Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Random rants

Last year sometime, I posted this comment on Facebook, "racism exists mostly in the media."
Talk about a hot button! I still believe that's true. Oh, and look!!!! Here is an article about just such a thing!!!

Umm, yeah. Pay attention people.

This is an article I just read the other day because someone brought it up...It's all about the cost of school supplies these days. I was just flabbergasted at how much teachers spend, of the own money!! Oh, and that students use an average of 45 pencils a year. Seriously? Are they eating them? dang.  

I remember when we had 2 in high-school at the same time. I hated August. It was more expensive than Christmas! Book fees, lab fees, parking, pictures, yearbooks, class rings, equipment...good grief! And that was 16/17 YEARS ago! Now there's even more! It's just crazy.

And last...tomorrow is the FIRST DAY OF AUGUST! sigh. I sear it was just June.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Look at how fun this is! It's a list of the most searched for food dish, in every state. It says a lot about the state :-)

Also, read this article. It's about how bogus vitamins are. Not the first time I've heard that but it's still interesting. We should talk more about nutrition in this country, instead of taking vitamins.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

old movies

Do you watch old movies? Do you like them? What's an "old movie" to you? I like to cruise through the menu for Turner Classic Movies. They have old movies! I watched part of a movie called Reefer Madness, made in 1936. It's the craziest movie!!! You should check it out if you ever get the chance.
The opening Foreword says;
"The motion picture you are about to witness may startle you. It would not have been          possible, otherwise, to sufficiently emphasize the frightful toll of the new drug menace          which is destroying the youth of America in alarmingly-increasing numbers. Marijuana is      that drug - a violent narcotic - an unspeakable scourge - The Real Public Enemy Number One! Its first effect is sudden, violent, uncontrollable laughter; then come dangerous hallucinations - space expands - time slows down, almost stands still...fixed ideas come next, conjuring up monstrous extravagances - followed by emotional disturbances, the total inability to direct thoughts, the loss of all power to resist physical emotions...leading finally to act of shocking violence...ending often in incurable insanity......"

I have definite favorites;
Them! from 1954, about the giant ants
Rebecca from 1940
The Day The Earth Stood Still  from 1951
Forbidden Planet from 1956 and the original, The Body Snatchers.
Gone With The Wind, 1939!!! Man does this movie stand the test of time! Not to mention The Wizard of Oz. Last night, I watched Earthquake, one of the original disaster movies! Oh my gosh, it was so lame. I laughed out loud and I'm pretty sure they didn't mean it to be funny. It is fun to see what's in the movie though - like, cops in uniform drinking in a bar. I guess that was ok in 1974? Funny. And the clothes and hair styles. That always cracks me up. I'm still waiting to see some of the real classics though. Like Spartacus, Singing In The Rain, Rebel Without a Cause, Vertigo or any movie with Marilyn Monroe.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


Do you have regrets? As you get older, I hear you have more regrets. Oh, it's that older thing again. I guess I just need to accept/embrace it! I.Am.Old(er). OK. Movin' on...

There's a new study - I love those - that lists the top 50 things people regret, after 50. Ready?

  1. Ending relationships with people you loved
  2. Not being more adventurous
  3. Wasting time hating you body
  4. Trying to live up to your parents' expectations
  5. Not eating healthier when you were younger
  6. Taking life too seriously
  7. Not traveling more
  8. Holding on to grudges
  9. Not standing up for yourslf
  10. Worrying about other people's opinons
  11. Prioritizing practicality over fun
  12. Not attending to your health
  13. Quitting school
  14. Not accomplishing more
  15. working too much
  16. Not telling people you love them
  17. Ignoring your instincts
  18. Being an inattentive partner (put your phone down)
  19. Not taking vacations
  20. Getting divorced (23% of women and 39% of men have regrets)
  21. Letting friendships fizzle out
  22. Missing out on the little moments
  23. Not saving more
  24. Not trying to land that dream job
  25. Being unkind
  26. Not doing more for others
  27. Not seeing someone before they died
  28. Not appreciating your youth
  29. Not being more romantic
  30. Muting your real personality (you know, trying to be someone you're not)
  31. Not spending more time with your kids
  32. Missing out on investment opportunities
  33. Not admitting your feelings for someone
  34. Being ungrateful
  35. Not asking that person out
  36. Setting aside your passions
  37. Not being more present (put your phone down)
  38. Not appreciating our body
  39. Spending too much time worrying
  40. Being inattentive to your kids (put your phone down)
  41. Not getting to know people better
  42. Letting the passion die
  43. Not standing up for other people
  44. Spending too little time with your parents
  45. Acting your age
  46. Forcing your opinions on our children
  47. Not being more spontaneous
  48. Not apologizing more
  49. Ignoring your personal happiness
  50. Not leaving a legacy
I am happily surprised to say, I don't have too many regrets. Out of those 50, there are only 4 or 5 things that I feel I haven't done. But, I don't necessarily regret it. Does that make sense? Like #49. I've ignored my own happiness. But I don't regret that because I did it to make other people happy. That's not really a bad thing. See what I mean? And by the time you're 50, you still have lots of years left to pay attention to your own happiness and passions. I don't think you should regret some of these.