Thursday, February 27, 2020


I LOVE it when a movie surprises me. Do you have a favorite surprise ending movie? The only thing I don't like about them is, it isn't as much fun to see it for the 2nd time. I love movies, so I can think of a bunch of them that actually surprised me;

Planet of The Apes - there's no way anybody saw that coming
Soylent Green - oh COME ON! That was awesome!!!
Primal Fear - man oh man was Edward Norton great in that role or what!?
The Others - that was pretty slick. I thought she was just crazy, until the end
The Prestige - yeah, didn't see that coming
Presumed Innocent
Music Box
The Usual Suspects
I guess you can't leave out Sixth Sense. That was pretty great. Even though some people say they had it figured out.

Also, sometimes the death of a character really surprises me. I HATE that. Especially if it didn't do anything for the story. Then I feel like I wasted my time watching it. Almost everyone who knows me knows to tell me ahead of time if one of the main characters dies. If I know that going in, I don't mind as much...I won't get attached to any of them. Like, Pay It Forward. That was such a stupid ending.
Same for City of Angels. That really pissed me off. Not necessary to the story.
But I was so surprised and sad when Star Trek killed off Spock! Oh, and any dog movie. But hey! If you haven't seen Togo, it's really good. He lives a long life and you don't have to watch him die. I liked that one. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


I don't have kids. Well, I have step kids, which I helped raise. But I don't own one of my own.
Those teenage years are rough but in general, I really like kids. I just never wanted to be a parent. I'm pretty old now and I still don't regret that decision. I've always known that I didn't want to have one.
When I was 16, the most amazing thing happened. It was a Friday, English class. 1975. We were all caught up so our teacher let us goof off. She even just answered questions from the class. One question was, do you have any kids? She said, no, I don't want children. There was an audible gasp. What?!!?! How can you not want kids?!?! You know what I thought? I thought, OMG! I don't have to have kids??! AWESOME! Whew, cuz I was worried I would have to do that someday. As I got older, and people would want to know why I didn't want kids, I was honest. Because I'm selfish and I don't want to give up all my time. People seem less judgmental about that these days. But, this was the first mainstream article I ever saw about the subject  :-)   :-)   :-)

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Shut up and sing

That's the title of a book I haven't read. I can guess what it's about though and I whole heartedly agree.

I stopped watching award shows a long time ago. Granted, it was partly because I'm no longer relevant to popular culture. But part of it was because of some entertainers attitudes. I don't want to listen to your political diatribe when you're accepting an award for a movie or album that I helped to further your career with. If I purchased your CD (or whatever) I'm responsible for your elitist lifestyle. Show some respect. I didn't plunk down my hard earned dollar because I care about what you think about religion or politics or climate change. I gave you my money because I want to be entertained so I don't have to think about all of that!! 

I loved the Dixie Chicks music. I could care less how they felt about the president. What really got me though, was when they got pissed that country music fans didn't like their opinion! Such hypocrisy. We have a right to free speech! Of course you do. But your fans don't have to like it. That's where they lost me.

It's not just their views of the world either. Sometimes it's their careers. Sean Connery says he HATED playing James Bond. Well screw you mister! James Bond made you. You shouldn't disrespect your fans like that. Jerk.

My all time favorite Country music act was Brooks and Dunn. I saw them live several times. I even traveled to Nashville to attend their final concert. I've seen recently that they're going to do a "reunion" tour.  I could've been excited, but I'm not. Ronnie Dunn spent months after they 'retired' telling anyone who would listen that he was so sick of Brooks and Dunn and he would rather stick needles in his eyes than get on stage with Brooks again. Asshole. 

Just shut up and sing.

Monday, February 10, 2020


The Westminster Dog Show starts tonight! We love this annual tradition. We love dogs. This past year, the AKC recognized 3 new breeds. The Azawakh, which will be shown this year;

Image result for azawakh dog

and the Barbet and the Dogo Argentio. We won't get to see them in the ring until next year though.

Image result for barbet dog

Image result for Dogo Argentio dog

I'm already a fan of the Barbet. What's not to love about something so fluffy!!!

This year, the favorite to win is a Whippet named Bourbon;

Image result for bourbon the whippet

I can't wait to see them all!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


When I was 13 years old, I saw Sammy Davis Jr., live. I guess my fondness of live entertainment goes back a looooong way. Anywho, when he sang The Candy Man, he passed out candy kisses to anyone who came up to the stage. I was pretty excited! So I got to run up to the stage and Sammy Davis Jr. handed me a candy kiss!!!! It was a treasure to me! I put it in my jewelry box. That's where I kept all my special things in my jewelry box.

Fast forward 4 years...I get in my jewelry box for a ring and my candy kiss was missing! I looked in all the drawers but it was GONE! Nooooooo. Not my special candy kiss, given to me by Sammy Davis Jr.!!! What!??!?! How could this be????

I'll tell you 12 year old little brother ATE IT! OMG I was so angry and heartbroken. I just wanted to beat him up! 

40+ years later and I'm sitting at my desk at work, listening to 70's music and The Candy Man came on! Needless to say, it brought back all those memories. So I called my brother and said, you butt head!! I'm still mad at you!!  We had a good laugh.

Yesterday, Amazon delivered a mystery package to me. You'll never guess what it was.
A GIANT Hershey's candy kiss!!! It wasn't from Sammy Davis Jr. but I guess I forgive my kid brother now - he's pretty cute.