long time since I was in school. What are American schools teaching in American history? I learned about the 13 colonies, the revolution, slavery, the civil war and reconstruction, the 20's, the depression, WWI and II, the Alamo, Lewis and Clark, a little about the cold war, the civil rights movement.
I guess now they throw in 9/11 and more economic and environmental teachings? 

If you are a citizen of the US, that makes you an American. Isn't that right? Regardless of your race, religion, color, sex, whatever...you're still an American. Right?

I saw a story about Illinois passing an act requiring Asian American history be taught in high schools. Specifically, "the contributions of Asian Americans toward advancing civil rights from the 19th century onward. The contributions made by individual/Asian Americans in government, arts, humanities, and sciences. The contributions of Asian American communities to the the economic, cultural, social, and political development of the US."  Is that segregation? I feel like it is. Why can't it just be part of American history? I really struggle with stuff like this. Do they teach a unit just about Native Americans? Or is that just part of the history of that time? I don't remember learning about the Trail of Tears in school. I think it should be a bigger part of our history but I don't think it should be a separate thing. To date, there are no federal requirements for teaching black history in the US. Maybe it would be less divisive if we just did a better job teaching history? Why can't we stop trying to separate everybody?

If you're African American, you should have to be more specific then. Africa is BIG continent. What if your ancestors are from Libya, or Egypt? Then you can say you're African American. Technically, you can be a white African American. What about Russia? If you're heritage is Russian, doesn't that make you an Asian American? How about India or Iraq or Turkey? They're all part of Asia. My heritage is mostly European. Should I identify myself as a European American? Or maybe just a North American? If your ancestors come from Brazil, Chile, or Argentina, do you call yourself South American? Or do you just say you're an American?

Oh I guess I know the deeper answer. Asian is a racial category, not geographical. Same for African American and Latino. Race = a group of people sharing the same culture, history, language, etc. 

No wonder it's so hard for everyone to get along.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Drugs are bad

Did you know, last year there was a 29% increase in drug overdose deaths?! It's the equivalent of 11 deaths every hour. Holy cow! Over 93,000! That's  21,000 more deaths than the previous year.

When you think about it though, it isn't really that surprising, is it? The mental health toll of covid plus every tom dick and harry was making drugs and lots of extra $$ to spend. 

I read, "what's really driving the surge in overdoses is this increasingly poisoned drug supply. Nearly all of this increase is fentanyl contamination in some way. Heroin is contaminated. Cocaine is contaminated. Methamphetamine is contaminated." Also, "when I have extra money, I stock up on my (drug) supply."

So far, this year is probably not looking any better. 

Just another overlooked consequence of 2020.

Thursday, July 29, 2021


/joi/  noun

a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

What brings you joy? It's a good question isn't it? Other than parents/kids/spouses.

Lots and lots and LOTS  of things bring me joy;
dogs/dog videos/animals
St. Elmo's filet mignon
a compliment from a stranger
music, especially the 70's
sincere laughter
the smell of cookies baking
Disney/Pixar animated movies
sparkly gel pens
a ripe tomato w/salt on it
cheese 😂
sleeping late

YES! we need more joy!!! 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

lazy brains

I don't know. Maybe it's just been so long now since I've had to deal with people on a daily basis that I've forgotten how lazy they are. Or maybe they're just worse now. It's giving me anxiety. Some days, a lot of anxiety. Ugh.

Like, people are still driving like they were a year ago, when there were A LOT LESS cars on the road. It's stressful and scary out there on the roads. Crazy speeding, crazy lane changes, not paying attention. Whoa!

People in general are so self absorbed! Yesterday I was in the Costco parking lot waiting to go because a woman and her cart, in the middle of the row, stopped to do something on her phone. Helllllooooo! I wanted to honk at her but felt like that would be rude. They do the same thing in the grocery store. Geez!

Nobody is thinking. Just doing. 

At work, we actually had to put a sign up in the restroom to tell people to clean up after themselves because it was such a mess all the time! Seriously. What the hell??

Everyone is just doing whatever the hell they want. I don't think it's just lazy brains though. Maybe they have lazy brains because they don't have any respect for anybody or anything. Or themselves for that matter.

Sometimes I want to give in and follow the crowd. It's so much easier if you don't give a crap. But then, in my core, I want to do the right thing. I don't want to park in the 15min spot if I know I'm going to be 1/2 an hour. I can walk the extra 200 steps from the far spot. I still put things back that I don't want, at the store. Most of the time, I still pick things up off the floor when I'm not at home. If you're not a jack(ass)hole or a bully, I'll let you in front of me, on the road. I try to pay attention to what's going on around me and be considerate. But, I still  have anxiety about people and negativity and brain laziness. sigh 

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Random things....

 There's going to be an Aquaman 2 😃😃 I'm pretty happy about this.

The State Fair starts next week. Every year they have new foods to try. This year they're going to have a grilled cheese made with waffles! Uh huh. Also, frozen mocha coffee, which is really just a coffee milkshake. Oh, and Miss Piggy's Mac Daddy-mac and cheese topped with bbq pulled pork. mmmmmmm

It's almost the end of July????!!!!! Oh man! 

You should watch the daily videos on YouTube from doggydaycarefarmtrips.  Joy . every . day!

California came to visit us yesterday. There's a murky haze over most of the state - smoke from the California wildfires. Wow. 

In the parking garage at work, someone spilled glitter. Which is perplexing to begin with...but now, one whole level is sparkly. It's kind of fun.

What caused your happiest feelings? Do you know? For instance, do you remember how your first kiss made you feel? How about the first time a non-family member told you they loved you. Maybe someone just said something nice to you that made you feel happy, and it still does when you remember it. Birth of a child? The moment you fell in love. Your first 'A' on a report card. A fit of the giggles. 

Is there a famous person's death that was particularly upsetting to you? Some people cried and cried when Elvis died, or JFK. I don't really have feelings like that about the rich and famous. I will say though, it was upsetting to me when Robin Williams died. I guess because he committed suicide and my heart broke for him, to think he was in so much turmoil, mentally, that that was his only option. So, so sad.

And speaking of YouTube, there are a couple great 'world webcams' out there. You only get about 5 seconds of each webcam but it's fun to see the world in just a few minutes. 

Gay women and older black women like me. Why? 

Do you know what Hematite is? It's a common iron oxide. Kind of a charcoal color. It's pretty when it's all shined up. I have a hematite ring, that I bought at Wall Drug store in South Dakota. I wear it on my thumb so it really takes a beating! Still looks great, no scratches, doesn't make my finger turn green. I like it. 

Last - why aren't there any good comedies on TV anymore? They're all so dumb. OK, maybe there are a few that aren't geared toward high school humor. But it's hard to find a smart comedy. The writers of Frasier and MASH are long gone. There really aren't any good comedy movies either. In today's world, there should be more.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Things you probably don't know about me

I like dread locks.
    not for me, but I like the way they look.

I don't like man buns.
    Unless it's Jason Mamoa. Period

I don't like salty and sweet together.
    don't put salt on your watermelon!! ewww. and NO fruit on your salad. yuck

I'm a bird nerd.
    I know so much more about birds than you do :-)

I love events!
    even if they're not related to anything I actually like, I still like the event!

I don't like berries.
    strawberries are ok on shortcake but that's about it for me.

I love Funko Pop.
    Thank heavens I didn't discover them until late in life. I'm sure I already have too many :-)

I don't really like cake.    
    chocolate cake is yummy but I could live without it.

I don't like peanut butter
    I know...weirdo

Also, I don't really like chocolate
    except for the occasional Snickers bar

Purple is my 2nd favorite color after lime green.    
    after that, I like tie dye stuff

I've never had a same sex fantasy.    
    You'd be surprised at how many people do!!

I don't like sushi.    
    and yes, I've tried it. Same goes for oysters, goose, frog legs and snails. blech

If you really want me to do something, you have to make me promise.    
    I don't break my promises.

I could eat chips and salsa every single day.    
    just a little, but I would still want it every day.

I can't think of a single job I've had that I didn't like.    
    even the crappy retail ones.

I LOVE nature and being outside.    
    but I hate bugs, I don't like being hot, hiking sucks and camping out is not my bag. 

I love salty things so much that sometimes when I'm having a craving, I drink soy sauce.    
    I know how gross that sounds but hey, it's better than a bag of chips!!

I'm a kind person but I'm not a nice person.    
    Just ask anyone I've ever been sarcastic too!!

There are only two kinds of ice cream worth eating; Dairy Queen and Bryer's Butter Pecan    
    That's IT!

I like lima beans and liver.    
    Not together though. I don't eat either, but I like them both.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021


Queer and/or Questioning

Lesbian and Gay - check, I get it. Except, they're both homosexual. I mean, a woman can say she's gay but a man can't say he's lesbian. See, even in the gay community the sexes have to be divided.

Bisexual - check, I know what that is too.

Transgender - ok, so you're transgender if you want to dress like the opposite sex and/or you want to be the opposite sex. Actually, they want you to say if they "identify" as the opposite sex. This one still confuses me.

Queer and/or Questioning - yep, losing me now. Isn't queer the same as gay? And what the hell is questioning? You want to be special because you're questioning your sexuality? Oy.

Intersex - The is a person who is born with certain traits of both male and female. Is that right? I'm actually not sure. I looked it up but I'm still not sure.

Asexual - this means that you don't have sexual feelings for either sex. That makes you special? I think that just makes you different. 

2 Spirit - Ummm, yeah. I didn't make that up. It defines two-spirit as a cultural and spiritual identity for indigenous people who embody both female and male spirits.

Wait, I think they forgot Pansexual. That means you're attracted to everyone! Like a sex addict?

Wouldn't it just be easier to say, heterosexual and non-heterosexual? Or is this just another way to keep everybody divided. Seriously. I used to work for a gay doctor. I've had gay friends. I have gay co-workers. For the most part, they could care less if I know they're gay. Why does the media want us to care?

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Pandemic life 2021

2/3/20 - US Declares Public Health Emergency 

3/11/20 - WHO declares COVID-19 a pandemic. 

3/13/20 - US declares a National Emergency

The world shuts down. Countries seal their borders; sports teams cancel seasons; schools close and employees go home.

April 2020 - Businesses shut down, leading to massive job losses. By the end of April, 26.5 million Americans have filed for unemployment. We were told that if everyone just stayed home for 2 weeks, we could flatten the curve. Since then, we've been told so many different things.

June 2020 - The curve is not flattening. 5 million people have lost their health care insurance. Life is pretty much canceled. And it will continue through the end of the year.

July 2020 - There's a significant uptick in mental health cases/issues.

And on and on it goes and goes. Here we are, JUNE 2021. Most mask mandates have been lifted now. You're still required to wear one on public transportation, prisons and hospitals. Sometimes I wonder why. Did it help? How about social distancing? Did that help?

Still, after a year and a half, I see a lot of this; 
studies suggest
the CDC worries
we now believe
there could be
it might mean
a new study predicts
All of which just means the same things as, I/we think. Does that make all the precautions worth it?

In my life, traffic on my daily commute has picked up significantly. Drivers are worse than ever! Mostly because there haven't been so many cars in their way before now so they've forgotten. 
There are more and more people outside downtown. Portions of the mall are still closed though. Some restaurants are still only doing take out - labor shortages prevail. In general, we're going more places. That's nice for sure. 

Where I work, we've all been told to be back in the office by July 6th. I was really enjoying the quiet and the drama free environment. Most of these people are not happy about coming back to work either. For over a year, they've gotten to sit in the comfort of their homes, barefooted, in sweats or leggins and dorky t-shirts, temperature controlled to their liking, listening to music, smoking when they want, eating when they want, doing their laundry, playing with the dog, visiting with other family members who are home, saving a TON of $$ on gas and eating out. Yeah, it's been a pretty sweet gig for a lot of folks.

So, what's it going to be like for all of the people, everywhere, that have to go back "in" to work? They have to get use to each other again, seeing faces. Their routines are about to change drastically! It's going to be just as hard as when they all had to go home to work. I only have to give up 2 days at home and I hate it!!! I'm seriously going to miss that extra hour of sleep, loud music, a home cooked breakfast! and chatting with my fella when ever I wanted. Poop

It's been a helluva road, hasn't it? So much anger and sadness and loss. So much negativity and resentment. 


Thursday, June 3, 2021

People, people, people!

I was really starting to feel like the pandemic population and traffic was normal. It was nice. You know, because I don't like people. But now that things really are getting back to normal, there are just too many people and too many cars in the world! They're everywhere!!! ick

Did you know, as of March 2020 there were 7.8 billion people in the world? It took 2 million years for the world's population to reach 1 billion, and only 200 years more to reach 7 billion. Wow! Conservationist claim that the Earth can only support 1.5 billion people. Hmmm. I wonder at what point will they know they were wrong? Granted, there are plenty of poor countries in the world but 6.3 billion people can't survive? According to Science Daily, 95% of the world's population lives on 10% of the world's land. But if you add in agriculture, we take up 1/2 of Earth's land.

China = 1.4 billion. That's 153 people per kilometer (.62 mile)
    China lost 348,399 migrants last yr
India = 1.3 billion. That's 464 people per kilometer
    India lost 532,687 migrants
USA = 331 million. (only 4.25% of the world's population) That's 36 people per kilometer
    USA gained 954,806 
Indonesia = 274 million. That's 151 per kilometer
    Indonesia lost 98,955
Pakistan = 221 million. That's 287 people per kilometer
    Pakistan lost 233,379

But!...A little country called Monaco has a population density of 26,337 people per kilometer. Is that even possible?! Monaco's total population is only 39,242!

The top 5 most populated states in the US are;

California = 39,613,493. That's 254 people per square mile
Texas = 29,730,311. That's 144 people per 
square mile
Florida = 21,944,577. That's 409 people per square mile
New York = 19,299,981. That's 410 people per square mile
Pennsylvania = 12,804,123. That's 286 people per square mile

The Hoosier state has a population of 6,805,663. That's 190 people per square mile.

US cities are home to 63% of the population but comprise only 3.5% of land area.

Apparently I should quit complaining about how many people there are out there in my daily life.