Monday, January 30, 2012

so pretty

It's all finished now!

All the street banners are up too;

And I'm a player my poster up in my cubicle :-)

The city is Super Bowl crazy for sure!

I changed my work hours by about 40 minutes. It's not bad coming in, but leaving at the end of the day was a MESS. It's a little better now...but I've got my patience hat in the car, ready to pop on in a moments notice!

I went over to the Marriott at lunch to pick up a couple NFL/Indy Visitor guides. LOTS of police in the lobby. Then I remembered, that's the hotel that the Giants are staying in and they're due today. Duh.

I'm actually feeling a sense of pride in the city. They've gone all out and it shows. I hope the city gets lots of kudos for their first Super Bowl.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

are you ready for some football?

Indy is!

Every day since the beginning of last week, when I leave work, I can see this being put up;
They're almost done now! Man that thing is gigantic!!!! See those guys on scaffolding?!
Whoa. They really had their work cut out for them.

It's so exciting!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

hooray, hooray, hooray!

Just got my tickets to We're All for the Hall in Nashville on April 10th! It's a country music concert benefiting the Country Music Hall of Fame. Keith Urban, Vince Gill, Alabama, Alison Krauss & Union Station, The Band Perry, Blue Sky Riders, Diamond Rio, Exile, Lady Antebellum, Little Big Town, The Oak Ridge Boys,  Miranda Lambert's Pistol Annies, Rascal Flatts and Thompson Square!!! Yesssssssss.
I'm SO excited! All of that for less than $50 a ticket. Seriously! I was going to get tickets last week to Van Halen, for the man. But the cheap seats were over a $100, each! He said forget it, they're old now :-) He's so funny.

3rd row seats!!! Woohoo!

Monday, January 23, 2012

tic toc, tic toc

13 more days until the Super Bowl. Now we know who will be playing. Lets see, we have the New England Patriots...who have kept the Colts out of the Super Bowl several times and the New York Giants with the 'other' Manning quarterback. Not that I care...remember, I'm not a sports fan. BUT...I'm a huge fan of a big event! And I have to say, the next time I see the Super Bowl (after this year) I'll enjoy it more because now I know what goes on behind the scenes to make it happen and how exciting it is for the host city.

There are more street and lane restrictions today. Already traffic is a little heavier on my route. I'm thinking about asking if I change my work hours for about a week and a 1/2. I'm pretty sure if I come in an hour earlier it would make a big difference. Decisions w/the traffic or get up early. Ugh. I'm so NOT a morning person. I guess I'll have to think about it for another day.

I had a wonderful 3 day weekend. Friday I spent the day in my pj's. I cooked chili all day long which made the house smell so yummy. I watched movies that I knew the man would hate :-) First up, my first Blu-ray movie - The Mummy. Wow. I just LOVE high def!!!! Next, Practical Magic, for about 10th time. Then I watched Burlesque, with Cher and Christina Aguilera. It was total fluff and its story has only been played out on the big screen about a thousand times ~ girl from small town wants to make it in the big city, meets boy, looses boy, falls for smooth talker, etc...It was fun fluff though. Saturdays birthday dinner was fantastic! I love, love, love Maggiano's. It's my most favorite Italian restaurant and their veal Parmesan is to die for. Sunday was all about quilling and football. It was a good weekend.

Speaking of quilling, I think I want to do a show. Not this year but I really think next year I could have enough art done to participate in one of the local art shows. ooooooooo, scary!
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. Would you buy my art?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

oh yeah...

American Idol starts tomorrow night! Yesssss. I'm so excited :-)
Ryan Seacrest is the BEST!

Aaaand, here's my weekend quilled letter...for a chick at's her bee day;

Last but certainly not least, I know this is dumb but I JUST figured this out ~
you know how your kitchen tongs take up so much room in the utensil drawer? I just discovered that if you pull that metal thingy at the top after you squeeze them closed, they stay closed! How cool is that?!?!?!?!

Rainy day Monday

Oh wait, it's Tuesday! I forgot. I had yesterday off so today feels like my Monday. And even though we had a few inches of snow last Thursday (hooray!!!), this morning we're having thunderstorms! Oh, and it was 56 degrees out when I woke up. Happy winter every one.

Only 19 more days to the Super Bowl! Road restrictions begin this week. I read this article a few days ago;
That's good stuff!

Last Friday night we went to see the 3rd of 4 shows in the Bluegrass series. It was fellow by the name of Sam Bush. He's a Grammy winner and famous for being the innovator of "newgrass". Whatever. Truthfully, the first 1/2 was pretty good. But then it went down hill. It was like hanging out with a garage band that was just jammin'. Which would've been fine if I were still a teenager and drunk. Seriously, it was the first time ever, that I wanted to leave a concert. So far, the bluegrass series has kind of been a bust for us. We're hopeful about the last show though. It's Ricky Scaggs. I know he's bluegrass!

And remember...every day, matters.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Scandal, war and what does that mean?

First, the man has a brand new scandal happening in his family. It's kind of a bummer, in a "are you kidding me?" sort of way. I don't think there will be dire consequences for anyone though. On my side of the family, there's REAL scandal! Here it is in a nutshell, so and so
"Was a member of the infamous Plummer Gang in the time following the 1863 discovery of gold in the Black Hills. Bold and brutal, he came to a bad end with a murder, trial and hanging. The controversy surrounding these events led to a two month spree of 22 hangings by a vigilante mob and, ultimately, to the formation of the Montana Territory in 1864 to restore order."
That's some serious scandal! We have some others but mostly they just led to disappointment in those perpetrators of bad behavior. Do you have a family scandal?

Second, it's big news this morning that some Marines urinated on a couple dead Taliban soldiers. There's outrage as a matter of fact. Hmm. When I first heard it this morning I thought, "so?"...war is ugly people! Profoundly ugly. What the hell do you think happens in times of war? Bad, evil, good, innocent men women and children are killed. Why is it even news that a couple dead Taliban soldiers were peed on? Get over it.

And lastly, have you seen these signs in your city?
I saw the first one a couple weeks ago. I saw another one today. I had NO idea what they meant so I looked it up this morning. It means, Hazardous Materials prohibited.
Oh yeah, and completely unrelated but interesting none the less, today's cyber poll on MSN;

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

counting down

Super Bowl 46 is only 25 days away. Things are really kicking into gear now.

I happened to notice this morning on my drive in that the downtown area is looking exceptionally clean. It was even overcast and drizzling this morning, yet I noticed that there's no trash in the gutters and all the sidewalks are litter free as well. I don't think my tax dollars are responsible for that. Which means that all the downtown businesses are taking extra care to make the city look nicer. Cool.

I can't wait to make my way over to Georgia Street in a couple of weeks and check things out. The renderings are pretty cool;

and here's where I'll be everyday;

uh oh

It's been such a mild winter so far, with temps well above normal, that all my bulbs have been fooled into thinking that it's time to wake up! I'm so bummed!!! No flowers for us this Spring. PHOOEY.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Every day matters

It's true.
Every single day matters.
Every day your attitude matters.
Every day it matters how you treat people.
Every day it matters what you eat.
Every day it matters what you say out loud.
Every day it matters what you do.
Every decision you make, matters every day.
Every laugh out loud moment you have, matters.
Every day it matters when you tell someone you love them.
Every day it matters when you don't tell someone you love them.
Every day it matters that you pet your dog/cat.
Every day you chose to make a healthier choice, matters.
Every day matters!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Football !!

My hometown is where the Super Bowl is happening this year. They say we are expecting 150,000 people to converge on Indianapolis during Super Bowl week! Whoa. I work about one block from where it all starts and just a couple blocks from from the stadium. I suspect my drive time to and from work will be a little longer than usual. And because of road restrictions, I'll have to change my route a little, but I'm ok with that.

Which brings me to my point...I'm already tired of everybody complaining about the traffic and all the people. Com'on people! It's a once in a lifetime our city! How cool is that?! I LOVE seeing all the banners and signs going up around the city welcoming Super Bowl fans. I LOVE all the hype. Yep, not looking forward to the traffic but truthfully, I'm excited. I plan to walk into the fray at least once that week! Nope, not a football fan ~ but I am a BIG fan of an event.

I hope the local locals will behave themselves. I hope Hoosier hospitality runs rampant. And I hope my optimism and patience holds out!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!

Yes, I know I already said it :-)

No, I haven't put a single Christmas thing away yet. I spent the weekend chillaxin' and it was nice. I did some more quilling...I'm still working on the one I want to keep for myself;

I'm using wider strip for the tree, so it stands out. I like it!

Also, Mom got us a Kindle Fire for Christmas. I do have to's pretty frickin' cool! I read a book on it over the weekend. I'm NOT converting though. It was only available as an e-book and I wanted to read it. It's just sitting there on the coffee table, waiting to be used in moments notice. For instance, last night we were watching a movie called Unknown and we couldn't figure out where we'd seen one of the actors before. So I just picked up the Kindle and Googled the movie and found the answer. Bam! Just like that. I guess I could have done it on the phone, but then I would have had to go find my reading glasses to see it. I also could have gotten up and went to the computer. But the Kindle was so much more convenient and faster too! Even the low tech other half is enjoying surfing from the comfort of his very own chair.

I think I might be addicted to technology!

Monday, January 2, 2012


Happy New Year!!!

OK, this is completely unrelated but sooo funny to me...

This is an old picture, circa 1975, of my first love and high school sweetheart;

The first thing that struck me about this picture is his hairstyle. Why? It's typically 70's right?

Well, I hated Justin Biebers hair when he started. But look;
And my first pre-teen heart throb was Bobby Sherman. Check out his hair style;
(I own this albumn by the way)
Go figure right?

OK, on to the high school sweetheart...
And this is a picture of him now;

He's the one on the left. OMG!!! I know people change but good grief! He comes from a pretty well off family who was very 'proper'. In a million years I never would have guessed that he would grow up to be a tattooed born again bald bearded biker living in a trailer park in Florida. Not that there's anything wrong with that!

It made me wonder what people thought I would grow up to be like. Do you think most folks you knew in high school grew up to resemble something close to what you imagined? Looks, career, straight/gay, etc.? I would be willing to bet that most people didn't think I would grow up to be a conservative minded, professional with a rebellious streak. Well, the rebellious streak is kind of a given but the rest would seem like a stretch for moi!