Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I LOVE shoes!

Oh sure, I know I SHOULDN'T bee spending my $$ on shoes, but what the hell. They were on sale for $11 and really...HOW CUTE ARE THEY!!!
What a fun Spring/Summer shoe, all those flowers and cheerful colors :-)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

My newest hobby

Okay, so I'm a dabbler. I see things I like and want to learn how to do them.

My latest gig is the Ukranian art of Pysanky.

Here's my first one...not so great but not so bad either...

I'm a little shakey and my lines aren't very smooth. My second one is a little better....


It's a dogs life isn't it?

Sweet summertime!

Hooray! Summer is officially here. Complete with fireflies, or lightning bugs, which ever you prefer. The weather has been delightful, aside from a few showers and the mosquitoes are out in full force. Oh well, gotta take the good with the bad I suppose.

I took my motorcycle skills test yesterday morning - I failed miserably :-(
But the course is painted on the parking lot so I can go back every day and practice, practice, practice. The next test date is in 2 weeks. I'm confident I'll bee GR8 by then!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I love miniature things

Look what the man found in the driveway! I scooped it up and put it in the flower bed and guess what? I found 3 more. How many baby frogs are there I wonder? Oh, maybe they are toads. Anyway, they are a little smaller than a penny.

Now I can't help but wonder how many we've run over or squashed with a step. Ick. I guess I don't want too many of them in my yard, but they were fun to find.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Brokeneck dog

This is Pepper...
Ewww. I hate it when she lays like this. but she does it alllll the time. It makes her look like she got hit by a car and her neck is broken. It bugs me but I guess it's comfy for her. Ick.