Thursday, March 29, 2012

what a crock

ONLY 54% would quit working? 11% would keep working? Puh-leez!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Mother Nature...

...she's fooling us! I think everyone has put away their winter clothes, since we've already had an entire week of 80 degrees +. But just as a reminder, there's a freeze warning for tomorrow morning. Crazy weather!

Finally, we saw a fantastic show at the local concert hall. The whole Bluegrass series has been very disappointing so far. There's one show left, Ricky Skags on Friday. Oh, anyway, Lee Ritenour was GREAT! His music just sucks you right in, it's so nice. And he was very charming and played for an hour and a half. That's a long time these days. Plus, he signed autographs out in the lobby after the show. I think lots of people stayed for that. Aaaand, it was extra wonderful to be able to hear ALL of it!
Check him out, you might like his music too!

Sunday was the movies. It was a little loud at times but I think that was true for everybody :-) The movie itself, The Hunger Games, was pretty good. It followed the book pretty closely and for 2 1/2 hours, it went by really fast! Action packed the whole time. I've read some reviews that were kind of negative because it glossed over the violence, which is a stupid thing to be negative about, but I thought that it was an OK thing - since it's about kids killing kids. So all those 11/12/13 yr olds could go see it without their folks being too worried. (I see worse on TV) I understand it's a hugely popular series for kids.

Friday, March 23, 2012

In the news...

Carnie Wilson has undergone a second weight loss surgery.
I'm thinking that she should address whatever issues she has with food vs her weight.

A New Jersey middle school has banned hugging. You know, in case there's inappropriate touching between 7 year olds. Good grief.

Oprah's dogs are set to inherit $30 million dollars in the event of her demise. Seriously? I want to know where to apply to get the job of taking care of her dogs. Wow!

If you're an Aussie, I have some horrible news for you!
If you're not an Aussie, feel free to laugh your head off!

And today is National Chips and Dip day. Woohoo!

The band Sugarland, whose concert at the Indiana State Fair last August ended in tragedy, said this week, in regards to wanting to change their deposition dates from April to May; "Sugarland's attorneys wanted their client to give depositions in May and said the duo refuses to be bullied." The judge said today, "It is not acceptable to just not have dates," the judge said. He also objected to the idea of delaying the depositions until May, telling Sugarland's attorneys that he was against the notion that "the whole world has to stand still because of your client."  Don't get me wrong here, I don't think any human being is responsible for a weather related act of God but, if I were them and 7 people were killed at one my shows, I would be busting my ass to cooperate. I know there are some greedy people involved and some people who want to take advantage of the situation, but come on! I like them/their music less now.

And last but not least, Pat Robertson said that if Peyton Manning is injured during the season, it will serve the Bronco's right...because they traded Tebow to the Jets. Umm, yeah, I know just what you're thinking!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A week later

It's almost been an entire week in the new world of too much noise!
Let's see - I like it for the most part. They're definitely not uncomfortable. They're easy to put in and take out. They're practically invisible;
That's the tube that goes inside my ear, right in front of that green line

And that the hearing aid. Which, even with my hair pulled back or up on top of my head, kinda looks like part of glasses. Cool huh?

The audiologist told me to keep a list of things I don't like and we can go over next week and she'll tweak them more. So far my list is small...
Too much white noise.
Still sounds a smidge echoey or tinny.
I don't like hearing my hair.
I think that's it right now. Although I do have to admit, I don't really feel like they're getting a good workout. I'm not chatting very much with anybody because my own voice feels too loud and I don't like it. At home I'm definitely trying not to talk too much to the man. But some of that is because he is having trouble remembering to adjust his speaking volume, so it seems like he's yelling all the time. I'll have to remind him more I guess. I need to have more conversations. Now that I'm trying to listen to the TV, I've noticed that I need to turn it down. And the bass and treble settings on my car radio are A LOT different than they were a week ago. Oh, and it's cracking the man up when I say, "what was that?" to all the noises in and around the house. You know, like when a little branch falls and hits the roof. Or when a squirrel drops a walnut on the roof. Or when the AC comes on. Or when one of the dogs is chewing on a bone and I can't see them. Funny.

Here's an interesting test...we are going to a concert this weekend, "Guitar Virtuosos" with Lee Ritenour. Hmmmm, I wonder what that will be like?! Aaand we're going to the movies this see The Hunger Games. Again, hmmmm. I keep a spare case in my purse though, in case I want to take them off!

So interesting what you get used to.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Yes, I know it's dorky. Do I care? Not a smidge!
I really love the ewe :-)

Monday, March 19, 2012


I did this cool "B" for a lady at work;

She liked it so much she asked me to do two others! Sooo fun  :-)

I noticed a few things this weekend now that I have better hearing.
First; We will never use the ice maker in the fridge again! Whoa!! Seriously loud and intolerable.
Second; I felt like I was still struggling to hear the TV. Then I realized that I have not been listening to it for so long, (I couldn't hear it very well so I just tuned it out) that I have to get used to listening to it again. Weird huh?
Third; The man has to adjust his indoor voice to a lower volume now. I think that might take a while.

Other than that, it went pretty well. Some noises I'm not sorry I missed though.

It was a nice weekend - lots of sunshine. The man spent most of the weekend building a table for his slot car track. I like that he's handy and can do those things but he's such a perfectionist and has that obsessive thing going on so he stresses out the whole time. Which tends to turn him into something akin to, oh I don't know, let's say, Mr. Potter from "It's a Wonderful Life". A BIG grouch. So I spent more time outside and did more quilling.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Why is everything so loud???

Oh, hahahahahaha, because my hearing use to SUCK.
Here are just a few things I can hear today that I couldn't hear yesterday;
my car blinker
the keys on my keyboard
my mouse clicking
my desk fan
the girl in the cube next to me
my car/house keys jingling
the squeaky screen door on the front of the house
the dogs drinking
my husband whispering
my feet rubbing the floor
pages turning

Everything is super loud. But Chucks daughter had an excellent point, I'll learn to tune out a lot of those sounds, like everybody else does, once I've gotten used to hearing them again.

I managed with them for about 4 hours last night and then I was just exhausted. It's a little stressful.

Oh, and yesterdays silly moment? I had to call my brother and tell him about my public singing - he's a BIG extrovert. He laughed and laughed and said, "wasn't it fun?" I said I felt a little uncomfortable afterwards. He told me to keep doing it and I would like it. Yeah, right.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

sad happy silly

did you see the report about a tiny, rare, earless bunny in Germany? He was going to be the new star of a small zoo until a careless cameraman, at a news conference to introduce the lil' fur ball, stepped on him and killed him.

spring shoes. I've had lots of smiles today looking at women's happy feet - cheerful, bright, fun, sky high heels and springy sandals.

today, in line for lunch at the cafeteria, I asked a co-worker if they ever saw Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella on TV when they were little. She said no. But a woman in front of her turned around and said, "the one with Leslie Ann Warren and Stuart Damon?" I said YES! And that I had that song stuck in my head yesterday...Impossible...and we both proceeded to sing it, in front of everyone! Totally NOT my style, being a shy introvert and all. She has the soundtrack. I looked for the movie on Amazon and couldn't find it for less than SIXTY bucks! That's just crazy. They should re-release it.

I guess it's a big day

...I mean, it could be really great! But, I'm pretty anxious about it.

Last June I went to an ENT. To have my hearing checked and check my sinuses. I know my hearing's not great. OK, it's really not even good. He said I have "significant" hearing loss but my test indicates that the biggest issue for me is volume. Which makes me an excellent candidate for hearing aids. Whatever.

This is my 'audiogram' the O's are my right ear and the X's are my left ear.
Everything above the red line is considered normal.
Everything between the red line and the blue line is mild hearing loss.
Everything between the green line and the blue line is moderate hearing loss.
Everything between the yellow and the green line is significant hearing loss.
Below the yellow line is considered deaf.
The numbers on the left, 0 to 110, are decibels and the numbers across the top are frequency - or pitch. So at the 8000 mark would be high pitches - like beeps or a cricket, while the 250 Hz range would be like turning the bass all the way up.

Fast forward 8 months...alright already! I'll get the damn hearing aids! Grrrrr.

I've chosen the behind the ear hearing aids. They look like this;

Pretty amazing technology to be quite honest.
But I'm anxious. I've been thinking about the things I can't do while I have them on, like laying down on the couch to watch TV.  I worry about talking on the phone. I worry about my eyeglasses. I worry about how long it will take to get used to them and when my brain will interpret the sound as natural instead of hollow and tinny. sigh I don't usually borrow trouble either. Oh right, and there's the whole vanity thing...bad teeth, bad eyes, bad hearing.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I just can't stop talking today!!!

I have this song from Cinderella stuck in my head today;

for a plain yellow pumpkin to become a golden carriage
for a plain country bumpkin and a prince to join in marriage

and four white mice will never be four white horses

such falder-all-and-fiddley-dee-of-course is
Im poss i ble

But the world is full of zanies and fools
who don't believe in sensible rules
and don't believe what sensible people say
and because these daff and dewy eyed dopes
keep building up impossible hopes
it's possible
things are happening everyday!

I gotta get that movie. Not the one with Brandy and Whitney Houston...the orignal, with Leslie Ann Warren and Stuart Damon. Rodgers and Hammerstein were the BEST at what they did :-) Betcha I can find it at Amazon!

Say what?

This is an article about a middle school making a 12 year old girl give them her password to Facebook. All because they’re mad that she expressed her 12 year old feelings about a hall monitor being mean to her. I would be monitoring my 12 year old FB activity, BUT, who in the world do they think they are??? Bullying a 12 year old? Boooooo.

And this is an article about potential employers asking you to provide them with your FB password so they can look at your account and see what kind of person you are. WHAT?

I just don’t understand how/why people put up with this kind thing.


I get this cool little magazine from Lowe's every month. It has a lot of great articles in it and always has some fun DIY stuff. This month it told me everything I could be doing in the yard right now, in preparation for Spring. It also has this ad in it;

What's wrong with this picture??? Go ahead, I'll give you a minute...they've got to be kidding right? If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'll help you out;
First of all, vacuuming in high heels??? In a dress????? Come on! I mean, it is the 21st century, right?? This ad is so 50's. I'm almost offended.

Now I need to see something more fun...hmmm...Oh! I know! How about this one;
Right on!

Ahhh Spring...

Oh wait! it's still Winter! Whatever. Yesterday got up up to 74/75 and today is going to be close to 80! We've had the wackiest weather this Winter. It was too pretty out not to take advantage so I walked outside at lunch;

 I love this old building along the canal. Something about brick and stone together really floats my boat.

 And there's new art under the overpass. I wish I could have gotten a better picture, it's very bright and cheerful.
I can't wait to get out there again today!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

hippity hoppity Easters on its way...

Well, almost.

Here are some more eggs!

I gave this one away already;

And totally unrelated to Easter or eggs or quilling, I bought this plant almost a year ago.
When I bought it, it didn't have any leaves on it, just the stalks. I got it for my desk at work. Every once in awhile, my man asks me if it's still alive. So I took this picture so I could show him that not only is it still alive, it's actually thriving! Yessssssss! I'm so proud of myself for picking something so hard to kill :-)

Oh, and one other not related to any of the above thing...I have a small white board that I hung outside of my cube. Mostly so people can leave me messages if I'm not in my cube. Or sometimes I leave them messages. My white board has evolved. Now I write funny or positive little messages on it. Currently it says, Look at life through the windshield, not the rear-view mirror. Occasionally I even draw a little picture too.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

...hopping down the bunny trail...

seriously cute :-)

And yes, those are real (emptied) eggs. Wait til you see the others! Oh man this is SO fun!!!!

Ah the joys of childhood...

I don’t have to worry about a 2nd childhood, I never grew out of my first one! I still love, and watch, Disney movies. I still love to color and do crafts. I still marvel at bugs – unless it’s a spider and then I like to marvel at how many ways you can kill one! I still like puzzles and video games.

Bill on the other hand never got to fully experience his first childhood. So naturally I’m his greatest cheerleader when he “thinks” he’s found a hobby he might like. Model ship building. Playing tennis. I even said yes to building a hot rod! I also said yes to building a café racer. I did say no to the arsenal of weapons though. Anyway, the man and his mini me used to race slot cars. They used to travel many miles to race their cars at different hobby stores. It was a lot of fun for them. They even painted their own car bodies.

It’s good to have a hobby, right? Well, I think he’s been hankerin’ for a hobby that doesn’t involve the house or thousands of dollars (thank heavens!). I’ve noticed that for the last few weeks he’s been looking at a lot of slot car stuff on the computer. Gearing up, so to speak. He finally said last week, “I think I might like to get back into slot car racing…………….is that dumb?” Heck no! I said. I guess he finally made the commitment in his head and I found myself with him, standing in front of all the tracks at Hobby Town USA, last Saturday. Actually, he dove right in! $200 later…he spent the rest of the weekend laying out his track and practicing. Trying to find just the right number of curves and straight-aways. Next up, an 4ft x 8ft sheet of plywood to attach the track to. Plus, he’s trying to decide where to put the track, since I said NO WAY MISTER to sharing my library/craft room with him. Really, the nerve! We have one extra bdrm. though. I told him that when my library/craft room is done and all my stuff is moved in, he can have that room. Now he’s wondering how he can help ME in regards to finishing the library/craft room.

Aaaaaand, I think this means that I have free evenings to look forward too!

Yep, good to have a hobby ;-)

One more quick thing...I see this tree every morning, it's SO weird! I finally got a picture of it this morning;

Monday, March 5, 2012

It's a wonderful life!

Happy Anniversary Mom!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxox  I love you  xoxoxoxoxoxox

Friday, March 2, 2012

Poor customer service

Everyone has experienced poor customer service. Sprints customer service used to be so bad, customers were jumping ship. Home Depot's customer service was so bad a few years ago that the new CEO took out a full page ad in the paper apologizing and promising better.
I'm willing to give almost every company a 2nd chance though. I mean, you never know what kind of day that particular CSR might be having.

I don't shop at HH Gregg because I don't feel like I should have to work so hard to spend my $ there. I don't like Meijer because they never have enough registers open. I don't want to wait 15 minutes just to get to the cashier. I especially don't like people who can't do their jobs. You know, mechanics who don't know what the heck they're talking about. Geek Squad people who can't answer your question so they make something up. Grrrr. knew I had something specific in mind, right?
We decided to refi our house recently. It's just silly not to. We're going to go through our current mortgage holder because we've been happy with them. Till today. Now, I realize that these folks are probably pretty busy but when you're dealing with that much money, that isn't yours, you better pay attention. The mortgage dude sent me all the paper work this morning and it wasn't really what we talked about. So I emailed him and said I didn't want to go this route so we were going to have to talk about it again. He emailed me back and said "thanks for the feedback but this is the way should go", blah blah blah. When I called him on it and sent him the text of our original conversation, his reply was, "oh right, now I remember..." What!?! Dude, you better turn the charm on now because at the moment I'm totally pissed off at you.

He kind of reminded me of the fellow that told me several years ago, "why don't you have your husband give me a call and I'll discuss with him." No lie! Yeah, they lost our business promptly!

That's my current rant.

Today we have BIG storms/hail/tornadoes and Sunday it's supposed to snow. Wacky. I'm looking forward to staying home Sunday :-) We've decided to start watching '24'. Yes, I know it's not on anymore. But you can watch the whole series on Netflix. We never saw 24 but everybody says it's so great so we're going to watch a few episodes Sunday.