Tuesday, November 29, 2022


I just want to complain today. Right after that lovely thankful/grateful post too. Sorry. 

First, are you sick of the term, gaslighting? It's this year's word of the year. Do you know what gaslighting is? According to the Newport Institute, gaslighting is a form of manipulation where the manipulator attempts make their victim believe what's happing to them isn't actually happening and their reality is untrue. These are some examples:
*Telling you that you're overreacting when you call them out.
*Changing the subject or refusing to listen when confronted about a lie or other gaslighting behavior.
*Lying about or denying something and refusing to admit the lie even when you show them proof. 
I don't why this is new. People have been manipulating other people for hundreds of years.

Next up, why are designers and ad executives trying to convince women it's ok to be sexy after 50. We know that already. Honestly, why do you still want to be all sexed up after 50? Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with looking good when you're old, but sexy? Sexy looks a helluva lot different on a 70 year old than a 20 year old. Stop it. Just wear what you want to! Geez. I mean really. Is a sixty year old man the same horn dog he was at 20? No. Should a 55 year old woman be trying to look sexy for 25 year old man? No. I just want to be comfortable. 
Also, on a side note, young women should stop saying they're dressing to look sexy for themselves. What a bunch of bs that is. ALSO...designers need to stop trying to sell booty shorts and crop tops to 10 year olds. Seriously. Why isn't the "me too" movement pissed off about sexualizing children?! Hmmmm. Ugh.

Lastly, a recent Gallup poll says U.S. Adults Estimate That 25% of Americans Are Gay or Lesbian. I was a little taken aback by that. It seems like a lot, doesn't it? Then I read the article. It's actually all about perceptions. Americans perceive that there are a lot more gay people then there really are. It's estimated that it's probably closer to 6 to 8%.The US Census says that only 13.6% of the population is black. So, Americans think there are more gay people than black people? Perception. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving 2022

Greetings all!

Here we are again, at that holiday that gets lost in the shuffle between Halloween and Christmas, Thanksgiving. That holiday to celebrate all the things you’ve been blessed with, and/or are thankful for. While the Thanksgiving meal was originally a get together to celebrate a good harvest, it wasn’t just about the food. It was about sharing. About being together and getting along, despite our differences. About having enough of what they needed. Thanksgiving has changed a lot since 1621. George Washington proclaimed it a “Day of Public Thanksgiving,” in 1789, but it wasn’t until 1863, that Thanksgiving became a national holiday. To celebrate their grand opening in 1924, Macy’s held its first parade. The first Butterball turkeys were sold in 1954. Campbell’s green bean casserole first hit our dinner tables in 1955. Shopping on Black Friday started in 1966. Stovetop stuffing made its debut in 1972. There has always been an NFL game played on Thanksgiving day, since the NFL was started in 1920. I’d like to think that we can still just be thankful though. For over 20 years I’ve been reminding folks to take a moment and be grateful for the little things. Those things that you might take for granted. Things that makes you smile or feel good. It’s important to stop every now and then and think about how much you have.

What have you got people?! 

I’ll start! 

I’m thankful for;

Paper – solid colored, with designs, doesn’t matter. I love it all!

Good walking shoes

Live entertainment, in person, without masks! Woohoo!


Fat Dan’s Dirty Tots – potatoes, gooey cheese, bbq pork. What more is there?!

Safe travels

Choices – what to wear, what to listen to, what to believe

ALL the colored gel pens, all the time – sparkly, metallic, neon…just give them all to me

Paved streets

Streaming everything

Videos of panda bears, behaving like little kids with extra padding


Albanese gummy bears

SiriusXM (Christmas music!)

Turkey sausage


Nice neighbors

Old photo albums

A neighbors little kitty that comes by our house almost every day for head scratches

Hobby Lobby – on the list every year

Flavored moonshine

A good parking spot at the grocery store when it’s raining


ALL the seasons, each one a reminder of things to come 

Every single day I’m thankful for; my job, which allows me to work from home 2 days a week. A really great vehicle to get me where I want to go. A roof over my head, complete with heat and air-conditioning. Good health. Great people to hang out with occasionally. Enough of what I need, and everything I want. The BEST mom! My husband, 24/7, who always tries his best. I’ve felt loved my whole life. I’m a lucky woman. 

Bee happy 😊

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone!