Thursday, December 19, 2019


Chuck's daughter and I have seen all the best plays!
Menopause the Musical
Rock of Ages
Lion King
Jersey Boys (she missed that one)
Plus, a couple stinkers...We Will Rock You for sure.

Rock of Ages was the most fun! Trust me when I say, the movie stunk!!
Also, Menopause the Musical was hilarious.
Lion King was the best by far.
Chicago was fun too.

As for's like a civics lesson done in rap and hip hop. I don't like rap. Or hip hop. But it was ok for the story telling part. It's a great story too. I wouldn't see it again but it didn't suck. It was so exhausting though! 

I try to be open minded about new things. You know, every generation has it's 'thing'. I don't have to like it, but I get it. I appreciate that every generation needs to be different and take ownership of their own style.

Maybe someone would like to see Book of Mormon with me?