Friday, July 31, 2015


Sometimes I cry because people are so ugly. I cry because the suffering is so unbearable.
How is it possible for human beings to have such disregard for another living creature or being?
How is it possible for a human being to walk over a dying puppy and do nothing???
How is it possible for a human being to FORGET that you left your child in the car??
How is it possible for a human being to think it's fun to hunt and kill a living creature?
How is it possible for a human being NOT to see the fear and anguish in a child's face when you beat them?
OH MY GOD!!! What is wrong with people???
I don't understand.
I was thinking of watching some Disney movies but even they are filled with death! Booooooo.
Sometimes the suffering in the world is just to much to see and read about.
I guess I need a media break in general.

Thursday, July 30, 2015


The chips, silly. Geez, what kind of people are you?!?!?

Ok, here are the results of unscientific taste test of the 4 new Lays Potato Chip flavors. You know, the ones you get to vote on?

First up, Gyro flavored.
6 10 people gave this flavor a BIG no. Icky. Real icky. 

Next, Reuben flavored.
3 5 people gave this flavor a resounding, eh.
4 6 people gave this flavor a NO.

Then there was Truffle Fries flavor.
8 9 people said, it tastes like sour cream and onion.
3 people said they smell bad.
3 people kind of liked their earthy flavor?

Lastly, Biscuits and Gravy flavored.
6 7 people said, out of all of them, I might eat these.
They kind of taste like sausage.
4 people said, ewww.

Mostly, what we discovered is, potato chips shouldn't come in meat flavors.
That's our expert opinion!

Then there's my husband - he actually sort of liked them all. Duh. His favorite was the Truffle Fries.

Monday, July 27, 2015


My fella had a birthday this month. So did our country! The month is almost over and I'm still trying to figure out what happened to May!

We are now officially in the wettest July in the history of Indiana. Well, since they've been keeping track. Our July rainfall average is 4.55 inches. As of today, with at least one more good storm to come, we have 13.13 inches of rain this month. That's a lot of rain! I know that California would kill for even a 1/4 of that. Everything sure is pretty though!

Last week was so busy for me, in the world of the working. All week there were interactions with people to be had and I was exhausted when Friday finally came. As an introvert, I'm a pretty good faker when it comes to being nice to people. But all that niceness and talking takes its toll on me by the end of the week. 

When my mom retired, we were worried about her. We thought for sure she would become a total recluse. Imagine how pleasantly surprised we are, that she's not! As a matter of fact, she's a lot like my brother now!! She talks to everybody!! By the time I got home last Friday, I realized that I'LL be the one who turns into a recluse! I will be perfectly happy to just be home and not have to be around people. Over the winter, sometimes Bill will get cabin fever after just a couple days. Not me boy! So far, I don't think I've ever gotten cabin fever. Really. Yesterday, I din't even get out of my pj's. I did some quilling, I painted a little, I read a little, I played games on the computer and I watched movies. IT WAS AWESOME! Oh, the movies? The Maze Runner - apparently it's a series...I didn't know that. So the ending was dumb. Night At The Museum 3 - has to be the most expensive stupid movie made that year. If you haven't seen it, go ahead and skip it. Transcendence - with Johnny Depp. I actually kind of liked that one. Maleficent  - which was super fun, with all those cool caries and creatures! And the 4th Die Hard. Of course I've seen it already...a few times. But I love Bruce Willis. And 2 episodes of LOST - just because.

Yep, it was a nice quiet day. I needed it!

Friday, July 17, 2015

you need this!

This could be my favorite list so far this year!!!

uh huh, I'm game!

I love chips!! I wish I could eat them every day. But no. Every once in awhile, I'll buy a bag, eat some, and give the rest to my fella. He'll eat everything anything! 

Right now, Lays is having a 'new flavor' contest. Here are your choices;

Of course, we have to try the biscuits and gravy because the inventor is from my home state. 
Of course we have to try the Reuben, that's my go to deli sandwich and I'm an expert!
Of course we have to try the gyro, who doesn't love gyros!
Yes, we'll even try the truffle fries, because what the hell is that?!?!?!

When you're ready, go here to vote for YOUR fav!!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

more randomness...

I guess everything could be considered random, in this kind of forum. Anywho...

Her son died by lighting fireworks on his head: Now she wants stricter laws.
Well, for her family this was a tragic, yet completely avoidable accident. But really? Stricter laws? Stop it. We don't need more laws to tell us how to use our own common sense.

How is it that some celebrities are so functional and generous? I know Taylor Swift is big ham, for sure. And lets be honest, she doesn't have the best voice around. This girl is rockin' her life though!

You know I love lists! I don't even care if they're made up! The guy who wrote this one is pretty funny though. Some of these cracked me up! It's about how the states rank;

Also, a couple weeks ago, there was an article about the 50 most violent cities in the world. 20 of them were in Brazil, 11 were in Mexico, 5 in Columbia, 10 in other South American countries. You know the U.S. doesn't like to be left out and coming in at #19, St. Louis - #22 was Detroit, #28 was New Orleans and #40 was Baltimore. Don't go there!

And this one has the 50 funniest town slogans in the U.S. 

I like these, life hacks. I've seen most of them on Pinterest but there are a few of them that are actually pretty good!

And last but not in my town, and you may have heard about it, we have this wacky guy who decided to create The First Church of Cannabis. Uh huh...right...Naturally, the local PD said, if your members show up and smoke pot, we're going to arrest them. Duh. Anyway, like we didn't see this coming, the founder of The First Church of Cannabis has filed a religious freedom suit against the state. Another prime example of why attorneys are so despised!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

REALLY random...

In a front yard tree of our neighbor, a pair of red tail hawks made their nest and had babies. It's been really cool to see them all the time. Here's the mama;

One of the babies is just hanging around. I guess that's normal? But we hear it screeching, frequently! And we see it all the time. This morning, as a matter of fact, it was chillin' on top of our bird feeder! It's pretty neat.

See this guy? It's Vince Gill :-) We saw him a couple months ago. He did a fantastic show. He's an excellent story teller and we really enjoyed the show!

This is still my new favorite sign;

And the next time someone tells you there's no "i" in team, show them this...

I should really have this AWESOME door knocker;
I almost bought it...but $100 is a lot for whimsical! I'm still thinking about it though. Does that mean it's going to haunt me? and I should buy it? I don't know.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Notre Dame

No, not the one over there. The university here in Indiana.

Mom and I went, a couple weeks ago. Just to check it out. 1200 acres of perfectly manicured grounds and fabulous old buildings! Not to mention all the history!!
(you can click on the pictures to see them larger, case you forgot)
With a chapel in every dorm, plus the church, over 150 masses are performed every week!

This is the library. 14 stories! That's a whole lot of learnin' there!

Yep, and here it is...their $400 MILLION dollar + football stadium. where they play SIX games every year. What!??!?!

I don't know why I think tree bark is so cool. I just do. This one is extra, super, duper cool!

And see this painting? See the fringe around the painting?
 The artist was kind of a character...look closely at the fringe...

I was a really nice way to spend the day :-)