Monday, November 30, 2009

Bye bye turkey

How was your holiday weekend? I'm pretty much turkeyed out now. We finished the last of the leftovers yesterday and I froze the rest of the turkey. It will make delicious soup in a couple weeks.

I spent the rest of the weekend cleaning, putting regular things away and replacing them with Christmas things. Both trees are up now and decorated. I decided to go with a theme for the tree in the sun room. Motorcycles :-) Believe it or not, there are lots of motorcycle Santa ornaments out there. There are a lot of plain old motorcycle ornaments period. It's kind of cool! In a couple years I bet I'll have plenty. For now though, I filled in the blank spots with silver balls. It's nice to have a sun room to decorate. I put all the winter/Christmas stuffed animals out there too. I know if I put them inside, that rascally Pepper will claim them for her toys.

And in case you need MORE to celebrate, here is the list of National 'days' for December;

December 1 National Pie Day
December 2 National Fritters Day
December 4 National Cookie Day
December 5 National Sacher Torte Day
December 6 National Gazpacho Day
December 7 National Cotton Candy Day
December 8 National Brownie Day
December 9 National Pastry Day
December 11 National Noodle-Ring Day
December 12 National Ambrosia Day
December 13 National Cocoa Day
December 14 National Bouillabaisse Day
December 15 National Lemon Cupcake Day
December 16 National Chocolate Covered Anything Day (go ahead, I dare ya)
December 18 National Roast Suckling Pig Day
December 21 National French Fried Shrimp Day
December 23 National Pfeffernuesse Day (yeah, I had to look it up. It's a cookie)
December 24 National Egg Nog Day
December 25 National Pumpkin Pie Day
December 26 National Candy Cane Day
December 27 National Fruitcake Day
December 30 National Bicarbonate of Soda Day (not a great way to end December)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


This is SO fun! I don't know what I would actually do with a spy pen and I would hate it if someone used it on ME but it's so James Bond that I want one!!! Geez, I wish I had somebody to spy on, dangit!

(3hr later...Bill said I could go to ACORN and spy on them! I love it when he plays along!!)


Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Welcome once again to my annual “I’m thankful for” list. Can you believe this is the 11th year I’ve done this? I’m happy to say that my distribution list grows longer every year.

There are so many things to be thankful for every day, that sometimes it’s hard to just pick out some of them. I’ve done my best though.

How about you? Do you have a list? If you don’t, this year I want you to think of 11 things that you’re thankful for. Imagine, if everyone did that, the world would be a much happier place, don’t you think? Remember, blessings and thank yous are free!

Here is my list of 11;

1. I’m super duper thankful that my Mom celebrated her 1 year anniversary being cancer free!

2. I’m so thankful for all the family and friends who traveled to Las Vegas last January to help me celebrate turning 50! Now that was big fun!

3. I’m thankful to have celebrated 2 decades of wedded bliss last June. Even the not so blissful moments are okay.

4. I’m thankful for my new sister-in-law and that my baby brother finally found his own wedded bliss. Love rocks!

5. I’m thankful that I can find something to laugh at every single day.

6. In my corner of the world I’m thankful that we are content and that we have everything we need and lots of things we don’t. It’s a nice feeling.

7. I’m thankful for live entertainment. I love concerts and plays. I love them combined too! (that makes it a musical)

8. I’m also thankful that the whole family consists of a bunch of NON-smokers. It’s the greatest thing!

9. I’m thankful that I am loved, especially on my worst days when my head is full of snarky comments.

10. Everyone in our family did some traveling this year and everyone made it back home, so I’m thankful that God keeps us safe.

11. And last but not least, I’m thankful for Vanilla Coke Zero, chive fries w/ranch dressing, Autumn leaves, sunny days, fuzzy slippers on chilly mornings, my MP3 player, Jelly Belly’s, email jokes, Chef Boyardee Ravioli, our jobs, Costco, 2 silly dogs, Hershey’s candy cane kisses, books, 24/7 Christmas music on 107.9, and each of you, all of who contribute to the happiness to my life.

I hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving!

Bee thankful, life is full of joy


I love musicals

Oh I know, some of you probably feel like my husband and say, "musicals make me barf"
But I love musicals...all that singing and dancing. :-)

Yesterday, Chuck's daughter and I went to see Chicago. It was fantastic! We were in the FRONT row, smack in the middle!!! (The only other show I ever got to sit in the front row for was Liberace, and I was only 12/13 years old.) It was pretty cool. We liked the gal that played Roxie better than Rene Zellweger. What a delightful way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

Other than that, we did a lot house chores in preparation for Thanksgiving. Oh, and put up the Christmas lights. Woohoo! The weather has been awesome. I like it but in a couple more weeks I'm gonna want some snow.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Another head scratcher

Study to decide if caged chickens are happy
Associated Press
Posted: November 19, 2009

DES MOINES, Iowa -- Are cramped chickens crazy chickens?

"Researchers are trying to answer that question through several studies that intend to take emotions out of an angry debate between animal welfare groups and producers.

Peter Skewes, a Clemson University researcher, is leading one of the studies comparing how different housing affects egg-laying hens. Skewes will compare emotional and behavioral patterns of caged hens with non-caged counterparts. Part of that will including studying behaviors such as wing-stretching, perching and foraging.

"We're looking at what ... things they would still do if given the opportunity," Skewes said. "So you deprive them of that, and the welfare component is, so what? There are difficult questions.""

Seriously? Good grief.

Black Friday

Here is the Black Friday ad for Walmarts;

or for a complete listing so far, you can go here;


Don't smoke!!

Today is the great American smoke out and I don't have to participate because I don't smoke!
Hooray for me!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I love weather

I love all kinds of weather. I love it when it's snowing (from the comfort of my home), I love a really good thunder storm and I love big white fluffy clouds in a beautiful blue sky. But one of my favorite 'looking' weather things is when 1/2 of the world is sunny and the other 1/2 is dark and foreboding. You know, when a storm is coming in and you can see it? I think that's so cool. This morning, driving to work, in my rear view mirror I could see the sunrise, but straight ahead of solid dark gray. I can hear my husband saying, "honey, you need therapy"

Friday, November 13, 2009

Holiday Mail for Heroes

"Holiday Mail For Heroes is here again!

This year, we are teaming up with our friends at Pitney Bowes for the third time to send holiday cards to service members, veterans, and their families. This is a great way to give back this holiday season - by sharing your kind words and thanks with those who have given a great deal to their country.

We will begin accepting cards on November 2nd. Send in your cards to the address below, and please read the guidelines carefully! (click on the link)

Holiday Mail For Heroes
P.O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456

All cards must be postmarked no later than Monday, December 7th. Cards postmarked after this date will unfortunately be returned to the sender. This deadline ensures enough time to sort and distribute cards before the holidays.

After the mailbox closes, the cards we received will be screened for hazardous materials by Pitney Bowes and then reviewed by Red Cross volunteers working around the country. Then, the cards are sent out to recipients in time for the holidays."

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Oh brother...

Now I've seen everything...

And the thought for the day?

"Happy wife, happy life" Remember that fellas. Say it to yourself again, out loud, "happy wife, happy life"

Monday, November 9, 2009

Prime raking weather

Here it is November and it was 72 yesterday! It was a beautiful weekend. It was fun yesterday seeing the whole neighborhood out doing their last bit of yard work and raking up their leaves.
We even got a nice of our neighbors, who hires someone to do her leaves, had them do our side yard along with hers! That was super nice!!! So we finished up the season this year with 86 bags. We haven't done the backyard though. I'm okay with that for now.

Saturday night we went to the Indpls. Symphony Orchestra to hear Mozart's last symphony, Jupiter. Bill is on a classical music kick right now and I got tickets for $3!!! It was a delightful night out for 3 bucks. We even enjoyed walking around downtown afterwards. I love live entertainment.

And I sweet talked him into getting a 2nd Christmas tree! Woohoo! You can never overdecorate for Christmas :-) Menard's had a 6 ft, pre-lit tree for $30. I'm going to put it in the sun room where we can see it! I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but I'm ready to start putting up the Christmas decor. I can hardly stop myself!!!

Bring on the snow!!

Friday, November 6, 2009


Okay, I just had another one of those inappropriate at work fit of the giggles. Dangit!
That Cake Wrecks gal cracks me up!!!!! And right after that, there was The People of
WalMart. Man-o-man! What aren't they thinking when they leave their homes??? Whew. Now I have to go pee...

About your state

Do you know what your state motto is?

Indiana's state motto is, "the crossroads of America"

California's state motto is "Eureka! ...I have found it!"
I didn't know that. Really, I lived there for many years and never once thought to wonder what the state motto was. Now that I know, I don't care :-)

Arkansas' state motto is, "The People Rule". I like that one.

The state motto for Texas is, "Friendship".

The ACLU challenged, (and lost) Ohio because their state motto is, "With God, all things are possible"

Some states have very interesting motto's when you consider the "state" they are in...

New Hampshire "Live Free or Die"
Massachusetts "By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty"
New Jersey "Liberty and Prosperity"
Pennsylvania "Virtue, Liberty, and Independence"
Delaware "Liberty and Independence"

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Go ahead, laugh

You know you want to....

(It's my favorite Thanksgiving cartoon)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I bet you didn't know...

That November is;

National Fun with Fondue Month
National Georgia Pecan Month
National Peanut Butter Lover's Month
National Pepper Month
National Raisin Bread Month

And that the following days are each a celebration of something that must be for YOU?!

November 2 National Deviled Egg Day ~ darn, I missed this one.
November 4 National Candy Day ~ you know I'll celebrate this one!
November 5 National Doughnut Day ~ look! a day made for Bill!!
November 6 National Nachos Day ~ uh huh, I'll celebrate this one too.
November 7 National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day ~ I can pass on this one
November 8 National Split Pea Soup Week (November 8-13) ~ I don't really believe that split pea soup is yummy enough to devote a whole week to. icky
November 10 National Vanilla Cupcake Day ~ I can pass on this one too.
November 12 National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day ~ another day made just for Bill!
November 13 National Indian Pudding Day ~ I don't even know what Indian pudding is?
November 14 National Guacamole Day ~ since this is on a Saturday, I see a Mexican dinner in our future :-)
November 15 National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day ~ Like the Indian Pudding day...huh?
November 20 National Peanut Butter Fudge Day ~ Bill will want to celebrate this one as well.
November 23 National Cashew Day ~ mmmmm, yummy
November 25 National Parfait Day ~ nah, passing on this one too.
November 26 National Cake Day ~ chocolate cake? Oh yeah baby!
November 27 National Bavarian Cream Pie Day ~ I bet a lot people would celebrate this day if they knew about it. I'm just not one of them.
November 28 National French Toast Day ~ I don't get up early enough on work days to cook, but if I did...
November 29 National Chocolates Day ~ Wow, Bill is going to be a happy camper this month!
November 30 National Mousse Day ~ Hmmm, I wonder where I could go to get some of this?

Really, I swear I didn't make any of this up! There is a whole entire web site, (several in fact) devoted to "national days". Isn't that the craziest thing?

Monday, November 2, 2009

It's November?

Did you remember to change your clocks? We didn't. Us Hoosiers are still trying to get used to doing that. I was more than a little ticked off Sunday morning when I realized that the dogs woke me up at 6:30...AM. I thought they were doing really well, waiting until 7:30 to tell me they had to pee. Yeah, I know...but it was the principle of the thing.

Halloween was a bust for us again this year. We had 1 group of 4 and 1 pack of 3. Whoopee. It bums me out a little. I really look forward to all those little cuties every year. (Hey Jen, talk about cuties. Way to go on the costumes!)

I didn't get one single thing accomplished over the weekend. Well, not really. I did a little shopping and raked up some leaves. That was pretty much it. Saturday was weird all day for me. For starters, Friday night we went to our favorite little Chinese Buffet and I had TWO soda's with dinner. I didn't go to bed until 4:00am. For the rest of the day, I napped off and on. Good grief. I knew better (smacking my forehead). I guess it's the rebel in me? Maybe it's just another one of those things that happens as you get older, that you would rather forget? I'll remember next time for sure! Then, Bill had to work all day. Yep, my Saturday was just a little off kilter. Oh! And I had the weirdest dream about wild animals in our backyard and some freaky alien mold stuff that could morph into the most bizarre looking creatures. Sometimes I'm a lot more creative than I think I am! I mean, the first thing it morphed into was this sheep shaped slug with eyes all over it! Ewwwww.

Before you know it, Thanksgiving will be here. Mmmmmmm. 4 days of over eating!