Thursday, July 29, 2021


/joi/  noun

a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

What brings you joy? It's a good question isn't it? Other than parents/kids/spouses.

Lots and lots and LOTS  of things bring me joy;
dogs/dog videos/animals
St. Elmo's filet mignon
a compliment from a stranger
music, especially the 70's
sincere laughter
the smell of cookies baking
Disney/Pixar animated movies
sparkly gel pens
a ripe tomato w/salt on it
cheese 😂
sleeping late

YES! we need more joy!!! 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

lazy brains

I don't know. Maybe it's just been so long now since I've had to deal with people on a daily basis that I've forgotten how lazy they are. Or maybe they're just worse now. It's giving me anxiety. Some days, a lot of anxiety. Ugh.

Like, people are still driving like they were a year ago, when there were A LOT LESS cars on the road. It's stressful and scary out there on the roads. Crazy speeding, crazy lane changes, not paying attention. Whoa!

People in general are so self absorbed! Yesterday I was in the Costco parking lot waiting to go because a woman and her cart, in the middle of the row, stopped to do something on her phone. Helllllooooo! I wanted to honk at her but felt like that would be rude. They do the same thing in the grocery store. Geez!

Nobody is thinking. Just doing. 

At work, we actually had to put a sign up in the restroom to tell people to clean up after themselves because it was such a mess all the time! Seriously. What the hell??

Everyone is just doing whatever the hell they want. I don't think it's just lazy brains though. Maybe they have lazy brains because they don't have any respect for anybody or anything. Or themselves for that matter.

Sometimes I want to give in and follow the crowd. It's so much easier if you don't give a crap. But then, in my core, I want to do the right thing. I don't want to park in the 15min spot if I know I'm going to be 1/2 an hour. I can walk the extra 200 steps from the far spot. I still put things back that I don't want, at the store. Most of the time, I still pick things up off the floor when I'm not at home. If you're not a jack(ass)hole or a bully, I'll let you in front of me, on the road. I try to pay attention to what's going on around me and be considerate. But, I still  have anxiety about people and negativity and brain laziness. sigh 

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Random things....

 There's going to be an Aquaman 2 😃😃 I'm pretty happy about this.

The State Fair starts next week. Every year they have new foods to try. This year they're going to have a grilled cheese made with waffles! Uh huh. Also, frozen mocha coffee, which is really just a coffee milkshake. Oh, and Miss Piggy's Mac Daddy-mac and cheese topped with bbq pulled pork. mmmmmmm

It's almost the end of July????!!!!! Oh man! 

You should watch the daily videos on YouTube from doggydaycarefarmtrips.  Joy . every . day!

California came to visit us yesterday. There's a murky haze over most of the state - smoke from the California wildfires. Wow. 

In the parking garage at work, someone spilled glitter. Which is perplexing to begin with...but now, one whole level is sparkly. It's kind of fun.

What caused your happiest feelings? Do you know? For instance, do you remember how your first kiss made you feel? How about the first time a non-family member told you they loved you. Maybe someone just said something nice to you that made you feel happy, and it still does when you remember it. Birth of a child? The moment you fell in love. Your first 'A' on a report card. A fit of the giggles. 

Is there a famous person's death that was particularly upsetting to you? Some people cried and cried when Elvis died, or JFK. I don't really have feelings like that about the rich and famous. I will say though, it was upsetting to me when Robin Williams died. I guess because he committed suicide and my heart broke for him, to think he was in so much turmoil, mentally, that that was his only option. So, so sad.

And speaking of YouTube, there are a couple great 'world webcams' out there. You only get about 5 seconds of each webcam but it's fun to see the world in just a few minutes. 

Gay women and older black women like me. Why? 

Do you know what Hematite is? It's a common iron oxide. Kind of a charcoal color. It's pretty when it's all shined up. I have a hematite ring, that I bought at Wall Drug store in South Dakota. I wear it on my thumb so it really takes a beating! Still looks great, no scratches, doesn't make my finger turn green. I like it. 

Last - why aren't there any good comedies on TV anymore? They're all so dumb. OK, maybe there are a few that aren't geared toward high school humor. But it's hard to find a smart comedy. The writers of Frasier and MASH are long gone. There really aren't any good comedy movies either. In today's world, there should be more.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Things you probably don't know about me

I like dread locks.
    not for me, but I like the way they look.

I don't like man buns.
    Unless it's Jason Mamoa. Period

I don't like salty and sweet together.
    don't put salt on your watermelon!! ewww. and NO fruit on your salad. yuck

I'm a bird nerd.
    I know so much more about birds than you do :-)

I love events!
    even if they're not related to anything I actually like, I still like the event!

I don't like berries.
    strawberries are ok on shortcake but that's about it for me.

I love Funko Pop.
    Thank heavens I didn't discover them until late in life. I'm sure I already have too many :-)

I don't really like cake.    
    chocolate cake is yummy but I could live without it.

I don't like peanut butter
    I know...weirdo

Also, I don't really like chocolate
    except for the occasional Snickers bar

Purple is my 2nd favorite color after lime green.    
    after that, I like tie dye stuff

I've never had a same sex fantasy.    
    You'd be surprised at how many people do!!

I don't like sushi.    
    and yes, I've tried it. Same goes for oysters, goose, frog legs and snails. blech

If you really want me to do something, you have to make me promise.    
    I don't break my promises.

I could eat chips and salsa every single day.    
    just a little, but I would still want it every day.

I can't think of a single job I've had that I didn't like.    
    even the crappy retail ones.

I LOVE nature and being outside.    
    but I hate bugs, I don't like being hot, hiking sucks and camping out is not my bag. 

I love salty things so much that sometimes when I'm having a craving, I drink soy sauce.    
    I know how gross that sounds but hey, it's better than a bag of chips!!

I'm a kind person but I'm not a nice person.    
    Just ask anyone I've ever been sarcastic too!!

There are only two kinds of ice cream worth eating; Dairy Queen and Bryer's Butter Pecan    
    That's IT!

I like lima beans and liver.    
    Not together though. I don't eat either, but I like them both.