Sunday, May 29, 2011

toot toot!

Yep, that's me, tooting my own horn! I don't do that often enough :-)

I quilled my first 'letter' for a going away present to my boss, who retired last Friday.
It came out FANTASTIC!!! I was soooo happy with it, I'll probably do more!

See what you think...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Happiness is...

Living the dream!

My little brother and his bride just bought their very first house!
What a great feeling, when you buy your first home! Wow!

Way to go bubba!!!
His first order of business is to epoxy the garage floor. He's a mechanic you know ;-)
Her first order of business is to paint over the mauve walls.

Hooray for them!!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Marjorie Jackson

If you come from central Indiana, you would remember this story;,9171,911966-1,00.html

I don't know why it popped into my head yesterday, but I decided to look it up and found the above article. Curiously it was published yesterday! That's so weird. Her house was on the way to Holiday Park and everyone always said something about her when they drove by it.

And, I sent my moth pictures to because they were better than most of the pictures they had, of the same moth. I love that website - if you ever find a weird bug and want to know what it, they are the folks to see! Anyway, they responded with this funny note;

I guess if you look at bugs all day you have to have a sense of humor.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Oh wow!

Check out the latest weird bug I found on the fence in the backyard!
According to they're called Cecropia moths. One of the largest silk moths in North America. Neat-o


What could better...happiness that comes in a LIME GREEN envelope!! $10 off at DSW AND a free (super cuter) tote bag! Yessssssssssssss

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Designated drivers

Designated drivers are everywhere.

I don't mean the responsible folks who choose not to drink so they can get their friends home safely. I mean all the people who choose to take control over other peoples lives, because they let them.

I'm one of them. I'm the designated driver of my marriage. The role wasn't given to me, I chose it. I chose it early on in our marriage. I am the chief financial officer, head cook and maid service. Some of it comes from upbringing. But a lot of comes from simply choosing, years ago, to take on something that my man struggled with. Like paying the bills. It stressed him out and I didn't care so I started paying them. Like cooking. I'm pretty sure he knew how to cook before I married him ~ he had kids for heavens sake. But I gave him a break too frequently and now I'm the head cook. He is totally spoiled now and won't do anything himself. I like being a strong, capable woman but dang. I'm not actually complaining though. I mean, how can I? It's my own fault. He didn't make me the designated driver of our marriage. Oh sure, he made it easy for me to take that role and he doesn't mind that that's my role, but ultimately, it's my own decision. For the most part, I'm a lot like my Mom and enjoy being in control (even if it is an illusion). But occasionally, sometimes, every once in awhile, I would like to shed all my responsibilities and go blithely through the day without a care in the world.

Friday, May 13, 2011

fantastic camo

Have you seen these? Pretty cool.


Hooray for Friday's! The man is on call this weekend and you know what that means for me! Yep...Chick flicks!

We've been having a little taste of summer this week but spring is coming back tomorrow. Whew ~ I wasn't ready for the heat yet.

This weekend I'll be over at Mom's, mowing the yard, watering the plants, etc. I'll take Bud with me so he doesn't forget where his real home is. He's fit in with our girls pretty well but I can tell that he misses having all the attention to himself. I think he really likes the woodchuck hole in our yard though! We haven't seen any new activity in a week or so. You know I'm hopeful as to what that means but I'm not holding my breath.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Last month, Kobe Bryant called a referee a "f"ing faggot on live TV. Even though he apologized right after the game, he was fined $100,000. He was also in big trouble with all sorts of civil rights groups and gay rights groups. I know I might take some heat for this but...SO WHAT?! OK, I get the whole "f" word thing on live TV and yep, he should be able to control his mouth a little better on the court, but...SO WHAT?! People say all kinds of things in the heat of the moment and out of anger that come from frustration, not because they mean it. He was in the middle of a playoff game, tensions were high, he didn't like the refs call and he lost his temper. I know that doesn't make it ok and again, he should be more mature than that. But seriously. Just because he called the ref a faggot doesn't mean he's anti gay for heavens sake! That really torqued my ass. What I actually said was, "that's just retarded". Did they stop teaching, "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" Did they? I call people names (in my head) all the time but it's not because I hate them. Oh yeah, so after I said "that's retarded" I wondered, "what's next, I won't be able to say retarded?"

Uh huh, you guessed it...from Fox Sports:

James apologizes for saying 'retarded'Updated May 10, 2011 6:36 AM ET
LeBron James apologized Monday night for his use of the word "retarded" in a press conference following the Heat's Game 3 loss to Boston on Saturday.
When a reporter asked his teammate
Dwyane Wade whether he felt his foul that led to Celtics guard Rajon Rondo's dislocated elbow was a dirty play, James muttered "that's retarded" with his hand over his mouth, though it was still clearly audible as he was sitting behind a microphone.
The comment drew criticism from the Association of Developmental Disabilities Providers, the Boston Globe reported.
"LeBron James offended millions of people with his use of the 'R'-word," CEO Gary Blumenthal said.
"Aren't we as a society beyond the use of such offensive language as the 'R'-word and other offensive words? There is no difference between racist language, homophobic language and language that insults people with disabilities. It is all offensive and hurtful."

Now, I'm willing to go out on limb here and say that LeBron doesn't hate people with disabilities. I get your point if you're offended but still...all this PC crap has got to stop!!! I bet he would have been in just as much trouble if he had said "that's stupid." Think of all the stupid people who would be offended. Or the people who know someone stupid!

I'm so sick of people getting their shorts in a twist over crap like this. To tell you the truth, I don't care if people are offended. Well, I care that some of them are, but in general, all those people who are "offended" on principle can take a flying leap. If all those folks could spend just HALF their time being offended by things that really matter, wouldn't this country be a much better place? They should be offended that the US ranks near the bottom in education. They should be offended that it's predicted that China's economy will surpass America in 2016. But no. They're crying over a bunch of name calling. That's insane! Hahahahahaha! I'm not even sorry if I just offended you crazy people. So there!

Monday, May 9, 2011

I love the internet

You can find the funniest things on the web. Things you wouldn't think of in a million years.
I found myself wondering today, how many websites are there? I know that seems random but after I found this one, , I just couldn't help it. And just so you don't think I'm a complete nut, I found that website because I was looking for an image to attach to this post about how much I hate my teeth. OK yeah, that really was random. Tomorrow I get my new $2300 tooth. AAARRRGGGGHHHHH!! And to think, I bitched about the cost of having a couple trees removed!

Which reminds me, we have one small very dead tree in the backyard with a perfect woodpecker hole in it ~ complete with woodpecker. The have a nest in it. I like some of the nature around our house. The woodchuck is back though. And the mole in the front yard has moved to the backyard. Oh well. I have an extra bottle of fox pee. I'm going to spread it around and see if I can get that critter to move on again. (fingers crossed)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Who's your mama?!

You know, that woman who has wiped every inch of your body at one time or another. That woman who bit the neighbor kid back when he was biting you. That woman who selflessly put your needs first, who taught you how to be a good and kind person, who always loves you even when you do stupid things. That woman who shares your joys and laughter, makes yummy cookies and babysits your critters when you're out of town. That's right...your mama. If you're lucky enough to have a really good one, you are truly blessed. I'm one of the lucky ones :-)

This weekend, celebrate your mom. Celebrate the person you are because there was a woman in your life who gave herself to you.

Monday, May 2, 2011


It's May already? *sigh*

Let's see, what's going on in the world today? Hmmm...(humming Jepordy theme)...

OH! Right, I know;