Friday, January 30, 2015

Flashback Friday

I'm sure it has something to do with ticking off another year, but I've been thinking a lot about women's history. Well, recent history anyway.

When I was in Jr. high for instance, which really wasn't THAT long ago, my Mom could not buy her own house. A bank would not give her loan because she was a single mother. Now, you get all sorts of breaks if your a single mom! In the 60's, a woman couldn't get a credit card, serve on a jury and earned .59 to the dollar if they worked.  And it wasn't until sometime in the 70's that a woman could keep her job if she was pregnant. Not to mention that sexual harassment wasn't identified as a crime until 1980! That all seems so preposterous now, doesn't it? It wasn't until 1969 that women were allowed at Yale and Harvard didn't accept women until 1970!!! What?!?!

Women's rights, world wide are still lacking. Even in our own country, women only earn .77 cents to a man's dollar, which is just so stupid. But still, we've come a long way. If you're under or around 30, you should think about that every once in awhile.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Winter PSA

If you're a woman, you'll really appreciate this special winter public service announcement;

Is there anything more annoying than static cling? If you've ever been a victim of the bothersome buildup of electricity - say your skirt has plastered itself to your thighs while you're trying to give a presentation to your boss-then we think you'll agree.  To make matters worse, static cling is at an all-time high during the dryer winter months when there's less humidity in the air.  What's a girl to do?  Simply place a safety pin on the inner hem of your garment. This will dispel the charge and leave you cling-free.

Isn't that the BEST tip?!?!

Friday, January 23, 2015

...and speaking of 60's music

The music of the 60's was so fun wasn't it. Hardly a care in the world. And it was all so bee boppy! I love that. Like Paul McCartney said, you'd think that people would have had enough of silly little love songs". Nope. And they just got a lot more cheesy as time went on. 

Song's like;
Time In a Bottle
Afternoon Delight
Sometimes When We Touch
I Want To Know What Love Is
Because You Loved Me
My Heart Will Go On
You Light Up My Life
And almost anything by Michael Bolton :-)

By the way, I loved ALL those cheesy love songs. 

Flashback Friday

I made a startling realization last night...I've ALWAYS loved lime green. Sure, it's trendy right now, which is splendid for ME - but I've been a lover of lime green since I was a child. How do I know that you ask? Well, it's not because I remember thinking when I was 6 years old, I love lime green. Nope. I know that I loved lime green when I was six because;

Last night, I was doing some needlework (mwahahaha) and Bill was on the computer (probably looking at guns) and he had turned the TV to the 60's music channel. A Herb Alpert song came on - the most famous one - and I looked up to see what the title was (which I've already forgotten) and it had some little ditty on the screen about his iconic album Whipped Cream. So I pipped up and told him, "My Mom had that album. It had a chick covered in whipped cream on it and the back ground was green...(wait for it)...oh! LIME GREEN!! He laughed because he thought I made that up. So I grabbed my tablet and looked it up. 

ta da!

So, proof, that even when I was 6ish years old, I thought lime green was rad. As a matter of fact, this might be my first ever memory of lime green! How awesome is that!?!?!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

For me????

Mostly, I don't really think I'm that likable. Maybe all introverts think that. You know, in my head I'm kind of snarky and say things like, "I hate people". So it always surprises when the people around me act like they like me. Is that dumb? Yeah, don't answer that, I know it is.

Anyway, look what my boss sent me yesterday.

And look what my HR peeps gave me.

And, my co-worker got this for me.

Hmmmm. Go figure.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Excuse me???

does this make ANY sense??

First, I see this article that says, the CDC claims this years flu shot is only 23% effective. Well, that really pisses me off because I actually caved in and got a flu shot this year! Last year I got the flu - for the first time in years and years, and it SUCKED! I told myself after being sick for over a week, next year, I'm getting a flu shot.

Second, TODAY, there's an article in the local paper that says, not enough people are getting a flu shot this year. Ummm, duh! Why the hell would you get a flu shot if it's not going to work against the flu this year?


I MUST have this!!!

Oh my gosh this is the coolest thing EVER!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

It's a good day for a chuckle...

some of these really made me laugh out loud!!!

The biggest lie I tell myself every day - "I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it."

Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet.

I do random gravity checks.

I don't need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off!

Lord grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the friends to post my bail when I finally snap.

My people skills are just fine. It's my tolerance to idiots that needs work.

The kids text me "plz" which is shorter than please. I text back "no" which is shorter than "yes".

Why do I have to press one for English when you're just gonna transfer me to someone I can't understand anyway??

Ooops! Did I roll my eyes out loud?

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Friday, January 9, 2015


Geez louise am I glad it's Friday!! I'm so sick of this week! It's been busy and freezing cold and I'm tired. 

When I'm retired, I'm going to take naps. I will be a happy woman. I will get up in the middle of the night and do stuff and then I will nap. I love naps. They make me happy. I want more happy. I WANT NAPS!


I guess I'll just have to go back to work now. Phooey.

You know how I wish I could swear off of needle work kits? I'm trying, really I am. I got a catalog last week and threw it away! It hurt. Honestly. But I was OK. Then, earlier this week I happened across THIS website...

My resolve is weakening...these are just too funny!!! Maybe I could nap instead?

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

baby it's cold outside


Here's my PSA for today;

-During below-freezing temperatures, the best place for your pet is inside. Cats should be kept indoors exclusively, and dogs should only be taken outside briefly to urinate and/or defecate.
-If you absolutely must leave pets outdoors for a limited amount of time, provide them with a shelter. It should be dry, clean, and well-insulated (straw works well to trap heat), and it should protect them from the wind and elements. Be sure to check outdoor water bowls and feeding dishes frequently to be sure they haven't frozen.
-Having fur does not necessarily mean that they are better acclimated to the cold weather than humans. Short-haired breeds, puppies/kittens, elderly pets and pets with certain medical issues can feel the effects of cold weather faster than other dogs and cats. Consider a sweater or coat if your pet seems especially bothered by cold temperatures. Pets can get frostbite and hypothermia, just like people. Symptoms for hypothermia in pets involve whining, shivering, anxiety, lethargy or weakness. If any of these symptoms are noted after a pet's exposure to cold weather, please seek veterinary care immediately. Frostbite can be harder to detect, and may not be fully recognized for a few days. By then, the damage has been done. Please seek veterinary care immediately if your pet displays any unusual or concerning symptoms. case you didn't know. And don't be all cocky and say, duh! You would be surprised how many otherwise responsible adults, leave their pets outside! 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Rules and laws

Today in my home state, a new legislative session begins. This is a long session year because there's a budget to get done. Part of my job is to watch the progress of the new bills that my agency is interested in. So, the first thing I did this morning was pull up the list of all the bills that their authors are hoping will be heard by legislators. Let the fun begin!

Anyway, you do that in your home state, look at your bills. You would be amazed at all the crap that your tax dollars are wasted on. 

For instance ( I knew you wanted examples) in the senate, there are these bills...

* Coroner and conflict of interest.
I can't imagine what a conflict of interest for a coroner could be - life?

* Alcoholic Beverages
Again this year, we are going to argue about selling alcohol on Sundays. Currently, we don't. We are the only state in the nation that doesn't sell liquor on Sunday. Oh, we also don't sell cars on Sunday.

* State Fossil
That's right, we want to vote to have a "state fossil". The sea lily to be exact. Because every state should have it's own special fossil?? What?

* Diabetes Assessment Report
Let's form a committee of people to tell us what we need to do to lower the rate of diabetes in Indiana.

Then there are a couple dozen new vehicle laws/rules being introduced. Half of those are about the use of scooters. And then there's another one making it legal for grandparents to seek visitation rights. I guess that one is okay but really? There has to be a law for that? 

People are so messed up.

Friday, January 2, 2015

say what?!

Back to the Future II is 25 years old. Yep. It came out in 1989. Whoa. But that's not really the crazy part! I just read an article in MSN that said, Back to the Future II took place in 2015!!! 
See...just like I said the other day, where's my jetpack?!?! I'm not the only one that felt confident we would indeed have flying cars by 2015. 

Oh yeah,