Friday, February 27, 2009

Just for fun...

This is by far one of the funniest things I've seen this year!!!!

Cake Wrecks
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.

Disaster averted!!!!

When Bill came home for lunch he let the dogs out. Of course, we don't ever look at the gates, we don't use them.

Well today, when the gas man came to read the meter, he left the gate open. I'll have his head on a platter by the time I'm done with Vectren!

Oh, so, you guessed it, the dogs got out. Surprisingly, Pepper is the one who stayed home and Greta is the one who ran off. Yup, big sissy Greta. OMG! I was sooo stressed out and upset when Bill called to tell me. I called Mom and asked her to go to our house and help in the search. Then I went and asked if it was alright if I left work. By the time I got back to my desk, Bill was calling to say, "I went home to get a warmer coat and there she was, at the back door waiting to be let in".

HOORAY!!!! Whew! I need a glass of wine. Since I'm at work, I guess I'll just eat the box of Thin Mints I bought this morning :-)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Psychedelic fish!?

Look what I found in the paper today...

JAKARTA, Indonesia — A funky, psychedelic fish that bounces on the ocean floor like a rubber ball has been classified as a new species, a scientific journal reported. The frogfish _ which has a swirl of tan and peach zebra stripes that extend from its aqua eyes to its tail _ was initially discovered by scuba diving instructors working for a tour operator a year ago in shallow waters off Ambon island in eastern Indonesia.

The fish, which has a gelatinous fist-sized body covered with thick folds of skin that protect it from sharp-edged corals, also has a flat face with eyes directed forward, like humans, and a huge, yawning mouth.

I should have a little plastic one. Keep your eyes open when you see little plastic animals! I think it's neat.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Nope, not dying...

but still. Have you ever had one of those colds that just seems to drag on forever? Ugh. Really, it was only a week and then I thought I was almost better and bam! I got hit with the flu!!!! What the hell good did it do to get a flu shot??? I'm so fatigued. *sigh* Oh, of course I know it could be worse but some days ya just feel like whining. Know what I mean?

Movie update - we tried to see Gran Torino twice on Valentine's day. It doesn't really seem like a good date movie does it? It was sold out both times! Go figure. We went home and watched Wanted instead. It was kind of quirky! I liked it for that. And I think Angelina is a great action hero. Bill likes her too, but for different reasons ;-) Last weekend we watched Taking Chance. Wow. Get a box of Kleenex before you start. It's an HBO movie, which is a shame because everyone should have an opportunity to see it.

You can read the journal here;,0,6934286.story

Oh, and today's high is 52!!! It's so nice out!! And LOST is on tonight ~ I hope Sawyer looses his shirt again.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Oh please can we have more of shirtless Sawyer?!?!!?

Even though Sawyer wasn't in last nights episode, I love LOST. But what happened to everybody else on flight 316? "When" did they get back to the island? Why is Sayid in cuffs?!?! Kate needs to pick a man, maybe then she won't be such a crankypants all the time. My vote is for Jack. He isn't going to die. I think Sawyere is going to die. I hope he dies without his shirt on!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy hearts and flowers day!

Did You Know?

Looking for Love
188 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged annually, making Valentine's Day the second-most popular greeting-card-giving occasion. (This total excludes packaged kids valentines for classroom exchanges.) (Source: Hallmark research)
Research reveals that more than half of the U.S. population celebrates Valentine's Day by purchasing a greeting card.
Be Mine
2.2 million marriages take place in the United States annually. That breaks down to more than 6,000 a day.
The estimated U.S. median ages at first marriage for women and men are 25.3 and 27.1 respectively, in 2005.
57% and 60% of American women and men, respectively, are 15 or older and currently married.
Candy is Dandy!
1,241: The number of locations producing chocolate and cocoa products in 2004. These establishments employed 43,322 people. The per capita consumption of candy by Americans in 2005 was 25.7 pounds.

The combined wholesale value of domestically produced cut flowers in 2005 for all flower-producing operations with $100,000 or more in sales was $397 million.
Among all types of cut flowers, roses were third in receipts ($39 million)to lilies ($76.9 million) and tulips ($39.1 million).
There were 28,772 jewelry stores in the United States in 2004. Jewelry stores offer engagement, wedding and other rings to lovers of all ages. In February 2006, these stores sold $2.6 billion worth of merchandise.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Getting Lost on the radio

Our power went out last night at 7:35. It didn't come back on until 2:30 AM! Yep, I missed LOST :-( husband, who is truly great, found a little tiny radio, a battery and ABC!!! So I listened to it. Sure, I missed some ~ like all the French people stuff w/the smoke monster and the Korean conversation between Jin and Charlotte ~ but I got the gist of things! John Locke is such a boob. I use to like his character but now (and last season as well) he's so annoying. I want to see more of Richard ~ he's so hot! Holler! I especially love his eyelashes and eye liner!
I was sad to hear Charlotte die but w/all this time traveling, maybe we haven't seen the last of her. Poor Daniel though, he went back in time to warn her but it didn't help. This was her destiny. I love Sun as a strong take charge kind of gal, she rocks! And Ben is a bad bad man.

I'm glad it didn't get too cold last night. We went to bed early and let the dogs cuddle in. Bill said the temp in the house, when the power came back on, was 56. Not bad. We were without heat for 6 hours and it only got down to 56. Not bad at all.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Oh the outrage!

The winner of the Westminster Dog Show was a TEN year old Sussex Spaniel!!!! Hey, I'm for the senior movement but come on....The Giant Schnauzer was the top dog of 2008 ~ and bee-u-ti-full ~ and the Standard Poodle has more awards than ANY dog in HISTORY! And the lowly Sussex Spaniel won????? Man, I would be so ticked off. Truthfully, I was disappointed. I didn't necessarily want the Poodle to win, but the Schnauzer winning would have gotten a big hooray! from me.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Poodles DON'T rule!

Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against poodles. I think they're smart and funny and loyal and they don't shed. Well, I really don't care for that stupid looking show dog haircut. I found this little blurb in the paper this morning;

The 5-year-old black Standard Poodle will compete Tuesday for Best in Show at Madison Square Garden (8 ET, USA). Too bad Marv Albert isn't calling the show.
Yes' father, or sire in dog talk, was Ch. Eaton Affirmed, known as Snapper. Though Snapper died in 1990, his owner, Timothy Brazier, froze the dog's semen a quarter century ago, which was very rare for that time.
Snapper is one of the legendary producers of champions, and now his spirit and his genes live on in his daughter, officially known as Ch. Randenn Tristar Affirmation, the No. 4 dog in the country last year. She is the top winning black poodle (all varieties) of all time with 94 Best in Shows and is the mother, or dam, of four champions, and even a grand dam.

This is practically confirmation that Yes will win Best in Show. Phooey!
Oh, the Miniature Schnauzer we were rooting for? She came in 4th in her group.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Even though we own the 2 best dogs in the WORLD, we still love the dog show. What dog show you ask? Why The Westminster Kennel Club of course!

NIGHT 1: Monday, February 9Hound, Terrier, Non-Sporting and Herding Groups8-9 p.m. (ET) live on USA Network9-11 p.m. (ET) live on CNBC

NIGHT 2: Tuesday, February 10Sporting, Working and Toy Groups, Best In Show8-11 p.m. (ET) live on USA Network

Here's the dog we'll be rooting for;
Ch Earthsong Remedy For The BluesBreed: Miniature Schnauzer DogAKC: RN 13232501Date of Birth: December 21, 2006Breeder: Karen S Hoffmann DVMSire: Ch Phil Adores MedicineDam: Ch Mai-Laur JunoOwner: Rachael Hoffmann & Karen Hoffmann

Over 4 million dogs end up in shelters every year. Each of them deserves a home. Click on the link below to help;

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The big thaw

OK, I admit it...I like the snow. I like winter. That said, I am looking forward to this week...
Maybe we could walk outside at lunch one day this week! I love the tunnels but some fresh air without freezing your butt off is always a good thing.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


That's how we all felt this morning when we left for work....MINUS 3 was the temp!!!

But Angie's Dad promises a big warm up is on the way. Whew.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy February

My man put new brakes on my car over the weekend and now I feel much safer on the road.

While he was doing that, I put away all the Christmas decorations and took down the tree. Honestly, I wanted to get it done before the 1st, so I wouldn't feel so bad about taking so long to get around to it. But I've been busy. Everything looks so bare now.

On the upside, it's time to switch out the beanie babies! I love all the pink ones for Valentine's, they're so sweet.

We even squeezed in a couple movies...

Eagle Eye ~ if you're too young to have seen 2001 A Space Odyssey, you will like the way this movie turns out. Actually, it's been long enough for me that I really enjoyed this movie.

Juno ~ GR8 movie. Funny, poignant, well written and just delightful. I might have to copy this one to a DVD.

Burn After Reading ~ hmmm, mixed reviews in our house, for both of us. There were things that were just dumb, a little over the top, gross and wildly entertaining. I like the Coen brothers but at the same time, I don't. Know what I mean?

Mamma Mia! ~ I love Meryl Streep, she can do anything! But I haven't watched it yet, it's on the DVR. Bill said he can't be around while it's playing because he doesn't want to loose his man card!