Monday, October 26, 2015

I think this is BS

First of all, it says, "processed meat eaten daily". DAILY! OK, who really eats hot dogs everyday??? Or bacon, everyday???? Come on now.

Second, what a great way to get people to cut back on pork, huh?! Sometimes I wonder if this kind of stuff is true. It's a great way to control the public's intake of certain things, isn't it?? Hmmmmm. Just sayin'.

Don't eat eggs - oh wait, it's OK to eat eggs. Don't eat butter - oh wait, margarine is synthetic, eat butter. Don't eat beef - oh wait, you need red meat in your diet. Don't eat carbs - oh wait, you have to have carbs and sugar for your body to function properly. 


Monday, October 19, 2015

Oh please make my dreams come true!!

Will Hugh Jackman be the next James Bond????

Oh please! yesss, yessss, yesssss!!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

high falootin'!!

Where I live, use to be a small town. I haven't lived here my whole life - only for about the last 10 years or so. When I was in high school, this town was known for being stuck up and snobby, filled with bitchy residents. Upper class and way upper class. It's a bona fide city now. Not a BIG city, but a city none the less. Anyway, sometimes it cracks me up that I actually live here now. But even after decades and decades, my small city still has a reputation for being snobby and stuck up. I don't know...I just don't see it. I mean, it's not worse than anywhere else? I don't run into a lot of people that think they're better than everybody else just because they live here. Funny. 

OK, now that I've set that up...
We only have a couple grocery stores. Marsh and Kroger. Marsh is pretty new. Kroger has been around a looooong time. Our Kroger has been around since we were still a small town. It showed. So, they closed for almost 3 months while they remodeled.  I don't like Marsh so I was soooo anxious for Kroger to re-open. Finally, the big day came. It's awesome! It's bigger and newer and has a cafe and valet parking! The deli is better and the produce department rocks! I'm so happy!!

But...I see why we have a reputation. (the valet parking was the first sign) First, you can pick your own mushrooms now;

I know, right!?! And sometimes when I go in, they have lettuce growing too!

We also have a newly expanded craft beer and wine section;
Do you really suppose someone is going to buy a $250 bottle of wine, at a grocery store??? Hmmmm.

And then one evening when I was shopping, I could hear music - not elevator music either. Like real music! Then, I looked up, at the cafe above the deli. This is a horrible picture but you can still sorta see it - a guy. A guy sitting and playing guitar...and singing. Live music at the grocery store. 

yep, I see where the reputation comes from now :-)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


You know I want to embrace technology! I think it's AWESOME! But it still seems so invasive and creepy. I always feel so conflicted! For instance, I was looking at some of the DC pictures I took on my phone. I noticed up at the top of my screen, it says where that picture was taken! Whoa. On one hand, I think that's SO COOL. And then I turn right around and think, ewwww. I don't want my phone to know where I am all the time!! Yes, I just figured out I can change that in my settings, and I did. But still...


That's some serious GPS!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Love your boobies!

October is breast cancer awareness month!

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide and the second

most common cancer overall. It is a leading cause of cancer death in less developed 

countries and the second leading cause of cancer death in American women, 

exceeded only by lung cancer.

Around the World:

  • Nearly 1.7 million new breast cancer cases were diagnosed in 2012.
  • Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women and men worldwide. In 2012, it represented about 12 percent of all new cancer cases and 25 percent of all cancers in women.
  • Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among women in 140 of 184 countries worldwide.
  • Globally, breast cancer now represents one in four of all cancers in women. 
  • Since 2008, worldwide breast cancer incidence has increased by more than 20 percent. Mortality has increased by 14 percent.
    According to the World Cancer Research Fund International
In the United States:
  • Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women after skin cancer.
  • 231,840 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women in 2015. 
  • 62,570 new cases of breast carcinoma in situ (non-invasive, has not invaded nearby tissue), including ductal carcinoma in situ and lobular carcinoma in situ.
  • 40,290 women will die from breast cancer.
  • 2,350 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in men. 
  • 440 men will die from breast cancer. 
  • The five-year relative survival rate for female invasive breast cancer patients has improved from 75 percent in the mid-1970s to 90 percent today. 
  • The five-year relative survival rate for women diagnosed with localized breast cancer (cancer that hasn’t spread to lymph nodes or outside the breast) is 98.5 percent. In cancer that has spread to nearby lymph nodes (regional stage) or to distant lymph nodes or organs (distant stage), the survival rate falls to 84 percent or 24 percent, respectively.
  • There are more than 2.8 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S., including women still being treated and those who have completed treatment. 
    According to the American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts & Figures 2015