Friday, August 24, 2018


Maybe if this Dad wasn't such a prick, his 16 year old daughter wouldn't be so awful.

Seriously! I know first hand how challenging teenage girls are but come on. Never in a million years would I say such mean and hurtful things to a child.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

free, free, free!

I have/had $200 free Amazon gift cards! I love Amazon. I love free Amazon gift cards. I was going to buy something responsible...that wouldn't end up at Goodwill or the Salvation Army. I was going to. I had every intention. But then I said, screw it! and bought something completely frivolous, useless and dumb. I almost felt bad. I got over it though. 

Because I love me some Funko Pop and Moana is my all time favorite Disney movie, I bought these;


Yes, yes I did. But, I didn't spend all my $$ :-)  Only 1/2. So I can use the rest on crazy kitchen gadgets!!! Oh yeah, like these totally cool lids!

or this completly awesome snap on strainer!!!

Or this amazing thing! I don't even know what I would do with it but I want it!!

Oh wait, I might already own this. OK, maybe this neat breakfast sandwich maker instead;

It's so fun!!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

cha cha changes...

Everything changes. Everything. The planet, morals, ideas, culture, faith, religion, education, everything.

My fella and I had a conversation about that this morning. It started because of a local story about a Catholic high-school's employee, who married her same sex partner four years ago. She kept it from the school because, well, it's a Catholic school and apparently it's in her contract not to be immoral? Anyway, the school board found out and suspended her. Now it's national news. First of all, it's a Catholic school. That anybody is surprised by this seems kinda dumb. Beyond that though, how do you feel about that? Would you care if your kid was being taught or counseled by a homosexual? Is your decision based on how you were raised or what you were taught to believe? Do you hold on strongly to the ideas/principles that you were taught as a kid?

Well, I'll be honest...I was raised as a Catholic. I went to a Catholic school that was actually part of a church, for 3rd, 4th and part of 5th grade. So for me, I think the whole lgbt thing goes against the bible. I guess I hold on to that because of my background. But...who am I to judge? I mean, I've never just automatically not liked someone because they were gay. Yes, I'll say that it makes me uncomfortable to see 2 men kissing, but again, that's just something I hold on to. But I don't hate them for it. That would feel wrong to me. I wonder how the iGeneration feels about that? More tolerant than Boomers, for sure. Is that a problem? Oh wait, that's a different discussion :-)

I try not to hold on too strongly to ideas. I like to think that even though I believe or don't believe something, I can still be open to the possibilities. There was a time when people thought the world was flat. As little as 50 years ago, doctors thought that men and women needed the same treatment. Now there are entire hospitals dedicated to the treatment of women. In 1960, only 1/3 of doctors thought smoking was bad for you. Everything changes. All the time.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

cutting the cord

Did you know that so far this year, every minutes, 6 people ditched cable TV. That's 8640 people a day! And not unlike the last presidential election, the losing team is blaming everyone else. Even people on their own team!

Like everything though, it was just simply greed that did the cable industry in. The biggest pointed finger though is aimed at Netflix. I think that in the beginning, they didn't take Netflix seriously. Then, when they split the company into 2 parts, DVD rentals and Streaming, the cable industry and the business world in general, was sure that would lead to the demise of Netflix. Consumers would not tolerate that! Well, we did! And it's awesome! No more commercials, no more high costs, who cares about sports! Then came Sling TV and Hulu. Now you could watch your favorite TV shows the next day! Ahhhhh. Life if good. On top of all that, now with HD TV, you can just buy an antennae and get all the local channels for free! 

Cable should've stood up to the networks a long time ago. For instance, Viacom owns MTV. So if Time Warner wants to add MTV to it's lineup, Viacom says ok, but you also have to carry MTV2 VH1, CMT, Comedy Central, BET, Spike, Nickelodeon (all 5 of them) and TV Land. Time Warner says, no, we just want MTV. Viacom says, no deal. So Time Warner caves is because their customers want MTV. Now the customer has to pay for 15 channels just to get ONE. That's why there are 500 channels on TV and only 30 that you watch! It's so dumb. The consumer was bound to get fed up with that.

you know who the BIGGEST loser is though!?!?!? The news media!!! Because if people are ditching cable, they're ditching MSNBC, CNN, FOX, and all the rest! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love that!!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

I'm a man!!

OMG this is the funniest thing ever!! I can't stop laughing about it!!!

There's link on facebook where you can see what you'd like as the opposite sex. Of course I had to do it. What CRACKED ME UP was, I'm a little old man!!!! You know, because I'm an old lady!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!

Seriously! Laughing my head off!!! It's gonna crack me up all year!!