Tuesday, November 28, 2017


If you want to argue for something that you want, you should put more effort and creativity into your fight! Come on people!

Today at work, I'm compiling a report of all the people in our department that want to be a teleworker. You know, work from home. Everyone who wants to do that, has to fill out an application. Some people are legitimate teleworkers. They work in the field. They come into the office rarely. Other people work from home 1 or 2 days a week, because of child care, etc. So it's super nice of their supervisors to approve those arrangements. 

You wouldn't believe the stupid things people put for why they want to be a teleworker!!
I would be more productive because I wouldn't have to use that time commuting.
Umm, your commute time isn't done "on the clock" dummy. 
My home is a calmer, quieter and safer place.
We have a bigger problem than you commuting if you feel unsafe at work! 
I lose an entire work day, commuting. 
Small noises such as coughing, phone calls and conversation are very distracting to me
Your poor kids!!
I would be able to watch my grand-kids
Seriously? Stop.
Mostly, their reasons are their commute. 30 minutes is just so stressful!! But I like the days they pick, to work from home...I want to work from home on Mondays and Friday, or Thursdays and Fridays. Yeah, right.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Soon, most of you will be gathered around your friends and family, celebrating another opportunity to be together. I'm pretty sure that it seems like it was just March, a couple months ago. In the blink of an eye, it whooshes by. In the blink of an eye, lives are changed forever. In the blink of an eye, the toddler you cherished becomes a teenager that's barely recognizable and an adult with a family of their own. In the blink of an eye, you have gray hair, need glasses and you just want to wear comfy shoes. In the blink of an eye, the world has become so small. Things are changing so quickly. It's important to stop every now and then and think about how much you have. What makes you smile. How lucky you are to be loved.

I am thankful/grateful for;

Amazon's unlimited music
Kindle's unlimited reading
You Tube videos of goats - pygmy, fainting, kids, you name it, they're all funny as hell.
Social media - so I know what's going on w/my peeps
Costco's Kirkland brand Margarita - the BEST flavor in a bottle, hands down
Fitbit - because sitting is the new smoking
More babies!!!
A great produce department at the local grocery store
Red Vines - no, throw those Twizzlers away!
My smartphone - for everything
Live entertainment - you know I mean Garth Brooks, right? :-)
Good water right out of the faucet
Country roads - because sometimes the world is just too peopley
Modern medicine/dentistry
Sweet tea
A really good Reuben, with extra sauerkraut
Hobby Lobby - quilling, needle felting, painting, cross stitch, coloring books...ahhhhh
Hyacinths, sunny days, sparkling snow, but especially Autumn
2 great dogs that make us laugh several times a day

Every single day, I'm profoundly thankful for another cancer free year for my mom and husband. Every single day, I'm thankful for my job; friends, the family you choose for yourself; more than I need; a car to take me wherever I want to roam; a cozy home to start and end my journey every day; good health; family, challenging and difficult at times, but all mine. I've felt loved, my whole life. I'm pretty lucky.

Bee happy. It's a wonderful life, 

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Geez louise!

NYC subway to use gender-neutral terms
during announcements


NEW YORK (AP) - When it comes to the New York City subways, there's no such thing as
ladies and gentlemen.

Conductors on subway trains have been told to replace "ladies and gentlemen" when
making announcements with the gender-neutral terms of "passengers," ''riders," and

It's part of an effort from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to improve
communication with passengers frustrated with having to deal with a system
troubled with delays, mechanical failures and even derailments.

Other directives include giving subway riders as much information as possible in case
of delays and mentioning nearby New York City sites of interest at various stations.
(Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be
published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)
Sorry, I don't get it. I mean, even if you are transgender, you're still identifying yourself
as a male or female, right? What the hell is wrong with ladies and gentlemen?? And really,
what's that got to do with delays? Man, that's some funny stuff right there!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day was yesterday.

I'm pro kindness :-)  Don't you think everything else would fall into place if everyone was more kind? Kind to each other. Kind to animals. Kind to the earth. Yep. I'm pro kindness.

Kindness is such an easy thing, too. It doesn't hurt you to be kind. It doesn't cost you to be kind. Why is it so hard? I think it's just because people are in such hurry, all the time. I'm guilty of that, a lot. They don't even notice what's going on around them. They're so impatient with everything and everybody. I'm going to try harder not to be like that.

Last week, while I was walking at lunch, I saw a woman who was on her way to a conference with one of those little portable hand carts, filled with reading material. It fell over, spewing brochures, etc. everywhere. People just kept walking around her. So I stopped and help her pick up all her stuff. It took less than 5 minutes. I felt a little bad though, that she thanked me so profusely. Like I had done something special. That's sad. It shouldn't have been such a big deal.

Then I saw this story in the news;


That cashier was right. 

Kindness does matter. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

1st Ammendment

Do you know what the 1st amendment really says??

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Congress shall make no law respecting (with reference or regard to) an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging (curtail (rights or privileges)) the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble (gather together in one place for a common purpose), and to petition (make or present a formal request to (an authority) with respect to a particular cause) the Government for a redress (remedy or set right (an undesirable or unfair situation) )of grievances (a real or imagined wrong or other cause for complaint or protest, especially unfair treatment).
from dictionary.com

In interpreted laymen's terms;
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is a part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, and right to petition.
It seem pretty straight forward, doesn't it?
But then I found this version;
First Amendment definition. An amendment to the United States Constitution guaranteeing the rights of free expression and action that are fundamental to democratic government. These rights include freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech

I'm pretty sure that the 2nd one means something different than the first one. The right of free expression and action, seems a lot more vague. I mean, the right to free expression/action, could mean almost ANYTHING! If I want to write obscenities on the front of my house, isn't that a form of expression? If I want to flip the bird the bird at the president, and my boss fires me, can't I sue him for violating my right of free expression/action? How about if I'm a baker and I don't want to bake/decorate a cake for a gay couple because I have a right to religious and expression freedom. You can see where this is going, right? 

No wonder, as a country, we're so litigious.

I wish people could just keep this in mind...just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Monday, November 6, 2017


Here's what I've learned about eating well and nutrition....don't eat.

Sodium is bad for you.
Sugar is bad for you.
Carbs are bad for you.
Processed foods are bad for you.
Too much, is bad for you.
Not enough, is bad for you.
Really, just stop eating!

Half your plate should be vegetables. 1/4 should be protein and 1/4 should be carbs.
Try to do 80% of your shopping on the perimeter of the store, where all the fresh foods are, and 20% of your shopping in the middle, where all the processed foods are.

Here is something else I discovered, when we're on vacation, we eat a lot less. Mostly because we don't snack. And I guess, we're too busy to be boredom eaters.

Also, we very rarely eat fast food. Some people eat out, 2, 3, 4 times a week! I would rather eat at home and/or pack my lunch.

Aaaand, if I'm going to a burger joint, I'm going for the burger. Period. Don't tell me to order a salad. Seriously. If I HAD to do that, I just wouldn't go. Geez!

All of that said, we ate a lot better when we were kids. If you're over 40, did you have chips and/or cookies in your house all the time?? We didn't. There was no such thing eating because you were bored. You didn't eat if you were stressed, you smoked. Or drank. Or both! 

We ate real food too. Butter, sugar, Crisco, eggs.
