Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween humor and other stuff

Hooray for Fridays!

Tomorrow, Chuck's daughter and I are going to see the new Footloose. I think it will be fun, not blasphemous  like if they re-did Dirty Dancing. I'm looking forward to it. I'm also looking forward to a little shopping spree at Old Time Pottery! I'll be looking for baskets for my future library/craft room. It's another step forward.

Sunday, Mom and I are going to see the Indianapolis Wind Symphony. Their performance is called Halloween and Hollywood. I hope it's lots of scary music!! Muwaaahahahaha.

Now for the humor!

 Pie, right?

 Other uses for candy corn

I know this next one is hard to read so...those devils can't seem to get the matches to work so they can light the candles on the cake. Finally, one of them says, "'s the problem...this is a match made in Heaven!" hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

And my 2 favorites this year?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pins and needles...

...pins and needles...pins and needles...tic toc...tic toc...

Today at 11:00 the man had his big one year check-up since being diagnosed with the big ugly C word. Geez, I've had to pee a dozen times this morning just waiting for him to call!
Whew ~ it all turned ok though :-) HOORAY! Now he won't have to worry for another 6 months. I have to admit, I don't worry as much as he does. I always assume it'll be fine. Thankfully, it is always fine.

Mom and I talked about that the other day ~ post cancer check-ups. And even she said, it's true, you never stop worrying. Not on a daily basis but whenever the next check-up comes around, a small part of her worries that it could come back. That sucks.

On one hand, I think I'd be an ostrich about it. On the other hand, I think I'd be more pragmatic. And along those lines...because my Mom has had breast cancer and just that fact alone doubles my chances of getting it, I actually expect that I will get it too. Is that too negative? I mean, I hope I don't, but if I do it won't be a shock. Cancer sucks!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

In or Out?

What is proper door etiquette?

I'm not talking about, should a man hold the door open for a woman? Yes, he should by the way. It's good manners. Plus, as a woman, I deserve some perks :-) that's a different discussion though

Here's an example of what I'm talking day I went down to the cafeteria for lunch. There are 2 double doors and 2 single doors flanking them. All the doors are glass, like retail stores. If you're exiting the cafeteria you have to PUSH the doors open into the corridor. So, I'm leaving the cafeteria, with my lunch to-go, and I chose the single door on the far right (kinda like being in the far right lane on the road), there is a man on the other side of the door who wants to come in. First of all, there's 5 other doors he could have used. Anyway, I push the door open and he steps in front of me to come in, like I should squish myself next to door and let him come in before I go out. I just looked at him and said, "are you kidding me?" He backed off to let me out but he didn't offer to hold the door open. That really ticked me off. Then I noticed that that very situation happens a lot more frequently than you think. And when you come to a door at the same time as someone on the other side of the door, who should go in/out first? Who has the right of way? I think it's the person who has to PUSH the door, not PULL the door. And if you have to PULL the door, should you do so and let the other person/people through or just stand aside and wait until the PUSHer(s) are through? And if I'm the PULLer and the PUSHer is a male, should I hold the door for him? Or when he comes through, should he wait and hold the door open for me? And if there is more than a one door or one set of doors, do you get to use any old door? Or do the rules of the road apply? You know, left and right traffic.

It's a trivial thing I know, but life is filled with trivial things.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Marco Simoncelli

Marco Simoncelli was an Italian Moto GP motorcycle racer with a big crazy curly fro.

He died yesterday when he was involved in a wreck on the 2nd lap of the race. We watch all these races because the man is huge Moto GP fan. Well, we record all of them...some of them happen live in the middle of the night our time.

Anyway, it was pretty apparent seconds after the wreck, that he was dead. So so sad. But the reason I'm bringing this up is because of the lack of media attention. Not that he died, but that Moto GP, even when the race was red flagged and all the other riders were in the pits, waiting, never showed his lifeless body again. They showed part of the crash with the other riders, but they never showed Marco Simoncelli again. On the news yesterday, during the sports reviews, they spoke of Marco Simoncelli and the wreck, but there was no video.

I'd like to commend Moto GP for not releasing the video to be shown a hundred times.
When Indy car driver Dan Wheldon was killed in that crash, I'll bet there were a thousand opportunities to see the video. I don't know who has the rights to Moto GP broadcasting but I'm happy that they don't care soooo much about publicity and $$ that they are willing to forgo any sense of respect and what's right. Oh it's out there...on youtube and a couple other places, but it's not prevelant.

It's enough to know that the young man died.

One more time...


1. Because no one knows exactly what causes breast cancer, there are no sure ways to prevent it.

2. All women are at risk for breast cancer

3. Young women can and do get breast cancer, even in their 20s

4. African American women are more likely to die from breast cancer than white women

5. Out of every one hundred cases of breast cancer, one will occur in a Man

6. The older a woman, the more likely she is to get breast cancer
7. The 5-year survival rate for all women diagnosed with breast cancer is 98 percent!!!

8. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, The chance of developing invasive breast cancer at some time in a woman's life is 1 in 8 (12%).

9. About 230,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women in the US.

10. About 57,650 new cases of non-invasive (the earliest form of breast cancer) will be diagnosed in women in the US this year.

11. About 39,520 women will die from breast cancer this year in the US.

12. Simply being a woman is the main risk factor for developing breast cancer.

13. Your risk of developing breast cancer increases as you get older.

14. Having one first-degree relative (mother, sister, or daughter) with breast cancer approximately doubles a woman's risk.
15. White women are slightly more likely to develop breast cancer than are African-American women.

16. African-American women are more likely to die of this cancer

17. In the United States, breast cancer is expected to be newly diagnosed every three minutes

18. A woman will die from breast cancer every 13 minutes

19. 70% of all breast cancers are found through self exams

20. Mammograms can detect breast cancer up to two years before it is large enough to be felt

21. 40% of ALL women with health insurance DO NOT get an annual mammogram!

Ignorance is not bliss and neither is living in fear. Being vigilant can literally save your life.

Friday, October 21, 2011

In other news...

Mattel says it's for collectors but...really? Com'on now;

A tattooed Barbie??? Ugh.

I'm glad Gadhafi is now rotting in hell but do I really need to see his dead body? Ick

Same for all those exotic animals that were gunned down. It was enough that you had to tell us but do we need to see their dead bodies? Gross. And people still wonder if we've become desensitized.

Remember Harold Camping? He's the old guy that predicted the rapture would occur on May 21st. It didn't. So he said he had his numbers wrong and it's actually going to be on October 21st. That's today. Are you still here? Me too.

And just for fun, have you seen the 2011 Holiday Book for Neiman Marcus?? I love that there's a catalog that you can actually buy a yacht out of!

My man

It's been almost an entire year since the big "C" diagnosis. Yesterday he had to go for the 3 month blood draw. Next week he'll get the results and have the big ONE YEAR check up. I thought he would be all freaked out about it but he seems to be handling it pretty well.

Also, he called me this morning to share a nice story with me. Apparently, his biggest tenant, a law firm, sent his boss, his boss's boss, and the regional boss an email praising MY hubby for his exemplary work/service. MY HUBBY? I don't mean about the work...he's a perfectionist when it comes to doing things...I just mean the customer service part, you know, his sunny disposition. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Bill? Mr. Grouchy Pants?
Go figure. He's in a super duper good mood now. Sweet!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I love country music

I wish Toby Keith didn't act like such an ass. I really like some of songs. I especially like his new one;

Made in America

My old man’s that old man,
Spent his life livin’ off the land,
Dirty hands, and a clean soul.
Breaks his heart seein’ foreign cars,
Filled with fuel that isn’t our
And wearin’ cotton he didn’t grow

He’s got the red, white and blue flyin’ high on the farm
Semper fi tattooed on his left arm
Spends a little more at the store for a tag in the back that says U.S.A..
Won’t buy nothin’ that he can’t fix,
With wd40 and a craftsman wrench
He ain’t prejudice he’s just, made in America

His wife, she’s that wife
that decorates on the 4th of July
But says “every day’s independence day”
She’s golden rule, teaches school,
Some folks say it isn’t cool but she
says the pledge of allegiance anyway.

He’s got the red, white and blue flyin’ high on the farm
Semper fi tattooed on his left arm
Spends a little more at the store for a tag in the back that says U.S.A.
Won’t buy nothin’ that he can’t fix,
With wd40 and a craftsman wrench
He ain’t prejudice he’s just, made in America

Born in the heartland, raised up a family
on King James and Uncle Sam

He’s got the red, white and blue flyin’ high on the farm
Semper fi tattooed on his left arm
Spends a little more at the store for a tag in the back that says U.S.A.
Won’t buy nothin’ that he can’t fix,
With wd40 and a craftsman wrench
He ain’t prejudice he’s just, made in America
My old man’s that old man,
He’s made in America

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I admit I'm not the most observant person in the world. Most little things about people just don't interest me that much. But truthfully, I do notice more than you'd think. For instance, it's funny to me how people hang on to summer. Today I've seen a lot of women still wearing their sandals/flip flops and sleeveless blouses. It's 45 degrees out. And it's raining. Yeah, yeah, we can see that you still have your summer tan but you can't actually be comfortable! At first I thought it was just young women, but it's not. These women will still be wearing their summer clothes until the first flakes fall. Maybe it's just because they love summer so much? Not me! I like summer but I'm always looking forward to the next season. I like the cooler weather of Autumn.

I'm throwing this little quote in because it made laugh;

"Ham and eggs - A day's work for a chicken; A lifetime commitment for a pig."

I found it while I was looking for today's ditty to write on my white board. What's that? You want to know what I did write on my board? OK, I'll tell you...
The average pencil is seven inches long with just a 1/2 inch eraser - in case you thought optimism was dead.
Good one isn't it?

Monday, October 17, 2011

yeah, that's a good idea...

On my drive in this morning, I noticed something new. A bike lane. A bike lane on a busy boulevard. A bike lane on a busy boulevard in the ghetto. You can tell that automobile drivers are already ticked off that the city took up a traffic lane to make a bike lane and a parking only lane. I'll let you know if I EVER see a bicyclist using the bike the ghetto. Did my tax money go towards the signage and creation of the bike lane in the ghetto? don't get me wrong, I'm all for the bike lanes if there is a need. But I live in the Midwest. NOBODY is going to be biking to work when it's below 32 or if there is snow/ice on the roads. I'm also going to go out on limb here and say, if you live in the ghetto you probably don't have a job downtown that you want to bike to. And if you do, you'll probably take the transit system. I'll reserve judgement of the ghetto bike lane for a couple months.

Friday, October 14, 2011

curling, twirling, twisting, turning

The quilled donations to the silent auction went pretty well. I was told that "Hope" would have been bid on more except no one had the heart to outbid the woman who had her name down ~ she is a breast cancer survivor. Awwwww

There was a man who kept updating his bid on Autumn, but in the end he lost. He wanted it because he named his daughter Autumn. I told him I would make him one for the price of the winning bid.

Two other people want me to make something for them too! Neat-O. This is so fun :-)

Plus there are tons of other things I want to quill. I can't wait to get started!

Thursday, October 13, 2011



1. Because no one knows exactly what causes breast cancer, there are no sure ways to prevent it.

2. All women are at risk for breast cancer

3. Young women can and do get breast cancer, even in their 20s

4. African American women are more likely to die from breast cancer than white women

5. Out of every one hundred cases of breast cancer, one will occur in a Man

6. The older a woman, the more likely she is to get breast cancer

7. The 5-year survival rate for all women diagnosed with breast cancer is 98 percent!!!

8. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, The chance of developing invasive breast cancer at some time in a woman's life is 1 in 8 (12%).

9. About 230,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women in the US.

10. About 57,650 new cases of non-invasive (the earliest form of breast cancer) will be diagnosed in women in the US this year.

11. About 39,520 women will die from breast cancer this year in the US.

12. Simply being a woman is the main risk factor for developing breast cancer.

13. Your risk of developing breast cancer increases as you get older.

14. Having one first-degree relative (mother, sister, or daughter) with breast cancer approximately doubles a woman's risk.

15. White women are slightly more likely to develop breast cancer than are African-American women.

16. African-American women are more likely to die of this cancer

17. In the United States, breast cancer is expected to be newly diagnosed every three minutes

18. A woman will die from breast cancer every 13 minutes

19. 70% of all breast cancers are found through self exams

20. Mammograms can detect breast cancer up to two years before it is large enough to be felt

21. 40% of ALL women with health insurance DO NOT get an annual mammogram!

Ignorance is not bliss and neither is living in fear. Being vigilant can literally save your life.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Gone away...

but I'm back now :-)

Bill and I took a 4 day weekend and headed to the Ozarks to visit family. We had a REALLY great time too! Even mister grouchy pants said, "I can't remember the last time I had so much fun" No really, he actually said that! Wow. You know me, I'm not an outdoorsy kind of gal but I have to admit that it was nice to be away from it all. No TV, no Internet, no radio, NO NEWS!  Yep, it was good. Plus, they can cook :-) And who wouldn't like to see this frequently;

It's entirely different from the flatlands that's for sure.

And look, here's my man being sociable!
That one was taken in a little town called Eureka Springs. Bill was very intrigued with the town. Not the touristy part of it but the town itself.

And here they are shootin'...bullets that is;

Again, who wouldn't love to sit out on their deck if it looked like that?
Thank heavens the chickens have enough sense to stay out of the way!

Parts of the Ozarks are a little backwards but even those parts have their charm.

Yep, it was a lovely couple of days and we are both looking forward to going again.

Monday, it was back to work for the man. I had the day off. I worked all day quilling though. I volunteered to donate a couple pieces of art work to the silent auction here at work. I had 4 I was working on but was only able to finish 3 of them;

I like all of them. I like that I like all of them! I may be sticking with this quilling for awhile!

Yesterday I was swamped at work! But today everything is back to normal...whew!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011



1. Because no one knows exactly what causes breast cancer, there are no sure ways to prevent it.

2. All women are at risk for breast cancer

3. Young women can and do get breast cancer, even in their 20s

4. African American women are more likely to die from breast cancer than white women

5. Out of every one hundred cases of breast cancer, one will occur in a Man

6. The older a woman, the more likely she is to get breast cancer

7. The 5-year survival rate for all women diagnosed with breast cancer is 98 percent!!!

8. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, The chance of developing invasive breast cancer at some time in a woman's life is 1 in 8 (12%).

9. About 230,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women in the US.

10. About 57,650 new cases of non-invasive (the earliest form of breast cancer) will be diagnosed in women in the US this year.

11. About 39,520 women will die from breast cancer this year in the US.

12. Simply being a woman is the main risk factor for developing breast cancer.

13. Your risk of developing breast cancer increases as you get older.

14. Having one first-degree relative (mother, sister, or daughter) with breast cancer approximately doubles a woman's risk.

15. White women are slightly more likely to develop breast cancer than are African-American women.

16. African-American women are more likely to die of this cancer

17. In the United States, breast cancer is expected to be newly diagnosed every three minutes

18. A woman will die from breast cancer every 13 minutes

19. 70% of all breast cancers are found through self exams

20. Mammograms can detect breast cancer up to two years before it is large enough to be felt

21. 40% of ALL women with health insurance DO NOT get an annual mammogram!

Ignorance is not bliss and neither is living in fear. Being vigilant can literally save your life.

new vs old

Sometimes my husband really cracks me up!

So, we went to see our local symphony Saturday night. It was their first time in the new concert hall and they were kind of excited. There were a lot of high school kids there. I'm assuming they were all from some kind of music class and mostly there to see the violin prodigy. He was fantastic by the way. Probably about 15/16, playing a Mendelssohn violin concerto ~ no sheet music. The side of his face had some pretty good bruises on it...he takes his violin seriously! Any way, Bill says he's starting to notice that everybody seems young to him now, since he's older. While we were sitting there as everyone was coming in to sit down, he said, "young people just look so new! You know, they're like new people!" Man that was funny. Then I mentioned how wiggly they are too. He said, "because they're wound up so tight...they gotta make it through another 60/70 years so they have to start out wound up pretty good." Soooo funny!